Factions Server Reset!

Posted by Dieu4 years ago
Factions reset! There were many changes which includes rules...

- Updated rules, be sure to check them out!
- Spawner drop rate is now 90% (before 60%)
- Spawners are no longer destroyed by lava
- Base power per player is now 30
- Overclaiming is disabled during grace period
- End world is now bigger, 4000x4000 blocks
- New PVP/KOTH arena
- New FTOP (timestamps removed, updated materials check out /f topinfo)
- Improved generators (vertical generators can now generate blocks upwards or downwards)
- You can't mine spawners if enemies are nearby
- You can't use WallGenerators if enemies are nearby
- Creepers can now blow up obsidian
- Updated ObsidianDestroyer, /od durabilities
- ChunkRippers were added to ingame shop
- Added CmdJump and CmdTop permission
- You can now place up to 240 spawners per chunk

BedWars Maps and Stuff

Posted by NxDs4 years ago
We're giving BedWars some more love this time around and we're listening to your feedback on maps.
We will be adding new maps every month to keep things fresh and interesting :thumbs_up:

This month we added 4 new maps, revamped/improved 4 maps and removed other 4 maps.

New Maps

  • Turtles by gablalon
  • Fantoriya by TheEvilRoliya_
  • Rainbowsheaven by gablalon and Voidhugz
  • Zepplins by BentBecker and gablalon



Improved Maps

We went over some of the old maps and made them more PvP friendly:
  • Sakura
  • Pot
  • Ancienttemple
  • Icecream

Removed Maps

And here are the removed maps:
  • Tusk
  • Farmland
  • Easterwar
  • Egghunt

New Feedback System

We value your feedback so we added a new system that will occasionally ask you to rate maps between 1 and 5 whenever you end a game, this will help us tweak our buildings and figure out what you like and what you don't.


Minor Changes

  • Using the snowbuilder will not get you stuck in glass and get you kicked for phase hacks
  • New or updated maps will be prioritized over older maps and they'll be more common for the first week after release
  • Auto start on match end, when a game starts a new one will automatically start after 5 seconds (this can be toggle off)


This is a bit offtopic but we will soon start testing our new SurvivalGames that will not be pay-to-win and will share the core used in our BedWars
While we set it up if you have any suggestion for kits (not locked behind ranks) we should be adding or features in general feel free to post them here and we will provide to check them out as soon as possible before the actual release.

SurvivalPlus, Testing 1.16.1

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

Who would have thought we'd come this far, as far as trying our best to update everything and manage to get a 1.16.1 server up and running for you to test.
The server is SurvivalPlus and it will be the spiritual successor of our current Testing, which will be closed in the next few weeks to be used for other projects such as new minigames and gamemodes.

SurvivalPlus will then be our guinea pigs of servers, receiving the latest cutting edge updates and changes that we're too afraid to release on other servers, the first biggest update we'll be testing will be the new Minecraft 1.16.1

How to join?

Simply use /go survivalplus (or /go survivalp to save 3 whole letters) while being on a 1.16 or 1.16.1 or 1.16.2 client.
Attempting to join from an older client will NOT work and you will be redirected to the lobby.


We feel like it would be time to slowly transition to new versions and experiment with new features and content as we feel like 1.8 has been stagnating for way too long, this test is to see if the performances of the new version can keep up with our demands and gamemodes.

Bro, what about PvP?

We added a plugin that reverts PvP to 1.8 style (spam click = you're good), however the blocking mechanic is missing so you will get to try out the new shield mechanics.

Why is X command missing?

Updating plugins to versions past 1.12 is no joke, it requires time and effort and in the years we accumulated hundreds of thousands of lines of code that should be carefully checked and migrated.

For this reason we decided to simply migrate first the core plugins that are required for a good survival experience, if this test turns out to be positive we'll be definitely start migrating everything else.

Where is the shop?

As stated in the previous section updating some plugins requires more time than one might expect, our shop plugin is one of them and for this reason we'll run this test without a proper economy. On the bright side the vote crate looks like this Vote Crate

What about my kits?

For now there won't be any kit other than the starter kit, kit claim and kit basic. The true [Member] way.

Why is X not working?

If you find bugs please report them here and we'll fix them as soon as possible: https://www.extremecraft.net/tickets/new/5/

Build Battle (August 2020)

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

1st place - JTchai (/p v 890;861)


2nd place - Emili_a (/p v -195;-10)


3rd place - zi_u (/p v 199;100)


4th place - dreamier (/p v -199;71)


5th place - MysteriaHD (/p v 113;-201)


Prison Reset

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

And we're back.

For the fourth time we rework and reset prison, this time our main focus was to add enough features to keep things interesting but at the same time to not change too much the good old prison everyone likes.


