Bring back pvp server

bro shut up you pojav player tfym joined for pvp only

#11052 - Status: closed - See reply

3 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global



I Joined This Server For PVP Only.

#11051 - Status: closed - See reply

3 days ago by DeadShot146 for Global



Hello guys I wanted to celebrate with yall since its my sixth year on that server 🥳🥰

#11044 - Status: closed - See reply

5 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global


New rule about tp-killing

Alright so yeah it's good that the tp-killer gets punished for tp-killing, but I'm a little confused that the first time they do it... they get.... jailed? That's too low, make it like a temp ban for 3 days, and also, if the victim had a vid of their inv and what they had and what enchants were on their stuff, I think they should returned or atleast get a refund of 10mil to 15mil. Al.. See more

#11022 - Status: closed - See reply

1 week ago by Emad89 for Survival



Alright so back in the day, dropparty used to be WAY too op and actually worthed it, but now it is extremely nerfed, for example, it was kinda a common thing to get a CTA armor( it was one of the op armors for those who didn't know), but now I rarely saw some people only get some spanwers, so please if it is possible make dropparty op again we need op again so much so we don't waste lots.. See more

#11003 - Status: closed - See reply

3 weeks ago by Emad89 for Survival



Currently shards are useless in Gamemode "Survival". I'll like to see /shardshop in survival. Just like other gamemodes.

Just a small suggestion :)

#10983 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by FlickstrX for Survival



Please add holograms of rules briefly so that new players would know about it
From what I have seen new players don't usually check the website
And up until now i have seen many new players getting banned for alting just because they didn't knew and I can guess some of them didn't rejoin again because that's was their first impression about the server
Along with holograms of.. See more

#10972 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Ha_Rsh for Lobby


A title for the top skill players

Custom title for free to the top players in every skill mining woodcutting ex

Some ideas:
Miner: mole person
Swords: golden knight
Excavation: John Deere excavator
Agility: Simone biles
Woodcutting: wood pecker

#10962 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by fishing_scout for Titles


Fix discord link

Y'all's discord link is broken plz fix lmao

#10954 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by TheObscureBread for Global


Disallowing tp trapping

People have been complaining about tp trapping since the reset, So in that case why not disallowing it?

I don't see how people could enjoy tp trapping in a server with 300 players because it's absolutely diabolical.

Mainly the people who tp trap just join for 2 days and then quit.

Why not enjoy factions,slimefun,survival,etc without tp trapping?

It's such a disgraceful ma.. See more

#10934 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Global


Punish /ah title scamming

In the last 24 hours there have been 19 fake chesthopper scams in skyblock. Start punishing this especially since it affects mostly new players (so EC won't be getting any new community as it seems). For the love of god, start caring about your server. (The suggestion isn't only about skyblock but to be applied in all servers)

#10931 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by StefXVI for Skyblock


More shards usage for co-owner / members

Let Co-owners/ members in a team to use their shards to /is upgrade the island.

Shards are very under rated currency in skyblock. Please, add decoration blocks or items in shards shop. like glowstone, sea lantern, item frames, leaves, glass etc

#10921 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by JazzyViper for Skyblock


Smelting touch

This is a enchant that auto smelts things when mining so like if you mine a iron ore it smelts it to iron if you have a fuel source in your inventory

#10916 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by fishing_scout for Global


/is settime

Please create a command that allows you to set the whole islands time. would be mighty convenient.

#10890 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by sebastianx57 for Skyblock


Auto points on chesthoppers

Can we get a automatic chesthopper points? or something like that because you cant really make a farm cause the hoppers will get full too fast even if you use minecarts hoppers they wont work.. tried to add more minecart hoppers but then it start to despawn because of the limit of minecarts

So please add something to fix this issue


#10884 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Mitsuha05 for Skyblock


well since bedwars is added i think eggwars should be too

yes bedwars is trash, eggwars still has potential to be good again, atleast if it's gonna be the same or even added

#10867 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by Endeavourings for Bedwars


Account limitation per IP

I think it would be a great improvement to limit each IP for 1 account to prevent alting, Furthermore it would be way easier for staff so they won't have to deal with alters every day, Thanks for reading.

#10861 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by _A for Global


/f spawnsupply and lootpool fixes

Hello, please add the command /f spawnenvoy back to the Nexus Rank with a 40% succes and 60% failure rate. Also the lootpool of the current Supplychest is very messed up and 95% of the items inside it are worthless to fight for. The same goes for the PvP Arena Event Envoy, the itempool is weird and nobody needs anything out of it besides the Event Key if there is any help needed to fix the itemp.. See more

#10852 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by EarlKaiden for Factions



Could you reintroduce OpFactions for version 1.8.9 like it used to be in the past, and keep factions for version 1.20? This would provide greater diversity. Most players are over 19 years old and are accustomed to the older version of the game; they no longer have the time or desire to learn the new one. I guarantee that OpFactions would be a success and many players would play.

#10842 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by BAronOfDeath_ for Global


Bring back Prison as it was.

We all know why. I don't care if it's the same as before it just needs to be brought back!
I know you plan on doing it in some form, but it should be done this year at the least.

#10830 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by FVerzide for Prison


Bring back /go pvp

Bring back pvp gamemode

#10812 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by yhRizzy for Global


Hide and seek

This was the best gamemode, add it back

#10800 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by Sixstringmiles for Global


for what was I banned for??

i never used cheats or unfair advantage and other illegal stuff only my highest offense can be my toxic behaviour and that time i only became toxic because someone was making fun out of my nation and they were supporting genocide experts aka israel, apart from all these i was peacefully playing the game and went afk for 30 minutes and when i went back it said i've been banned for (ban evadin.. See more

#10797 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by GreenDodge1 for Global


Improve/Remove the anti cheat from the server

From my experience and what I have seen this server has one of worst anticheats i've ever seen, I recommend you to improve it or simply just remove it. It is making the gameplay hell for laggy players who are far from host location and got high ping, constantly getting teleported to back and getting kicked because you got high ping.
The current anticheat in the server is also a supplement f.. See more

#10750 - Status: closed - See reply

3 months ago by Willebus09 for Global


Return of "PVP" Gamemode.

Here is he reason why, ExtremeCraft should add a "PVP" game mode to their server because it would make the game more exciting and competitive. Players enjoy battling each other and testing their skills in combat. Adding PVP would attract more players who like this kind of gameplay. It can create a lively community where players can form teams and compete against each other. Overall, PVP would a.. See more

#10746 - Status: closed - See reply

3 months ago by FlickstrX for Global