
Please add holograms of rules briefly so that new players would know about it
From what I have seen new players don't usually check the website
And up until now i have seen many new players getting banned for alting just because they didn't knew and I can guess some of them didn't rejoin again because that's was their first impression about the server
Along with holograms of.. See more

#10972 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Ha_Rsh for Lobby


Bring back Collectibles to the Lobby

To anyone who doesn't know/remember those, the old Lobby had 50 Heads across the entire map which could be collected.

So with that out of the way, if possible, could you guys please add those back? not only would it make the [LobbyExplorer] title obtainable again, but also make the Lobby more interesting

(I know the lobby is a lot smaller now but if that's a problem, then add less.. See more

#10639 - Status: shortlisted

4 months ago by KingNite for Lobby


Old lobby

Add the Cosmetics and gadgets back

#10590 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by _SevenPro_ for Lobby


Lobby Cosmetics

Lobby cosmetics doesn't get saved after leaving the lobby

#10008 - Status: rejected - See reply

11 months ago by _SevenPro_ for Lobby



I don't see doing event takes long time for like 3-4 days is good idea since there are some people can after getting 1st do alts or use their friends accounts to get other top then split the vouchers which means the top 1 gets all top 5 and the rest of players got no chance, back to the last event the top 1 was an alt and that is not cool, vouchers can't be given to alts, alts have to be.. See more

#9986 - Status: rejected - See reply

11 months ago by _SevenPro_ for Lobby



i suggest decreasing a little bit the amount of collectibles.

#9677 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Lxrkspur for Lobby


revive it

add new content, more stuff, revive the best gamemode

#9578 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by eatcrayonss for Lobby


Anarchy Reset

I know this has been requested many times, but it has been stale and no one's playing on it. Most regulars already have EVERYTHING so they lack motivation in playing and leave. Also, the entrance in the north spawn is full of crap that placing blocks at the very edge of the safe area is buggy af.

I'm asking at most, a full reset, which would wipe all the players' inventory and ge.. See more

#9456 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by SaintKronos for Lobby


New Command

sometimes people lose their passwords and i know there is a lost password thing on this site but u can add a command that resets ur password if u lost it like when u forget ur password type in chat /resetpassword and u can make a new password if u forgot ur old one,that would really help people that are forgetable like me :)

#9402 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Souvui for Lobby


update pls

update anarchy to 1.12.2 or higher, t's been a really long time since anarchy got an update, it would bring alot of players to anarchy again

#9381 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by batonchikas for Lobby


Update to 1.12.2

Can you please update the anarchy section to 1.12.2 or just make another server for anarchy(which allows hacks and doesn't have ranks).
Every anarchy server I have ever played on is either on 1.12.2 or higher.

#9141 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by PortMonster2891 for Lobby


isn't 400k so small for anarchy

i would like to say that is 400k is so small for anarchy Why?
Becuase people hunt down the bases and they drink swiftness they go to the border so fast
that the border tp is just 200k
like can u make it 800k or something bigger please
Because i have some problems my with my base getting hunted lol

#9023 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by HeyIamTrusted for Lobby



Reset anarchy it's already dead all the players that played anarchy agree it would bring back players.

#8843 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by har2s for Lobby


ok so u know how u place ur spawners and then u have mobs

well when u hit the mob with the axe or the sword it is good if u get axe or sword mcmmo xp for example
u hit iron golem 1 or 2 time with axe
then u get axe xp for mcmmo
for example
if u hit blaze 1 or 2 or 3 time with sword
then u get sword xp mcmmo
ok pls respond positively peace

#8630 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by LB_RAPHAEL for Lobby


You got it all wrong.

HCF stands for - HardCore Factions, HCF a competitive hardcore multiplayer game mode focused around player vs player interaction , In HCF there are different activities such : for more additional information check out this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqIwdmSaJhs&t=1671s
1. Base Raiding : Base raiding is when you you kill a player or their faction enough time that you will be able to b.. See more

#8629 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by DeTrue for Lobby


killing mobs gives mcmmo xp (/axes and /swords)

otherwise how do we grind mcmmo? didn't we say this wouldn't be pay2win? p

#8621 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by LB_RAPHAEL for Lobby


Murder Mystry

Make a game called
-Murder Mystry: if you don't understand this game this game must have 2-16 players to start so this game is having a 1 hero and 1 the murder and 1 the protector murder have iron sword and the protector have a bow infity with 1 arrow and the protector must kill the murder and save everyone and if he died his bow drops and only normal people who can win and the hero is who&.. See more

#8580 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by Abskhiron for Lobby



-TNT Tag: if you don't understand that game that theres 1-3 players have tnt and if they hit a player that doesn't have the tnt he will lose the tnt and the guy the got hit he will have tnt and the tnt will explode after 2 minutes after tnt explodes players next round the time be shoter from 2 min to 1 min and 30 secounds then 1 minute then 30 secounds then the final player wins and the.. See more

#8579 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by Abskhiron for Lobby


Game in Game

when you press right click it will show the Servers like Skyblock,skygrid,rpg
why don't you guys make like.. item that shows another menu and it calls games
and you can play some games in it like Flappy bird and google chrome dino thing and much more


#8577 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Abskhiron for Lobby



This command should be completely removed, its just a pay to win feature that makes the game unfair, Elite rank+ can use /near to find underground bases easier than hackers, this also makes invisible potions useless, if you wont remove the command, please, at least change it so they cant detect players with invisible potions.

#8570 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by J04C for Lobby


Add New Music ;)

Add Faded song on lobby's music list

#8534 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by YOYO96GAMER for Lobby


Vote Keys/Crates

The actual vote crates are a good source of materials for every single player, the possibility to get the items are good, but i think that changing some things would be better for the server
1st) The spawners/eggs as squid spawner/squid egg and wolf/spawner wolf/eggs are needed, I a think that if staff answers this saying that wolf eggs/spawners are useless just remember that there is ocelot sp.. See more

#8511 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by J04C for Lobby


Lack of eggs/spawners in crates

Add squid and wolf eggs, spawners to Vote crates.

#8510 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by har2s for Lobby



the curent worldborder is only 190k+ blocks it tooke me 1 hour o get to the worlborder, it would be good if u extendedit plase and thank you.

#8426 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by har2s for Lobby


Allow us to rename items with custom lore (Vote Crate/OP items)

Other gamemodes already allow you to rename OP items, and I think Anarchy should too.

There's only 5 OP items in Anarchy, and being able to personalize them would be a great feature.

#8179 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Laztec for Lobby