We added bombs to ease your mining sessions, also they just look cool. There are several types of bomb and you can unlock them through crates or Lucky Blocks

Lucky Blocks

Introducing: LuckyBlocks. They randomly spawn in mines, hit them and they'll reward you with cool stuff.

Enhanced Pickaxes

Forget those boring pickaxes you're used to, the new ones have XP and can be leveled up to unlock cool upgrades. It works with shears too.

Other changes

Here's a comprehensive list of the other changes and features:

  • Easily achievable prestige
  • Removed free in favor of prestiging
  • You can now set up ChestShops in your cell (/ps)
  • Everyone gets a large cell at /cell
  • Lot of cell management commands (/cell help): trust, deny, kick, set visitor warp, etc
  • Same mines but bigger. (between 80k and 400k blocks)
  • New /pvp arena
  • Added quests
  • Improved crate rewards (community feedback)
  • Revamped /prestige menu with new prestige perks
  • Top miners leaderboard behind you at /spawn
  • Added /mine top and improved /mine stats
  • Improved Dig The Pit event that now starts every 2 hours, automatically
  • Added /rewards menu where you can find rewards from lucky blocks, etc
  • Added boss fights
  • Improved shears, they have the same durability as diamond picks
  • Added support for HallOfFame (however top players will not be rewarded)

For more info please check /warp info and check out our reset showcase video: Prison reset

We have a load of planned updates in general for the near future that you'll like.

YouTube Managers

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

I am once again asking for your support.

We're currently looking for capable people willing to manage our official YouTube channel in order to bring it back to life and actually start providing content for the community.

What is this role for?

As YouTube manager you'll have some simple but important tasks:
  • Plan the kind of videos/series of videos
  • Plan when they should be published
  • Instruct our content creators on what to do
  • Review the videos
  • Upload the videos (optional if your connection is too slow)

You basically come up with ideas, instruct people to do them and then review the result.


There's no requirement other than having good ideas and a somewhat good eye to figure out if a video looks good or not.

You're not required to know how to edit, to have a good PC, to be able to record or anything like that, as long as you can plan and watch videos you're good to go.
Although all of this is not required you're clearly allowed to edit/record if you have the chance and feel like it.

How to apply?

The submissions are closed! Thanks to everyone who showed interest, we'll make sure to pick a good candidate in short times.
If you're interested then feel free to submit an application in which you "showcase" some ideas for videos and/or series of videos that you'd like to push.

If the sense of pride and accomplishment wouldn't suffice to convince you to apply we're handing out coupons for each video that gets published, you can then use them yourself, give them to your friends or sell them for real money :shrug:
Or sell them to your friends that also works, nobody judges you.

BuildBattle (June 2020)

Posted by Dieu4 years ago

1st place - JTchai (/p v 173;190)


2nd place - Zziu (/p v 2;0)


3rd place - Emili_a (/p v -13;159)


4th place - Ruthirios (/p v -194;-27)


5th place - Snow3y (/p v 191;24)


Factions Server Reset!

Posted by Dieu4 years ago
There was a bit of a delay but we're happy to announce that Factions server was just reset. With all the recent updates and changes OpFactions server will also reset in 1 week from now.

- New improved Generators (added Special generators for cannons)
- Grace period (1 week)
- /f buypower now has cooldown
- Truce/Ally limits were removed
- Improved /f inspect, added /f inspectchunk (we've also added pages to those commands)
- Added /f fly (only within your claim, would activate cooldown if there are enemy players nearby)
- Added /f vault
- Added /f warp
- Custom Factions commands are now handled by /f perm
- Buffed MagicTNT and ExtremeCreepers
- Updated AntiPhase (fixed false positives)
- Improved TNT Cannon handling (will reduce lag)

There were also some additions to the rules so be sure to check those out too.

BuildBattle (April 2020)

Posted by Dieu4 years ago

1st place - k4ye (/p v -179;46)


2nd place - Emili_a (/p v 669;671)


3rd place - Hwxll (/p v -4;-183)


4th place - anya03 (/p v 176;-183)


5th place - Itzzacklocky (/p v 131;132)


Uncensored Minecraft Library

Posted by Dieu4 years ago

Reporters Without Borders’ Uncensored Minecraft Library is Going to Fundamentally Undermine Government Censorship of the Press.

Uncensored Minecraft Library

Minecraft - the best selling single video game of all time - may be at the forefront of a clever new method to deliver banned media to those behind oppressive government firewalls.

When Reporters Without Borders came up with the idea to build an uncensored Minecraft library, they opened up a new venue allowing citizens to see news which they otherwise would not have. On top of that, adding the ability for users to add to it themselves provides for a broad, open-sourced, uncensored news platform that foreign governments are going to find difficult to block.

