Add an Auction House with Bidding!

To make the in-game economy more dynamic and balanced, I propose introducing an auction house where players can list items for bidding. This feature would:

1. Encourage fair pricing: Instead of relying solely on supply and demand strategies, players would determine an item's true value through competitive bidding.

2. Stabilize the economy: By allowing bids to reflect what players are.. See more

#11425 - Status: open

3 days ago by sammydilpickle for Global



give nexus an ability to add descriptions on swords like /name and /weaponkills make it /desc so items will look cooler after u name them.

#11417 - Status: open

1 week ago by DipDee for Global


chorus fruit

allow us to eat chorus fruit and ender pearls when combat on claims with setflagpvpon even on combat ... claim trappers are now everywhere and new players are being victim of it. the server has no active helpers to help trapped players. pls vote for this suggestion...

#11414 - Status: open

1 week ago by DipDee for Global


Showing those "red blocks" when on combat tag

Hello, Instead of loading those "blocks" in a claim when "combat tagged" (Which only loads when your 4-3 blocks near) It's annoying me. Can you add a command so when we get combat tagged we can already see those blocked claims. Confusing to say i know but when im backing off to something then i randomly hit a claim while combat tagged i get stuck there and get killed

#11411 - Status: open

1 week ago by MrBloxyKidoo for Survival


why you bully me.

So, today i wanted to make a race-track on stream going through our mall, but the problem with boats is? they can't go blocks up... but there are actually other ways to make them go up, this is for example with soulssand elevators. now apprantly EC does not like or enable that. everytime players go into water stream with a boat? they get kicked out.

we tested. and this is only a EC thing.. See more

#11398 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by stealself for Global


Sell more on /shop

I want /shop to sell theese since it's pretty rare and hard to obtain:
Dragon Head
Mob Head
Slimefun items

#11397 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by DaveTheMinecraft for Slimefun


Lottery. let a man gamble

Hello, simple and short. TAX of lottery is way to high, so please lower it
+ remove the limmit of only (10 mil) pls. as 10mil is like seeing 1 dirt block at this point.

Let LOTTERY be great again!

#11395 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by stealself for Survival



Shards are getting a bit too common, good or bad that is the true. I truly believe , it should be a dynamic price to shardshop especialy on armor.
Dynamic probably with the total shards that are out there.

#11394 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by topboy_Mario for Survival


Enough Toxicity.

ExtremeCraft is supposed to be a child/family friendly server. and tries their best to keep this title on their name. eventho? there are some things
that should REALLY change...
Players (no names) stay toxic and name-call, inappropriate chats. ETC, even if they get on their offenses of 7 day mute. its looking like players don't care as its not really a punishment.

but.... does EC even g.. See more

#11388 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by stealself for Global


Search for /shop

Adding search to the /shop command would make buying stuff you can't get (or are too lazy to get) easier. This suggestion is pretty straightforward.

#11368 - Status: open

1 month ago by zazarpro for Global


Reset, or fix cargo

when will there be a reset or either the cargo fixed ?

#11358 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by ParsleyIsHere for Slimefun


RTP timer too long

RTP is over an hour wait to do it again.
Can it be set to a more reasonable 5 or 10 minutes please?
I'm searching for a new place to make a base and so far i've spent a few hours and only been able to rtp twice.
Thank you!!

#11357 - Status: open

1 month ago by oah for Slimefun


Player elevators.

Add us the ability when creating the [elevator] to be able to put the coordinates where the elevator leads.

#11356 - Status: open

1 month ago by AjMrs86 for Global


Chunk Collector

Can we get a itemfilter like we have on /itemfilter? allow to blacklist items for the chunkcollector to NOT pickup those items or even only pickup only a few specific items?

#11354 - Status: open

1 month ago by stealself for Survival


Farming rebalance(it is needed)

Farms are not balanced. If player have BIG turtle farm, it can BREAK ECONOMY, because shop sell prices are too high. So, all shop prices must be balanced. And prevent chickens from dropping souls. On 01.11 I will use this bug. Fix pls!

#11353 - Status: open

1 month ago by GravelNoob for Skyblock


Summoned Bossfights

Show whoever summoned the bossfight.

#11350 - Status: open

1 month ago by Endqavourings for Global


Farming rebalance

Hi staff,

I am GravelNoob and I think that currencies and shops are not balanced.

Eggs can be used for cheap soul farm (Maybe prevent chickens from dropping souls).

Farms are not balanced. Chorus flower price(100$) is good. Scutes must be more expensive than turtle eggs(almost 10 times, because hatching turtle eggs is way more difficult).

And about turtle eggs. They are too expensiv.. See more

#11348 - Status: open

1 month ago by GravelNoob for Skyblock



Add chesthoppers, spawner extractors ect so people can experiment on there farms and create new designs. And make it so that spawners are changeable with eggs.

Please add this, many people will actually start to use creative for something other than vouchers.

#11344 - Status: open

1 month ago by Lackothy for Creative


Add Bottle o' Enchanting to the money shop

would be a great thing to repair armor durong bossfight and stuff

#11340 - Status: open

1 month ago by Dr_Cr4zy for Global


Revert Cactus Price sell back to normal

On everyone soul revert the sell price back to at least 3-4$. Don't close yet. Please reply if you staffs have a reason why you changed the cactus to $0.51. I need to know

#11339 - Status: open

1 month ago by MrBloxyKidoo for Global


Remove boss summoners from outposts

idk. why are they in there in something thats so boring and easy? remove OP stuff such as a boss summoner from outpost. Ty

(btw, nezeri sucks ass)

#11332 - Status: open

1 month ago by stealself for Survival


Remove quest timers

Why having quest timers (as when you first join after reset) especially when you already played in the same gamemode before it restarted. Useless feature imo and it requires you to afk for 3 hours straight (in game).

#11329 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endqavourings for Global


Balancing the Server (Idea 1)

--(Incase: I'm not saying that i hate the server and everything sucks)--

(About getting claim blocks)
A lot of people ranted that getting claim blocks was hard because of shards. Considering the highest shard u can get per block is 5 (which is from obsidian) it takes a lot of time and we only get fewer claim blocks.

How to solve this problem:
Instead of making it shard required. Reve.. See more

#11325 - Status: open

2 months ago by MrBloxyKidoo for Global



remove the spawners from shop

that simply is just pay 2 win
grinders have no chance to win in that ...
with shop which other items sells for very less and
grinding spawner became a lot harder now
its crazy 26k-30k souls???
10k souls was perfect price for a spawner
now we cant even win coz we cant grind spawners to make soul farm good enough...

this is the worst update for grinders .. See more

#11321 - Status: open

2 months ago by Ha_Rsh for Global


Fix buying claimblocks!

Make claimblocks to buy with money again or make them cost less shards because now the system is super bad.

#11318 - Status: open

2 months ago by nepdaan for Global