Factions Server

  • SandBots Update: You can now toggle SandBots on and off. Additionally, each faction is limited to a maximum of 64 SandBots.
  • FactionShields: Shield duration has been reduced from 8 hours to 6 hours. We welcome suggestions, especially from new and smaller factions.
  • New Feature: FreeCam/Roam mode is now available and can be activated with the /freecam command.
  • Creeper Drops: Creepers now drop TNT, and there's a new recipe for Enchanted Golden Apples.
  • Claim Requirements: Chunks must be claimed for at least 48 hours to be included in the Hall of Fame score.
  • TNT Cannon Fixes: Issues with TNT cannons have been resolved (TNT will now load chunks)

Important Info on Faction Shields: While a faction's shield is active, explosions are disabled in its territory, preventing raids. To raid other factions during this time, you must unclaim your cannon.

Upcoming Feature: Due to players making spawners obstructed/unraidable, we are introducing the SpawnerDeobstructor item soon.

Towny Server

  • New Rank: A new CoMayor rank has been added, inheriting most permissions from the Mayor rank.
  • Economy Improvements: Enhancements have been made to the economy system.

Global Changes

  • CombatTag: Increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • EnderPearl Delay: Now set to 10 seconds, with improvements to reduce glitches.
  • Shop Improvements: Commands, GUIs, and currencies have been revamped, along with better shop categories.
  • Drop Calculations Fixed: This should resolve issues with SpawnerExtractors not collecting enough loot.
  • Spawner Upgrades: Spawners can now be upgraded using Souls.
  • New Soul Pouches: We're rolling out new Soul Pouches!
  • Riptide Disabled: Riptide is disabled for CombatTagged players.
  • Performance: Addressed many lag and performance-related issues.

We've made some adjustments to McMMO based on feedback! Unarmed is now disabled in PVP, but still active in PVE. Additionally, Axes have been tweaked, and the recipe for Enchanted Golden Apples has been added to all McMMO-enabled servers.

Towny Server

For our Towny server, we've implemented economy updates, including adjustments to mob drops and fixing the price of Cactus. We're also contemplating introducing a Co-Mayor rank and gathering suggestions for the permissions it should entail.

Factions Server

Exciting news for our Factions server: SandBots are now available! These bots automatically spawn sand while you're using your TNT cannon. You can purchase SandBotSpawners from the in-game shop and manage your SandBots with the /sandbot command.

On the Factions server, we've raised the limits for TNT, Sand, and Redstone to better align with TNT cannon compatibility.

Furthermore, we understand that players have real-life commitments, so we're introducing Faction Shields. Faction owners can control their Faction Shield using the /f shield command, while all players can check the current Shield status of any faction with /f shield <faction>.


And finally, introducing the Event Jump Starter!

The Towny server has just reset, accompanied by updates to its configuration aimed at fostering more enjoyable and engaging gameplay, including the introduction of both improved Town Wars and a new Hall of Fame system.

The new Hall of Fame now focuses on block values rather than Town money, providing a more balanced and fair recognition system. Additionally, new commands such as /t halloffame, /t value, and /t values have been added to facilitate interaction with these features.

Furthermore, a stunning new PVP arena designed by our builders has been introduced, adding to the immersive experience of the server.

Adjustments have been made to the McMMO configuration, and the Shard Shop and Soul Shop have been added to enhance the player experience.

Factions server updates

McMMO Steel Arm Style was nerfed in order to balance PVP.

We've deactivated TNT spread/velocity and prevented fluids from disrupting redstone mechanisms.

Concerns regarding sand and redstone have been addressed.

Exciting updates are on the horizon, including the introduction of Sand bots for Factions and the implementation of Upgradable spawners across all servers!

Factions Server updates

Posted by Dieu9 months ago

Factions server faced a challenging start, with unexpected bugs and delays ranging from DDoS attacks by fellow players to migration issues from 1.8 and the old Factions plugin. However, we're pleased to report that most of these issues have now been resolved.

Issues such as the Infinite Buckets and Wall Generators have been addressed, and there have been significant improvements to the economy. Additionally, we're excited to introduce SandBots and a new Soul/Dust currency to ExtremeCraft in the near future.

As the grace period comes to a close, we've updated the rules accordingly, including regulations on raiding and disallowed cannons. For those eager to start cannoning, we've implemented measures such as disabling TNT stacking against WorldBorder and World Height to prevent abuse. Furthermore, TNT radius is now consistent, and TNT will not cause lava to explode or flow when pushed by water. Parity is enabled, and concrete will solidify in water.

