

I would like to have the following title:

- 'Alcoholic'

#10996 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 weeks ago by Ainoue for Titles



I would love to have this title added:

- 'Drunk'

#10995 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 weeks ago by Ainoue for Titles


Title "Nigeria"

Please add the title "Nigeria" since i want my country here.

#10975 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Niger"

Please add the title "Niger" since i want my country here.

#10974 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


/is addpoints

Converting balance to island points is the most painful thing in the universe. Please make a command like /is addpoints 100000 where it takes the respective balance (200000) and converts it to island points. Buying and selling glowberries just DOESN'T WORK for large amount of bals. Please consider asap as it is one of the most major problems of the servers imo.

#10966 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by StefXVI for Skyblock



a person who knows a lot about many different subjects
Links for meanings:

#10948 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by LuciferPolymath for Titles


Rate for staff ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I think this should be an option for every player to rate for staffs and also add a comment after rating and make it necassery (to avoid false ratings), if they were good boys the can promote and if they got average ratings they stay on same level and if it was negative rating then they should be demoted as fast as possible, and the ratings reset every 1 month.
btw I don't see a good idea t.. See more

#10935 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Oo_Scavenger_oO for Global


Making 1.8 servers

May I speak on behalf of everyone who has played 1.8 on this server? 1.20 pvp is garbage. 
Like many other suggestions, it has been proven that 1.20 pvp takes no skill; the person or party with the better gear or more players wins.
I'd suggest we combine Extremecraft back to an 1.20 and 1.8 server (like OPsurvival was a 1.20 in a 1.8 server). 
I'm sure this is possible and makes Extre.. See more

#10929 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by maarniks for Global



Think about it as,

1. early access; as you get early access to certain gamemodes.
2. early acesss; to the discord chat to coming gamemodes.
3. kits, get a kit every 2 weeks which has prot 5 armor.
4. removes cooldowns for every command applied.
5. price; 500 euros
6. name; Nexus+

i think it's a very great and elegant addition to the game and would make it REALLY fun.

#10917 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Global


give perms to users to be able to /ignore staff

I think users should be able to /ignore staff, i know they are staff but what if users don't like some of them and don't want to see their messages? i think everyone should be able to /ignore jrhelpers and helpers if they got necessary message to you they can just send it through mails

#10911 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by heartfemboies for Global


Fix all

Put /fix hand and /fix all in normal command cause
Its time consuming for low rank player to go shop and do fix hand one by one

#10902 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by _Ezy__ for Global


LiteE4 Title

Hi, I would love to see LiteE4 title added.
Title color code "&fL&eite&dE&c4"

#10895 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Litneyy for Titles



why are you writting your name under the suggestion bro


#10873 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by _SevenPro_ for Global


Gameover title

Hey could staff change basic GameOver title color that was added based on my suggestion to: &4Ga&cme&6Ov&ee&fr

#10866 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by Skiuba_ for Titles


Skyblock eco

Ore generator at Skyblock has no point right now as all ores are useless and at 0.1$/ price in /shop
What the point of the sky grid? if someone wants to play Sky grid he can go to Skygrid, idk why would you put that to Skyblock.
The current realm is the most afk skyblock realm i have ever seen, I told to you dieu 3 days ago and now I'm sure it is the most afk realm ever. Its basically 1$ c.. See more

#10865 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock



Builders are staff members and should be treated that way. Therefore they should be in /staff command in the dropdown list like the old days.


#10864 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by StefXVI for Titles


Kits in /store

Back in the day we used to buy the kits we wanted from /store (like spawneggskit) and we had them permanently with a 5-day cooldown or something. But now in /store you can only buy tokens and with tokens you can buy the kit ONCE and usually people use tokens for spawners of course instead of spawneggs or build kit etc. So I'm wondering if you could revert this change so we can buy ag.. See more

#10856 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by StefXVI for Global


Current and past versions

Im talking for a lot of people when i say 1.20 pvp is not good and its killing the server. So i would like to suggest to make ONLY Factions a 1.8 gamemode which will bring back again a lot of people as the opening of the gamemode already did. The new pvp is no good, and there is no point on this new pvp when you cant epearl in ct or use elytra while ct, also people is unhappy with the use of tri.. See more

#10827 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by OGD3lta for Factions


Removal of tpkilling

It has been noticed that Tp-killing has increased in the server and it has annoyed a lot of players making them quit the server. Can you fix this issue. Thanks!!

#10785 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by X89_ for Global


LiteE4 Title

Hello , We (LiteE4) would like this title to honour our faction and our bond between each member.

I guarantee this title will sell and maybe get a coffee for dear Dieu.


#10778 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by RPGMuffin for Titles


/is add levels

it would be nice to have the /is add levels command brought back from last reset

#10762 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by ZVines77 for Skyblock


Dubai Mall

In survival one of the most unique and most successful projects on EC, i would love to see a DubaiMall, Mall, MallOnTop title, ( i prefer DubaiMall )
i would buy it a lot, and honestly i think it deserves a little spot as title, as celebration it became a HUGE succes

#10757 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by stealself for Titles


Title Suggestion

[Pyxis] title, I want this to be added in regards to the few constellations that are very beautiful in the sky although it's just a straight line it still is a constellation born in the sky, This is very peculiar as this is not added in the title suggestion because it looks great as it is. I hope you'll accept this suggestion.

#10742 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by Pyxieo for Titles


the "Greatest" title

The "Greatest" title should be added (with the color codes &cGreatest). Members of the community, as well as future members should be able to purchase a title showing them as the greatest. it would fit in amongst the other titles similar, such as "amazing", "allstar", and "awesome" just to name a few. These are positive titles that could also promote positivity in this server.

#10741 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by greatestnoah for Titles


Player of the year

I suggest the admins to add future so when we report players our karma get increased and then reward the highest karma players

#10739 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by _SevenPro_ for Global