Make it so you can buy gunpowder in /shop


#10994 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by atuxd for Towny


Town Vault

Would nice if you could somehow incorporate a /t (/town) vault command that town members or higher ranks can use to store things in, this could be useful for people to store valuables that could be shared within the town. If not everyone in the town having the command maybe having somewhat of a "vault trust system"

#10953 - Status: open

1 month ago by iitsAlexii for Towny


Changing Values Last 5 Hours

Hello, I think it is unfair to change points 5 hours before HOF ends, to benefit the guy who literally suggested for his own profit, and let the others lose so he stays #1 and the rest lose for sure. Offering to lower Copper? Sure, he never mines and only /AFK his spawners that he got with P2W.
Buffing Gold? Sure he will suggest that, he has ZP spawners for passive gold. The rest are real grin.. See more

#10848 - Status: open

2 months ago by iH4x0rBunny for Towny


Souls from Vindicator

Make vindicator drop souls when killed

#10838 - Status: open

2 months ago by Skiuba_ for Towny


Co-Mayor Role

YES! Please add the co-mayor role, it is very hard to manage all the town settings solo. Please allow all permissions of the co-mayor role, including being able to withdraw from the town bank.

This is a very important town rank, and since HOF is no longer based on bank balance, there is less risk anyway.

#10811 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by NetheriteGolem for Towny


cactus price

make the cactus price fixed in towny <3

#10621 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Kennsaur for Towny


We need a co-mayor rank

There are many times I need some help with my town, but the town assistants do not have enough perms to help with everything I need. We need the Co-Mayor rank enabled in towny so that a couple close assistants can help me manage the town bank, funds, and some other town settings when needed. Thank you

#10618 - Status: open

5 months ago by NetheriteGolem for Towny


Add spawner extractor in battlepass crates in towny

Add spawner extractor in battlepass crates, same as survival and others gamemode

#10574 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Creeeper31200 for Towny


Town Rank permissions

The assistant rank has permission to override switch and item but does not build and destroy, is there a way around this or please have a look to allow it so that it can override build and destroy as well

#10560 - Status: shortlisted

6 months ago by iitsAlexii for Towny


Increase mcmmo xp gained from brewing

Currently brewing barely gives any XP and it's near impossible to even progress. I brewed almost 2 double chests full of potions and only received 9 levels (And that's from lvl 0-9)
With that being said, Increase the xp gain value per brew.

#10559 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 months ago by DefinedK for Towny


Nations Flying

Being a part of a nation should allow its members to fly in towns that are associated with said nation.

#10556 - Status: shortlisted

6 months ago by iitsAlexii for Towny


towny fly

I'd suggest making so trusted people [ /town trust ]
So they have fly as well

#10554 - Status: open

6 months ago by xStop_Scam for Towny


Archeology quests and achievements

With the new 1.20 archeology update, you should add archeology based achievements into /quests such as:
Brush x suspicious dirt
Brush x suspicious sand
and so on

#10546 - Status: open

6 months ago by DefinedK for Towny



There is not enough ways to make cash on that server since everything is either overpowered or really bad for money making .
I’d suggest making cactus fixed so we can actually make a decent farm to make some extra cash

#10530 - Status: open

6 months ago by xStop_Scam for Towny


add nation change name

right now we can't change the name of a nation would be nice if you somehow could change it.

#10529 - Status: open

6 months ago by TheDutchMan for Towny


Adding a parkour

Same as skyblock
a small and decent parkour w top players based on best timing :)

#10520 - Status: shortlisted

6 months ago by xStop_Scam for Towny


Add Spawner Extractor in vote crates

Add Spawner Extractor in vote crates just like survival and others gmode.

#10517 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 months ago by Creeeper31200 for Towny


Town Fly

The towny fly also should be enabled by default when you are inside ur town.

#10515 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 months ago by Creeeper31200 for Towny


event vote

should make it at least 5 people to /event vote
gamemode is kinda dead at the moment and we can not start events..
fair enough to make it at least 5

#10514 - Status: open

6 months ago by xStop_Scam for Towny


Leader Ship

To transfer leader of island we have to kick all the players on the team to transfer the leader so i would like to suggest to make transfering leadership work without we have to kick other player on the team

#5705 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Towny


condense BedRock into some other custom block

wish we could condense BR into some other custom block that is = to the condensed amount
something like this / / /

the main reason people quit is the time it takes to lay the BR down

can even make it where it cost to condense the blocks at an NPC or something

#5621 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by Meggey for Towny


Miner Key chances

So I really love to mine blocks and get the loot but I realized it is to hard to get one. From what I understood your program just generates 2 numbers every time a player breaks a block and if the numbers are the same, it will give the player a minerkey and if not it will do nothing. I suggest to make a program that every few blocks you mine the chances will be better. I made a program in C# (th.. See more

#5399 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by CyanStriker for Towny



Please remove end portal frames and dragon eggs from /bvalues

Thank you :D

#5373 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by LOLMa07770 for Towny


New command?

Make a command just for updating island levels (visible to everyone) and another where we can also peep our own island level without updating the island for everyone else's eyes.

-kind of stops people from fighting over updating island levels when they are told not to... .v.
-probably add it to acidisland, skyblock and opskyblock?

#5212 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by PRETTYSILLY for Towny


Removing Bedrock From /Shop (Too OP)

Hey There , I would like to request to Remove Bedrocks from /Shop , Because it's Pretty easy to Get Island Lvls then so , as it's been 3weeks since Reset and Islands have gone almost to 15Million Island level , So I would like to Request to Remove Bedrocks from /Shop and make the only way to get Bedrocks Mushroom as it is now. There might be a alot of DownVotes for this Suggestions but P.. See more

#5197 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by yohazz for Towny