In recent days, we've also implemented numerous updates aimed at reducing lag and addressing performance issues that players have been experiencing.

As part of our ongoing appreciation for your active participation, we are thrilled to announce the top voters for the month of April 2024. Each month, we randomly select 10 players who have demonstrated unwavering commitment by accumulating a minimum of 200 votes. Without further ado, let's celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding contributors who have been rewarded with vouchers:

Let the votes keep rolling in! Happy voting!

As part of our ongoing appreciation for your active participation, we are thrilled to announce the top voters for the month of March 2024. Each month, we randomly select 10 players who have demonstrated unwavering commitment by accumulating a minimum of 200 votes. Without further ado, let's celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding contributors who have been rewarded with vouchers:

Let the votes keep rolling in! Happy voting!

TikTok Contest

We're thrilled to announce our TikTok Contest, which will run for the next 14 days.

How does it work?

Anyone with an ExtremeCraft account can participate. All types of entries are welcomed, whether you're showcasing your creative builds, explaining server features, demonstrating your battles, or simply playing with friends.

Your submissions must be identifiable to you (with a visible username either in the video or within its title/description) and must relate to ExtremeCraft (playing on other servers won't count, but content related to ExtremeCraft is acceptable, even if it's not gameplay).

Submit your entries here: https://www.extremecraft.net/tickets/new/12/

After 14 days we will pick 5 winners that will receive Vouchers.

Creative: Cannoning Additions

Our Creative server now features a new cannoning .jar.

Unfortunately, the previous cannoning .jar experienced some issues, which we believe have now been resolved.

Additionally, we've introduced PlotHider, allowing players to conceal their plots from others.

Towny: Battle Sessions

We've added Battle Sessions, designated time periods during which scoring and PvP kills contribute to the ongoing war.

For more details, consult the "/eventwar guide" book.

New Commands:
/eventwar battlesession - Displays information about the next battle session or the remaining time.
/eventwar battlesession bossbar - Toggles the battle session boss bar for a player.

Furthermore, non-peaceful towns now receive 2 War Tokens per Towny day.

Lobby: Gadgets

Cosmetics and Gadgets have made a comeback to the ExtremeCraft lobby!

This includes Hats, Animated Hats, Particles, Suits, Gadgets, Pets, Miniatures, Morphs, Banners, Emotes, Cloaks, and Mystery Boxes.

You can acquire cosmetic items by using Mystery Dust to purchase or open a Mystery Box.

As part of our ongoing appreciation for your active participation, we are thrilled to announce the top voters for the month of February 2024. Each month, we randomly select 10 players who have demonstrated unwavering commitment by accumulating a minimum of 200 votes. Without further ado, let's celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding contributors who have been rewarded with vouchers:

Let the votes keep rolling in! Happy voting!

We're thrilled to introduce new exciting features to enhance your gaming experience on ExtremeCraft:

Player Scores: Now, players' activity levels are quantified through a unique scoring system. The formula encompasses factors such as MinedBlocks, PlacedBlocks, MobKills, and PlayerKills, offering a comprehensive overview of engagement.

Player ELO Scores: Engage in PVP battles and watch your ELO rating evolve! This dynamic score is calculated based on the ELO ratings of both players involved in combat and is updated after every fight, providing an accurate representation of your combat prowess.

Enhanced Creative Experience: Schematics and More

In our latest update for the Creative server, we're excited to introduce:

Schematics Database

Create and download your own schematics directly in-game! Simply select your desired area, copy it to your WorldEdit clipboard with //copy, and save it using /schemdb save <name>. Access your saved schematics in the new "Schematics" section on our website, where you can download them for future use.

Easily load saved schematics using the /schemdb load <id> command, allowing for seamless pasting of saved creations.

Additionally, we're exploring the option for players to upload schematics, further expanding creative possibilities!

Towny Wars: Raid Banks and Seize Towns

Prepare for thrilling conquests with our Towny Wars update:

  • Bank Raiding: Capture bank plots during Towny Wars to steal 5% of the town's funds.
  • Town Takeovers: Victorious players now have the option to take control of towns, adding a new layer of strategy and competition to the battlefield.

