Suggestions Improve

So i've noticied recently that some people write a lot of uselss stuff on suggestions which is not needed please stop talking a lot and type the point of suggestions i suggest you to make punishments for those who make fun of suggestions

#11399 - Status: open

32 minutes ago by m7md3basm7mdm7md for Global


why you bully me.

So, today i wanted to make a race-track on stream going through our mall, but the problem with boats is? they can't go blocks up... but there are actually other ways to make them go up, this is for example with soulssand elevators. now apprantly EC does not like or enable that. everytime players go into water stream with a boat? they get kicked out.

we tested. and this is only a EC thing.. See more

#11398 - Status: open

20 hours ago by stealself for Global


reset prison

we want prison it's been 5 years sincelast reset

#11396 - Status: closed - See reply

1 day ago by m7md3basm7mdm7md for Global


perm mute

i don't understand how we going to chat if we're perm muted to see if we should be unmuted or no I think this suggestion below mine makes no sense

#11389 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 days ago by m7md3basm7mdm7md for Global


Enough Toxicity.

ExtremeCraft is supposed to be a child/family friendly server. and tries their best to keep this title on their name. eventho? there are some things
that should REALLY change...
Players (no names) stay toxic and name-call, inappropriate chats. ETC, even if they get on their offenses of 7 day mute. its looking like players don't care as its not really a punishment.

but.... does EC even g.. See more

#11388 - Status: open

3 days ago by stealself for Global


this not suggestion only its about all of us

Dieu where are you ?

Dieu when you fix all server ?

Dieu why your server had hard eco ?

2020 faction server on ec par 1 players have over 3 spawners this made pplz alive [ pplz getting raided and lose has spawners ] why you make ig spawners for 17m but if you afk you only get 30m for 1 day

Dieu why you dont answer for other players i feel you not active + your server had alot system .. See more

#11383 - Status: closed - See reply

6 days ago by Endqavourings for Global


this not suggestion only its about all of us

Dieu where are you ?

Dieu when you fix all server ?

Dieu why your server had hard eco ?

2020 faction server on ec par 1 players have over 3 spawners this made pplz alive [ pplz getting raided and lose has spawners ] why you make ig spawners for 17m but if you afk you only get 30m for 1 day

Dieu why you dont answer for other players i feel you not active + your server had alot syst.. See more

#11380 - Status: open

1 week ago by iLosfer for Global


/suicide command

this command shouldn't be behind a paywall
i want to kms so badly rn and i cant ;-;

#11377 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 week ago by light_pursuer for Global


Search for /shop

Adding search to the /shop command would make buying stuff you can't get (or are too lazy to get) easier. This suggestion is pretty straightforward.

#11368 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by zazarpro for Global


Adding Store vouchers to crates?

Adding store vouchers to crates on ExtremeCraft would make the server feel fairer and less "pay-to-win," giving everyone a chance at cool rewards. This would keep players logging in and attract new members, helping the server grow. Plus, players who win vouchers might spend more in the store, supporting the server’s future.

#11365 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by FlickstrX for Global


erm... What the sigma?

Ding dong eat it up eat it well and mix it up ding dong erm... what the sigma?

#11360 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 weeks ago by m7md3basm7mdm7md for Global


Player elevators.

Add us the ability when creating the [elevator] to be able to put the coordinates where the elevator leads.

#11356 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by AjMrs86 for Global


Summoned Bossfights

Show whoever summoned the bossfight.

#11350 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by Endqavourings for Global



Maybe add custom enchantment mechanics. You spend experience just to get level 1 enchantment for book. Next, you read those books with unique spell (like “Turtles lay lots of eggs”) and type text to the book. And you enchant this book (as example “Creepers are scared and cats are happy” give you Bane of Arthropods 2). “Creepers are happy” is useless. Enchantments are simple (mob, verb or mob, ad.. See more

#11349 - Status: open

1 month ago by GravelNoob for Global


Add Bottle o' Enchanting to the money shop

would be a great thing to repair armor durong bossfight and stuff

#11340 - Status: open

1 month ago by Dr_Cr4zy for Global


Revert Cactus Price sell back to normal

On everyone soul revert the sell price back to at least 3-4$. Don't close yet. Please reply if you staffs have a reason why you changed the cactus to $0.51. I need to know

#11339 - Status: open

1 month ago by MrBloxyKidoo for Global


Reduce Quests Timer from 3 hours to 1 hour

It gets significantly tough after reset to do quests because you have to afk or play for like 3 hours it should be made easier so newbies can grind too.Thats why I am saying to reduce the timer from 3 hours to 1 hour.

#11333 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by RONNTHEGOAT for Global


Remove quest timers

Why having quest timers (as when you first join after reset) especially when you already played in the same gamemode before it restarted. Useless feature imo and it requires you to afk for 3 hours straight (in game).

#11329 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endqavourings for Global


capture the arena

make it so the player capturing the arena wont get the key unless they're not in combat. even if the time is over.
so and if the player dies then the timer is reset for new player to capture. so if someone captured all 15 minutes but it stays at 00 until person gets out of combat, just like rocket league timer when the ball doesn't touch the ground.
also if you implement this suggestio.. See more

#11327 - Status: open

1 month ago by Ovianity for Global



Should bring back coustem enchanted gamemode like opfac,opsur,opsky there was alot of people likes it and playing

#11326 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by imKingReaperr for Global


Balancing the Server (Idea 1)

--(Incase: I'm not saying that i hate the server and everything sucks)--

(About getting claim blocks)
A lot of people ranted that getting claim blocks was hard because of shards. Considering the highest shard u can get per block is 5 (which is from obsidian) it takes a lot of time and we only get fewer claim blocks.

How to solve this problem:
Instead of making it shard required. Reve.. See more

#11325 - Status: open

1 month ago by MrBloxyKidoo for Global



remove the spawners from shop

that simply is just pay 2 win
grinders have no chance to win in that ...
with shop which other items sells for very less and
grinding spawner became a lot harder now
its crazy 26k-30k souls???
10k souls was perfect price for a spawner
now we cant even win coz we cant grind spawners to make soul farm good enough...

this is the worst update for grinders .. See more

#11321 - Status: open

1 month ago by Ha_Rsh for Global


Fix buying claimblocks!

Make claimblocks to buy with money again or make them cost less shards because now the system is super bad.

#11318 - Status: open

1 month ago by nepdaan for Global


Skyblock reset

Why would you guys reset sky when ppl will quit because of it?
If some players feel boring cuz they have been playing for so long then they can start over by themselves,/is reset and many commands are there for a reason!
At least skyblock resets should be yearly not 70 days.Thanks for spending the time to read.

#11313 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Tomek964 for Global


rework /shop

soooo... not sure who did the /shop layout? but its terrible. and the the one and only thing i seen everyone complain about XD
its dramatic to see how survival is right now. and already players thaking their leaves.

back to the point /shop is just ass. idk what went wrong with making this. it has wayyyyy too many items and wayyyy too less items to sell + 0 dynamic prices anymore. my biggest.. See more

#11311 - Status: open

1 month ago by stealself for Global