
Please add holograms of rules briefly so that new players would know about it
From what I have seen new players don't usually check the website
And up until now i have seen many new players getting banned for alting just because they didn't knew and I can guess some of them didn't rejoin again because that's was their first impression about the server
Along with holograms of rules u may add holograms of ranks and their perks as well while keeping rules hologram in nearby close place to spawn of lobby which is easily visible
And rank perks and other stuff like /vote and their rewards at fairly away in open space
If it's possible add npc for gamemodes as well as holograms of the descriptions of respective gamemodes including the information weather the server is offline or online as well as their release date if possible

#10972 - Status: closed

3 months ago by Ha_Rsh for Improvements

Answer: Closed


Thank you for your feedback and suggestions.

We currently have chat notifications reminding players to review the rules. We believe these notifications are sufficient for informing new players about the rules. However, we understand the importance of making this information as accessible as possible.

We will monitor the situation and consider adding holograms for rules and other information if necessary to further improve the new player experience.

Thank you for your input.

3 months ago by _OnePro_