SlimeFun: Performance Enhancements for Cargo Networks

We're addressing performance issues associated with large Cargo networks in SlimeFun. Our ongoing updates are aimed at optimizing performance and reducing lag, ensuring smoother gameplay for all players.

Server Performance and Connectivity

To prepare for the release of our Factions server and improve overall gameplay, we've implemented numerous performance enhancements across ExtremeCraft. From login system improvements to optimized profile lookups.

Notable Changes and Improvements

  • PVP Area Tweaks: Tipped arrows with invisibility effects are now disabled in PVP areas.
  • Villager Nerf: To address server lag issues caused by massive trading halls, villagers now have a 5% chance of losing their profession on Trade Replenish and a 2% chance of dying, discouraging excessive exploitation.

Apologies for the delays but here is the list of BuildBattle winners!

Creative is 1.20.4 and anyone is free to join! Congratulations to our winners!


1st Place - Priki (/p v 227,-78)


2nd place - Meowlody (/p v 205,222)

3rd place - Chxpped (/p v -22,229)


Towny: Introducing Wars

Posted by Dieu1 year ago

Introducing Wars

The latest Event War features a variety of war types to engage players in strategic conflicts:

  • Riot: Conflict within a single town where players choose sides between the city and rioters.
  • Town vs Town: Two towns battle against each other.
  • Civil War: Internal strife within a nation where towns align with either the capital or rebels.
  • Independence War: A town rebels against its own nation, with other towns choosing sides; rebel towns may secede upon victory.
  • Nation vs Nation: Two nations clash in all-out war.

Declarations of War are obtained using Tokens through the command /town redeem {wartype}. Tokens are earned by non-neutral towns each Towny newday, provided their nation is not neutral either. Towns actively engaged in war do not receive war tokens.

To understand server configuration, use the '/eventwar guide' command.

Declaration of War Books:

Players initiate wars using Declaration of War books, purchased with Tokens via the /town redeem command. Riot DoW books are the cheapest by default, with costs escalating for larger-scale wars. Therefore, riots and town wars occur more frequently than civil wars, nation wars, and global conflicts. Only towns within a nation can redeem tokens for civil, nation, and global war books.

To declare war, hold the book and use the /declare war [wartype] [arg] command, as specified in the books.


In wars permitting surrender, players can opt to concede defeat. For Riot, Civil War, Independence War, Alliance War, and World War types, surrender is executed via the /surrender command.

Riots allow universal surrender, while Civil War permits only mayors to surrender their towns. World War requires a king's surrender for the entire nation.

During Riots with conquering enabled, the surrendering Mayor cedes control to the highest-scoring Rebel. Similarly, in Civil War, the surrendering King results in the highest-scoring Rebel Town becoming the new Capital.

In Town and Nation Wars, surrendering entities must propose terms, including White Peace, monetary compensation, town exchange, or a combination thereof. The opposing side reviews and accepts offers, leading to the exchange of assets.

War Resolution:

Various conditions dictate the end of different war types, ensuring conflicts don't persist indefinitely. For instance, Riots conclude when all surviving rioters are jailed or when key figures surrender.

Similarly, Towns and Nations can be eliminated through loss of key assets, such as homeblocks, leaders running out of lives, or successful surrender negotiations.

Alliance Wars end when participating nations withdraw or lose all towns. Civil and Independence Wars cease when the capital or all towns on either side are incapacitated, or when surrender is accepted. World Wars conclude when a single nation remains or when all nations ally.


A variety of commands facilitate engagement and understanding of war mechanics, including /eventwar and /towny war for information and management purposes, /town redeem and /nation alliancewar request for resource management, /declare for initiating wars, and /surrender for conceding defeat with specified terms.