It’s easy enough for regimes to block access to websites and apps, especially when those who administrate the aforementioned platforms are the ones pushing out the content which governments hostile to a free press may disapprove. It’s another story when it comes to blocking a platform like Minecraft, which already has 300 million accounts in China.

The Chinese government could theoretically ban Minecraft in the country, but the company itself, which is owned by Microsoft, isn’t creating or even promoting “The Unlicensed Library”. It is highly unlikely Microsoft would prevent a popular NGO, such as Reporters Without Borders, from developing and maintaining the downloadable world required to access the library.

Less populous countries with less pull in the business world have an even smaller chance of preventing their citizens access to the library. It doesn’t take much to download a map and servers can be run on personal PCs. The only way to truly prevent access to it is to limit access to the internet. We’ve seen internet shutoffs in the past, proving governments are willing to go to those extremes if they deem it necessary.

What remains to be seen though is how the library, and those who maintain it, respond to the misinformation which will likely arise within its pixelated halls. The library itself may end up being a window into a world iron-fisted governments don’t want you to see, but the content in it will need to be vetted. If contributors to The Unlicensed Library can do that, it’s going to become a powerful resource for those looking to maintain freedom of the press.

Social, Friends and Votes

Posted by NxDs4 years ago


That's right, we finally added the long awaited Friends feature that everyone wanted so much :ok_hand:
You can now add each other as friend with the command /friend (/f or /fr for short)

Friends menu

You can manage your friend list also through commands, you can see the list of available commands with /fr help


It's well known that our socials, except for Discord, were dead partially because of me.
Actually only because of me, that's why we now have a Socialmedia Manager to handle our Instagram and Facebook and a team of editors and content creators that will hopefully bring back to life our YouTube channel

We're also currently hosting a Giveaway on Instagram so be sure to not miss it: https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TvCsTqDZH/

Our website now also has social buttons on top so that they're more easily accessible but for the lazy ones:

Vote Parties

We're currently testing Vote Parties on /go testing

All you have to do is join the testing server, /vote (or click here) and your vote will contribute to the total votes for the server.
Once the server reaches a certain amount of votes (currently 50 on testing) the vote party will start and everyone who voted will be rewarded, you could even receive legendary or spawner keys.



We also added several minor updates such as:
  • Fixed sand mechanics and slab blasting on Factions
  • Added ender pearl support in creative mode on /creative
  • Monthly meme contests on our Discord with coupon rewards

But this is not all, there are plenty of other important announcements so I'll split this announcement in 2 and post the other part in the next few days :ok_hand:

BuildBattle Winners

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

After a slightly minor delay here's for you the list of winners of the past BuildBattle with screens of the plots:

1st place - Zziu (/p v -76;-53)


2nd place - UnsiW (/p v -420;-697)


3rd place - BlueberryTechLUL (/p v 108;-97)


Starting from April build battles will start automatically the 1st of the month every 2 months (1st April, 1st June, 1st August etc) and they will last 2 weeks, you will know the theme from regular broadcasts that you will see in game and on Discord.
Also rewards will be a little bit better with higher value coupons and stuff, you'll see :shrug:

Discord Nitro Boosting

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

We decided to make Nitro Boosting on our Discord server (Click here) a little bit more worth it.

If you don't know what Nitro Boosting is read here: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028038352-Server-Boosting-
If you don't want to read too much and want the super simplified version then here:

Nitro users can decide to "boost" discord servers, once a server reaches enough boosts it will unlock special perks for everyone (i.e. more emoji slots)

From now on you will receive daily and automatically 1 extra vote reward (vote keys + money, skulls on creative)
We might add more rewards in the future if people appreciate it


Not just that, you also get to unlock special commands and perks for our Discord bot:

  • /wordswith - Shows a list of words starting with something (to cheat in #wordsgame)
  • /namecheck - Check the status of a MC name (availability,premium, EC last login, etc)
  • /namehistory - Shows the name history of someone on EC (also /nh)
  • /registrationdate - Shows the registration date of someone (also /regdate)
  • /tocolor - Display a color based on name or hex code (i.e. /tocolor chartreuse)
  • /me - Just like the one in game display a colored text (use /Me with capital M if you're on desktop)
  • /afk - Set an AFK status
  • /yesorno - Display a yes or no gif (also /yon)
  • /russianroulette - Play the russian roulette without actually dying irl
  • /roll - Generate a random number
  • /mcskin - Show the MC skin of someone
  • /identitygenerator - Generate a new identity (also /disguise)
  • /give - Just like the command in game but without actual items
  • /factoftheday - Show the fact of the day (also /fotd)
  • /eightball - Ask something to the omniscient bot (also /8ball)
  • /avatar - Display the Discord avatar of someone
  • /acronym - Generate a possible meaning for an acronym (i.e. /acronym nxds)
  • Shorter cooldown for RP commands
  • Special mentions
    • [mention] is a...
    • [mention] likes...
    • [mention] likes to...

