make custom enchants

make custom enchants

#11059 - Status: open

16 hours ago by raakin2011 for Global


Make Chunkrippers more affordable

I know that Chunkrippers are easily to get. After 1-2 month of faction season start but in the very beginning of season it's so hard to get money and even we have to spend 300k only on 1 chunk ripper my suggestion is that we should make Chunkrippers more comman in vote crates

#11058 - Status: open

1 day ago by Senpaispider_1 for Factions


F4 Hoe In Vote Crates

Please Vote For Me To Get F4 Hoe In Vote Crates! :D
Thanks For The Votes... I Appreciate It!

#11057 - Status: open

1 day ago by Nxmpi_ for Skyblock


Multiple owners per claim

It would be a nice feature for people partnering up to have the same permissions that the official owners have. Their name could also be displayed in the claim owner section so that people could easily see the owner(s) of the plot of land that they are on. (The square of information on the right of the screen). Possible command for this could be: /ownertrust(player) /coop(player)

#11056 - Status: open

2 days ago by OhCrackers for Survival


Bring back sur+ ?

i love how surplus works and i miss it

#11054 - Status: open

2 days ago by Drake for Global


New Skyblock season

This season... went really wrong with a lot of stuff getting removed/points changes and even a lot of lag. For example Blast furnaces glowberries/normal berries. nerfing the amount of mobs/minecart limits... Let's forget about this. and be focused on the next season. new economy incoming and more!

I hope this season can be something new and stable, because I think everyone is already don.. See more

#11053 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 days ago by Mitsuha05 for Global


Bring back pvp server

bro shut up you pojav player tfym joined for pvp only

#11052 - Status: closed - See reply

3 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global



I Joined This Server For PVP Only.

#11051 - Status: closed - See reply

3 days ago by DeadShot146 for Global


Adding Roleplays

Sometimes people want to play rock paper scissors and i thought it would be a good idea to add a roleplay that makes it possible without any way to have it rigged.

#11047 - Status: open

4 days ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Global



Bring back skywars wane maps please

#11046 - Status: open

4 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global



i would like to see the feature /marry be enabled in the server

#11045 - Status: open

4 days ago by Mezo_OG for Global



Hello guys I wanted to celebrate with yall since its my sixth year on that server 🥳🥰

#11044 - Status: closed - See reply

5 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global


Bring back old map for a limited time.

After discussing with numerous veteran players on the server, it became clear that many of them hold the Qartz survival PvP map in high regard, considering it one of the best maps ever created. Given this strong sentiment, I believe it would be a fantastic idea to reintroduce the old PvP map as a limited-time event. A one-week duration could provide both older players a chance to revisit their f.. See more

#11043 - Status: open

5 days ago by X5Z8 for Survival



i would really appreciate if you could add a craft thing in multitool
for example we can set a specific /craft command on multitool
one crafting command at a time
since auto crafter will be coming in 1.21 and players might make large scale crafting red-stone machines
adding this feature might help in controlling lag before hand
also so we can craft some stuff quickly
and (optional) since.. See more

#11041 - Status: open

6 days ago by Ha_Rsh for Global



If prison is gonna be a while before it's reset, or even if it's not gonna be a while, can we please add Plot-Mines in creative with some sort of mine reset command.

#11040 - Status: open

6 days ago by Mitsurii_ for Creative


Curse Of Vanishing

Hello, PvP is very dry right now because of Curse Of Vanishing it's not rewarding as it used to be. When you kill a player you don't even get their items anymore it's enough that i break their armor but now i don't even get their axes that's just boring when you kill a player you don't get items.
I suggest that we remove Curse Of Vanishing so PvP can be rewarding again b.. See more

#11037 - Status: open

1 week ago by MrHev for Global


bring back memes!!!

i was in the extremecraft's discord server like years ago and the community was so fun that time because there were memes channel where people used to upload their memes and it was so funny but i realized it has been removed now and the community has became toxic alot, honestly in each channel you go, you only see dramas that people are barking to each other, so im pretty sure if you g.. See more

#11036 - Status: open

1 week ago by NOT_MR for Discord


hello a suggestion for wings in trails

Before the recent update, the wings and other trails were only animated while moving. Now, the wings are always active, while the other trails only activate when in motion. Please revert this change so that both the wings and trails are only active while moving, as it looked much better that way.

Thank you!

#11035 - Status: open

1 week ago by Valhalaa for Global



the collector

#11034 - Status: open

1 week ago by iLosfer for Titles



ALLOW content creators to use an option named ''streamer mode'' or ''record mode'' where the players name gets changed JUST on EC so they players can't get recognized while recording a video,

now when you are online as content creator they spam you, say explicit things, try to scam, break rules, but also just tag and spam non stop, also this would give a c.. See more

#11032 - Status: open

1 week ago by stealself for Global


New rule about tp-killing

Alright so yeah it's good that the tp-killer gets punished for tp-killing, but I'm a little confused that the first time they do it... they get.... jailed? That's too low, make it like a temp ban for 3 days, and also, if the victim had a vid of their inv and what they had and what enchants were on their stuff, I think they should returned or atleast get a refund of 10mil to 15mil. Al.. See more

#11022 - Status: closed - See reply

1 week ago by Emad89 for Survival


U mine

hello a lot were complaining about how u mine resetting and they get stuck so If they lagged while being stuck they might die and lose their items sadly I suggest to put free space do when it resets we hide at it avoiding the stuck glitch

#11021 - Status: open

1 week ago by _SevenPro_ for Prison


hello what is chunk buffer in map 3 ?

Base Claim Size: 8x8
Buffer Size: 15 Chunks
Base Claims: 1
ALL TYPES OF 45's (Regens/Walls) are not allowed
Wilderness defending / Block placing is completely prohibited. Any blocks/walls/defensives outside of your claims will result in a strike & value taken. You are not allowed to place or break blocks as a form of defensive OUTSIDE of your claims.

this my base rules if you agree .. See more

#11018 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by iLosfer for Factions


The new rules

Claim Limits: The previous claim limits have been removed.
Cannoning/Factions Updates: Adjustments have been made to the cannoning and factions systems to ensure rules are practical and enforceable. The changes aim to provide a more balanced and manageable environment. The rationale is that while old rules were well-intentioned, they were frequently violated without consequence due to enforceme.. See more

#11017 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by GEEERG for Factions


Please balance the prices....

D-dear staff members, please just .... balance the price of stuff in /shop.... I mean just look at it... why should a cobbled deepslate cost 8k???(I need it to build my base and it littery ruined my plan) it used to be cheaper!


#11016 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Emad89 for Survival