  • /eventwar
    • /eventwar guide: Opens a book for the player, explaining how EventWar works, based on your server's config settings.
    • /eventwar guide riot: Opens a book for the player, explaining riots.
    • /eventwar guide townwar: Opens a book for the player, explaining town vs town wars.
    • /eventwar guide civilwar: Opens a book for the player, explaining civil wars.
    • /eventwar guide independencewar: Opens a book for the player, explaining independence wars.
    • /eventwar guide nationwar: Opens a book for the player, explaining nation wars.
    • /eventwar guide alliancewar: Opens a book for the player, explaining alliance wars.
    • /eventwar guide worldwar: Opens a book for the player, explaining world wars.
    • /eventwar guide conquering: Opens a book for the player, explaining how conquering works.
    • /eventwar guide townblocks: Opens a book for the player, explaining how the TownBlock HP system works.
    • /eventwar guide money: Opens a book for the player, explaining how money affects wars.
    • /eventwar guide winning: Opens a book for the player, explaining how to win wars.
    • /eventwar guide points: Opens a book for the player, explaining how points are scored.
    • /eventwar guide jails: Opens a book for the player, explaining how jails and PoWs work.
  • /towny war
    • /towny war hud: Opens a scoreboard for the player, which details points and properties of the townblock they are standing in.
    • /towny war participants {page #}: A list of towns and their nation who are in each on-going war. The list highlights enemies, allies and capital towns. While war is in effect, each competing town has a health points property attached to it.
    • /towny war stats: Shows stats on the player's current war.
    • /towny war scores: Shows the scores of the player's current war.
    • /towny war types: Shows the settings of various war types (mainly for debugging now.)
  • /town
    • /town redeem {wartype}: Used to purchase a Declaration of War of the given war type.
  • /nation
    • /nation alliancewar request {allyname}: The primary nations battling in an Alliance War can use this command to request their allies join the war (when they are not already automatically added.)
  • /declare
    • /declare rebel: Used to side with the rioters/rebels in Riot, Civil and Independence Wars.
    • /declare government: Used to side with the city/capital in Riot, Civil and Independence Wars.
    • /declare war {wartype} {args}: Used while holding a Declaration of War book of the given war type, to start a war.
  • /surrender
    • /surrender: Used to surrender in Riots, Civil Wars, Independene Wars, Alliance Wars, and World Wars.
    • /surrender money {amount}: Used in Town and Nation Wars to surrender for money.
    • /surrender towns {town1 town2 town3}: Used in Town and Nation Wars to surrender for towns.
    • /surrender money {amount} towns {town1 town2 town3}: Used in Town and Nation Wars to surrender for money and towns.


As part of our ongoing appreciation for your active participation, we are thrilled to announce the top voters for the month of January 2024. Each month, we randomly select 10 players who have demonstrated unwavering commitment by accumulating a minimum of 200 votes. Without further ado, let's celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding contributors who have been rewarded with vouchers:

Let the votes keep rolling in! Happy voting!

In preparation for the upcoming release of the Factions server, we're excited to introduce new Cannoning features now available for testing on our Creative server.

While we're considering expanding the number of plots in Creative for Cannon testing, we've decided to focus on testing Cannoning directly on the Creative server, as both environments share many similarities.

What's New? We've replaced the Creative .jar with a new .jar specifically designed for TNT Cannons. By default, explosions are disabled on creative. However, if you want to test your cannons, you can enable explosions using the /p gui command.

To streamline testing, we've introduced several new features:

  • /p tntfill: A command that fills all dispensers in the plot with TNT.
  • /bonetool: A special tool for quickly placing or removing sand or obsidian.
  • Protection Blocks: Currently, Emerald Blocks serve as protection blocks on creative, meaning explosions won't cause any damage if there are Emerald Blocks beneath them.

Over the past few weeks, ExtremeCraft has undergone a series of updates, bug fixes, and enhancements to elevate your gaming experience.

Let's start with a significant change – the renaming of HallOfFame Weeks to Rounds. Each round now spans two weeks, offering a fairer competition window. The /halloffame command has been revamped to provide accurate information about the current HallOfFame season and round. As Towny Rounds come to a close in a few hours, rest assured that vouchers will be automatically distributed.

Automated announcements have been implemented to acknowledge and celebrate players who receive vouchers for their voting efforts.

In the Towny realm, Fly is now activated automatically, and we've removed the fly cooldown to prevent potential exploits. To enhance chat readability, we've excluded the nation name from the chat prefix. Additionally, Town Chat and Nation Chat functionalities have been fixed.

For Skyblock enthusiasts, numerous internal fixes and updates have been applied to ensure seamless gameplay.

SlimeFun has received multiple updates addressing issues related to disappearing and bugging items.

Our AntiCheat system has undergone refinements to address and fix some false positives. If any issues persist, please don't hesitate to contact us with clear examples of how to replicate them.

Due to potential abuse, the number of affected spawners has been removed from SpawnerExtractors.

A 2% fee has been introduced for the /withdraw command to prevent abuse, trolling, and spamming.

Crates have been fine-tuned to fix chance calculation issues where the GUI would display 0% for all items.