Build Battle - Winter 2020

Posted by NxDs4 years ago

There you have it a brand new build battle :ok_hand:


  1. Get a plot on Creative (important: you can't use merged plots)
  2. Build alone or with friends
  3. Once you're done do /bb participate while standing on the plot

You have 2 weeks starting from now to submit.


These are the prizes you will receive if you win:

1st - The last plot remaining next to the spawn, 1 pet of your choice, 2 titles
2nd - 1 pet of your choice, 1 title
3rd - 1 title

Yes, if you win you can gift your reward/rewards to someone else.
All the winners will be contacted and asked to join the builders team without application.


The theme this time will be: winter
You can build anything you like as long as it's winter themed, it's not a pixel art and it's not copied from somewhere/someone

Factions Reset and Changes

Posted by NxDs5 years ago

Alright it's been 6 months and it's time to reset again.

This time things will be a little bit different, we based new changes on the community feedback so let's see how it goes, here's what changed:

  • New F TOP and /f topinfoF TOP would only count blocks placed in your faction claims and the longer spawners are placed the higher the value
  • Added /f topinfo that would display the list above with block values OR it would display specific spawner points if player is looking at one
  • Remove permanent sponge (they'll be like vanilla now)
  • Chesthoppers can now be blown up 
  • Per chunk spawner limit is now 120 (40 before)
  • Weekly F TOP vouchers
  • Fixed spawner watering mechanics
  • Fixed ally/truce limits
  • Fixed wall generators
  • Removed Knockback from gear in crates

And that's about it, we'll monitor the new changes in the next few days and apply fixes or changes if needed, you can submit your feedback here

Season Winners

Here's the list for this season winners: 

  1. intermilan123 (Reality) - 100€
  2. ItsAllen (VigVan) - 90€
  3. AutoJan (Valhalla) - 80€
  4. NikoV (Guardians) - 70€
  5. Smidjuholl (Smidjuholl) - 60€

Website and Giveaways

Posted by NxDs5 years ago

This took a bit longer than anticipated but here it is.
New and fresh revamp of the new website with a proper dark mode and a proper light mode.

Here's a list of the main changes and improvements you'll see:

Dark Mode

The dark mode is now actually dark and not bluish/purple anymore. Several color correction changes have been applied as well only for you so that you won't be blinded anymore while surfing our website in the obscurity of your basements.

Better Rules

We are now offering 2 kinds of rules. 
The over-simplified ones for lazy people who don't want to read here.
And the over-detailed ones for those who like to read here.

Discord Tutorial

As it turns out verifying on our Discord server for some is not as easy as one might expect so we made a tutorial specifically to help those people: click here

You might want to verify on Discord because doing so will give you access to all our chats and to Giveaways as well as Events.
Also because it's not very smart being in a server where you can't see any chat but you do you.

Public Suggestions

That's right, suggestions are now public for everyone to see and judge. You can upvote and downvote them so you can show others how much you hate them.




The notifications will actually show you what is requiring your attention instead of just a number with no indication whatsoever of what you're supposed to answer to. You're welcome.

Notifications Screenshot

Fancy Staff Page

The staff page is not sad anymore, all the staff is organized in categories and there you can find all our Discord contacts if you want to add us to complain about something like everyone does.

Staff Screenshot

New Homepage

The homepage will now immediately show you the latest news and all the important links so you don't have to deep dive into several menus to find them.

Points for bug reports

You will now be rewarded with points (that you can see here) for all the bugs you report, any kind of bug.
Only the very first reporter will be rewarded.

This change is NOT retroactive. This means that if you reported a bug before this post it will not be rewarded.
Each bug report will make you earn a different amount of points depending on the severity of the bug.

Giveaway Announcement

That's right, it's that time of the year again. This Saturday at around 8.00 PM (GMT+1) we'll host a new giveaway on our Discord.
You can win ranks, keys, titles, pets, a cat, coupons, a life and much more but not really!

Prerequisites to participate: 

  1. You need to have a Discord account
  2. You need to be verified on our Discord server

New website

Posted by Dieu5 years ago

Yes it's finally here!

It's been awhile since we've last updated our website and as some of you already noticed issues started piling up (players were unable to login, etc).

Sadly forums have to go (for now) and we will use discord as our primary way to communicate with players. There were simply too many issues with them also less and less players kept using them.

We're thrilled to announce that with new website we will keep adding new features! That includes automated rewards for top players on leaderboards and staff members (including our secret AHT).

As always, if you find any bugs or errors please report them so that we can fix them :)

Another things to mention, and some of you already noticed that, we're in process of upgrading our servers to ensure best possible user experience after that we have planned massive ingame updates.

Oh... and if you missed it, we also have new logo ;)