Globally, we've removed or fixed many unused features and code, including addressing Skull loading issues.

On the website front, we've overhauled and fixed numerous issues, resulting in faster loading times and an overall more user-friendly experience.


Greetings, dedicated community members! As part of our ongoing appreciation for your active participation, we are thrilled to announce the top voters for the month of December 2023. Each month, we randomly select 10 players who have demonstrated unwavering commitment by accumulating a minimum of 200 votes. Without further ado, let's celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding contributors who have been rewarded with vouchers:

Let the votes keep rolling in! Happy voting!

Servers with GriefPrevention:

Enhanced Control with GPFlags

We're thrilled to introduce GPFlags, a dynamic extension of GriefPrevention that puts the power in the hands of our players. With GPFlags, you now have the ability to set personalized flags within your claims. At this stage, we're eagerly welcoming ideas on which flags should be enabled. Our primary goal is to provide players with enhanced flexibility without compromising the integrity of their claims. Your input is crucial, as we strive to create a secure environment while offering a plethora of options.

Additionally, we've bid farewell to /transferclaim and ushered in a more intuitive system. The retired command has been replaced with /claim transfer [player] [optionalCost] and /claim accept [player], requiring confirmation from both parties. This not only streamlines the process but also introduces the possibility for players to sell their claims.

In terms of bug fixes, we're pleased to announce that Claim Fees are now processing as previously outlined. Furthermore, GriefPrevention's handling of Explosions has been fixed.


Our commitment to improving your Skyblock experience continues with these notable updates:

  • Island Fly has undergone enhancements to ensure it no longer disables Fly upon joining.

  • Fresh Island Flags have been added for ClearMobs, Upgrade, Inspect, and Lock commands, granting players even more control over their islands.

Towny Server

Experience a new level of convenience and freedom on our Towny Server with these exciting additions:

  • TownyFlight is set to debut with the upcoming restart, allowing players to utilize /tfly for an enriched town experience. Please note that PVP will automatically disable fly mode, ensuring a balanced gameplay environment.

  • Embrace the convenience of new Towny menus accessible via /town menu, facilitating smoother interactions with the Towny plugin.

Other Updates

In our continuous efforts to enhance your overall gameplay, we've reintroduced the /sit command, and that's not all. Explore new possibilities with /lay, /crawl, and more!

We're also eager to hear your ideas and suggestions concerning Crates. While your creativity is encouraged, please keep in mind that a balanced approach is key. Loading crates with an excess of Spawners may have unintended consequences, such as devaluation and potential server lag. We value your constructive suggestions to help us shape a vibrant and balanced gaming experience for all. Your feedback is crucial as we strive to make ExtremeCraft even more enjoyable!

Numerous bug fixes have been implemented across various aspects of the system, addressing reported issues from our vigilant player community.

The Claim Fees system has reached its finalization stage. In the upcoming server restart, players who have claimed more than 250k blocks will face the imposition of daily claim fees. Failure to meet these fees will lead to the expiration of all their claims, underlining the importance of managing land resources effectively.

A noteworthy addition to our Towny server is the introduction of the Hall of Fame. This exciting feature will commence this Friday, accompanied by a one-week grace period. Players are encouraged to strive for greatness within the Towny realm, with the Hall of Fame recognizing their achievements and contributions.

Skyblock enthusiasts will be delighted to hear about the incorporation of Challenges into the server. Players can now engage in a variety of challenges using the convenient /is challenges command. This addition aims to provide a fresh and dynamic dimension to the Skyblock gameplay experience, encouraging players to test their skills and creativity.

Our commitment to staying current extends to the Slimefun addons, which have been diligently updated. Furthermore, in response to player feedback and balancing considerations, we have made the decision to disable the LiteXpansion nerf. This adjustment is designed to enhance the overall experience and balance of the server.

Addressing concerns within the community, we are pleased to announce the successful resolution of the Drop Party issue. Players can now enjoy a seamless and glitch-free experience during these exciting events.

However, with the positive changes come challenges. The recent Minecraft 1.20.4 update has altered the way in-game items are handled. Consequently, some old items no longer stack, though they remain usable. Unfortunately, this change will impact player shops, requiring those using old items to undergo a reconstruction process. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience as we adapt to these Minecraft updates.

In addition to the exciting enhancements and adjustments, we are pleased to inform our community that issues pertaining to Pets have been successfully resolved across all servers. Players can now enjoy a seamless and trouble-free experience with their beloved companions.

Lastly, we've made significant improvements to the Void Auctions system. We've revamped the functionality, enhancing notifications for a more seamless experience. Additionally, in response to user feedback and to promote a more dynamic auction environment, we've reduced the auction duration limit from 15 to 10 minutes.

Over the last two days, we encountered connectivity problems, resulting in player disconnections, largely due to the update of ExtremeCraft servers from 1.20.2 to 1.20.4. While the updates didn't go as smoothly as planned, we've addressed most issues, and the situation is improving.

To prevent future occurrences, we're establishing a new testing server.

In the upcoming restart, an update to the anti-cheat system is scheduled, aiming to further reduce false positives. This update is designed to further refine the system, reducing the occurrence of false positives and ensuring a more secure and fair gameplay experience.

Despite our efforts, we acknowledge that some Pets and Emotes are still encountering issues. Please know that our dedicated team is actively working on resolving these problems and restoring full functionality.

As we bid farewell to the challenges of the past, we usher in a new year filled with promise and excitement. Wishing you a joyous and prosperous Happy New Year!

This marks the first-ever release of the Towny Server on ExtremeCraft. As pioneers on this blocky frontier, there might be a few bugs and quirks along the way. Fear not! We're working tirelessly to address any issues swiftly.

Share your suggestions and ideas. Help us shape the future of new Towny Server and make this adventure truly epic!

Also anticipate the following updates in the next restart:

  • Slimefun Server: Brace yourself for a boost in Bump Appraisals, reverting them to their original values!

  • Skyblock Server: The all-new Hall of Fame has just kicked off—get ready to make your mark!

  • SpawnerExtractors: Say goodbye to mobs that don't drop loot (or only do so when player-killed). We've fine-tuned the "Item Configurator" accordingly and enhanced drop rates!

  • ChestHopper: Experience smoother item pickup for piston farms, specifically Bamboo and Sugarcane.

  • Quests: Bid farewell to old and glitchy quests as they are now swiftly replaced with fresh, fully functional quests.

  • Claim Fees: We're diligently working on balancing these fees. While it's a work in progress, it should provide players with a preliminary understanding of what to expect. Stay tuned for more updates!

ExtremeCraft has just rolled out an exciting new feature—meet the SpawnerExtractor.


Curious about how it operates?

In a manner similar to ChestHoppers, the SpawnerExtractor is tailored for collecting items from farms. However, its unique focus lies in Spawners. Previously, players setting up farms using Spawners encountered challenges like crafting grinders, ensuring swift mob elimination, and navigating various intricacies.

Enter the SpawnerExtractor, solving these hurdles and minimizing lag caused by spawned mobs. Instead of the conventional spawn-and-kill process, SpawnerExtractors intercept every Spawner's attempt to spawn a mob, instantly eliminating it, and gathering drops on your behalf.

These Extractors exclusively capture spawns from Spawners within the same chunk and offer options to selectively capture specific mob types. Moreover, mob drops are managed as specified in the SpawnerExtractor's "Item Configuration." Prepare for a smoother, more efficient farming experience with SpawnerExtractors on ExtremeCraft!

We're reintroducing monthly vouchers for top voters, but this time, there's a new system in place. In the past, some players found ways to exploit the voting system, hindering others from receiving vouchers. To tackle this, we've instituted a fresh approach: to qualify for a monthly voucher, players need a minimum of 200 votes within the past 30 days. Out of those who meet this requirement, 10 lucky players will be randomly chosen to receive vouchers on the 1st of each month.

Updates in Skyblock:

  • Significant changes have taken place since the reset. Here's a swift rundown:
  • Access to /is fly now requires an island level of 1000.
  • Island level 250 grants access to /is warp.
  • To access the Nether, an island level of 200 is required.
  • We've enabled a new setting allowing players to utilize the "break spawner" flag.
  • Introducing a new Resource Crate and adjusted shop prices.
  • Numerous bug fixes have been implemented.

SlimeFun Updates:

  • Automatically removing disabled items that were glitched or crafted before their disablement.
  • Unfortunately, a few items causing crashes had to be disabled, but we've managed to fix some issues.
  • Seeking feedback on "Dimensional Homes."

Global Improvements:

  • The ongoing issue with slow mob spawning has been mostly resolved.
  • Addressing Pets bugging out (pending restart).
  • The team has begun work on the new Hall of Fame and Claim Fees. Note: Claim fees are currently for informational purposes only to provide players with an idea of what to expect. We'll release a detailed announcement once claim fees are officially launched.

Exciting news – our Skyblock server has undergone a recent reset, and we're thrilled to introduce an all-new Skyblock experience based on Minecraft 1.20.

This revamped Skyblock server comes with a plethora of new biomes and generators, adding an extra layer of challenge and exploration. However, unlocking these features requires a sufficiently high island level. To enhance your gameplay, we've introduced the /is fly command, accessible at an island level of 1000, and Island Warps, which become available at an island level of 250.

As you dive into the new Skyblock adventure, you can expect all the familiar goodies, including VoidAuctions, Quests, Events, and more. But that's not all – we're reintroducing Is Top with a 2-week grace period. Stay tuned for more details on that in the coming days!

It's worth noting that some commands have evolved since version 1.8. For instance, /is invite is now /is team invite, and there are more changes you can explore using the /is help command along with tab complete.

And here's the cherry on top: new pet types are now available in the store!

Party System Update

Posted by Dieu1 year ago

In response to the valuable feedback and suggestions we've received regarding parties on ExtremeCraft, we've carefully considered the concerns raised by our community.

To address the current dynamics, we are modifying the friendly-fire limit from 55 online members to 35 online members per party. Additionally, we are reintroducing party upgrades to the store, offering players more options to enhance their party experience.

We acknowledge that not everyone may be entirely satisfied with these adjustments, but we believe they are necessary steps to maintain a balanced environment for parties and PVP. We remain open to further suggestions from our community. It's important to note that merely adjusting the friendly-fire limit without considering broader implications may not provide a comprehensive solution. For instance, a limit of 55 would mean that one-third of online players could potentially be in the same party, given that 1.20 servers have a limit of 150 players.

Constructive suggestions should not only focus on changing the limit but also propose effective ways for other individuals or parties to engage with a party comprising 70 players online.

Our goal at ExtremeCraft is to avoid scenarios where a single party dominates the entire server, as this would undermine the essence of having diverse parties on ExtremeCraft.

After carefully considering and addressing numerous player concerns regarding world size limitations, looted spawners, chests, and more, we are excited to announce a groundbreaking solution. We've pondered this extensively, and as a result, we're proud to introduce the new "Expandable World" feature across all survival-like servers—currently implemented on Slimefun, Skygrid, and Survival. Of course, this enhancement wouldn't be applicable to servers such as Skyblock, Prison, or Creative.

How does it work, you ask?

Players now have the ability to expand the world border by contributing funds to the World Expansion Fund. Once the required amount is reached, the world border will automatically expand, granting players the option to collectively invest in a larger map if they so choose.

To facilitate this, we've added the new "/expandableworld" command along with "/expandableworld deposit " command, providing an accessible and user-friendly way for players to participate in expanding the world and shaping the server's landscape.

In a significant transformation, our RPG server has been rebranded as the Slimefun server, aligning with its primary focus on the beloved Slimefun plugin. The update brings a multitude of changes to enhance the gaming experience.

First and foremost, the server has been fully upgraded to Minecraft 1.20, ushering in a wave of new possibilities. In a strategic move, we've replaced mcmmo with various Slimefun addons, aligning the server more closely with its unique theme.

Numerous new features, familiar to players of our other servers, have been introduced. These include the BattlePass, Events, an improved Shop, Token shop, and more. To maintain balance, we've buffed kits and crates to bring them in line with the powerful Slimefun items.

The Slimefun server now boasts several expansions, each contributing to the overall gameplay experience: Gastronomicon, FastMachines, SoundMuffler, Bump, SfChunkInfo, DynaTech, ExtraGear, SlimefunLuckyBlocks, ExoticGarden, SlimeHUD, InfinityExpansion, LiteXpansion, ExtraHeads, FluffyMachines.

However, due to bugs or imbalances, certain items and features have been temporarily disabled. These include, but are not limited to: Grappling Hook, Pickaxe of Containment, Blade of Vampires, Helicopter Hat, Scroll of Dimensional Teleposition, Tome of Knowledge Sharing, Jetpacks, Jetboots, Soulbounds, Backpacks, Barrels, Multi-Tools.

With these changes, we aim to create a more immersive and balanced Slimefun experience for all our players. Dive in and explore the exciting new features awaiting you in the Slimefun server!