making the server more free to play friendly

by ading some kind of special currency that you can get it from play time or quest for example to use to buy rangs

[and no im not a free to play player i did spent money on this server

would be a great way to atract more new player

#9593 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by Frosby2 for Global


Chesthoppers: Adding Red and Brown Mushrooms in the Item Configuration

Subject title is self-explanatory.
In an attempt to make a mushroom-cow grinder, the chest hoppers serve no additional assistance to auto-sell loot gained by mushroom cows. This is a suggestion in which would enable users and players to use the mushroom-cow spawners that they have obtained from the grid.

If any disadvantages arise from the addition of mushrooms in the Item Configuration menu.. See more

#9535 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by HqppyFeet for Skygrid


Attempt to focus on adding shortlisted suggestions

There are a huge bunch of shortlisted suggestions that go as far back as 3 years, if developers could focus on adding more of the shortlisted suggestions that would be nice, majority of those suggestions are really good and would probably be very beneficial to players

#9503 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by 4cherry for Global


Wind staffs in ct

The wind staff is a tool that launches you in the air at the cost of a hunger bar, 2 seasons ago this was the main tool of running, everyone would run with these if they wanted to. last season, you guys fixed this and made it so they dont work in combat tag. It was so much better, you couldn't run.

but now for some reason, the pvp map is as big as its ever been, and they are enabled in ct.. See more

#9114 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by 4cherry for Slimefun


emeralds and coal should be added in chesthoppers

i suggest staff to add emeralds and coal on chesthoppers. Vindicators and Wither Skellies drop those when you kill them.

#8930 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by Battovsai for Survival


Barrel Sorting

It would be better to have sort function for barrels too.

Thank you

#8834 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by Nezedive for Survival


voteparty for OPSurvival

Add the Vote Party into OPSurvival again since its not in OPSurvival atm

#8833 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by llamakin15 for Survival


Chesthopper For Fish

There are 7+ spawners available which drop Cod, and a few which also drop Salmon. It would greatly reduce hopper spam to have these available in chesthoppers. This of course includes cooked variants. The other fish (tropical, pufferfish) are also dropped, but they are more rare.

#8832 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by Pazako for Survival



I suggest that maybe you update the creative server to the newest version, I'm pretty sure this will bring more players to the server because of course they'd love to use the newest blocks to build in their plots.

#8796 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by NightSoulPT for Creative


DTP is broken

You can just run around and break ice and tnt instantly spawns in almost every chunk.
i suggest you fix the new dtp by having a smaller chance of getting it when you mine, or have it to randomly spawn like before
but you are the only person who can see it/destroy it.
the points from just tnt wouldn't be enough to be in top 3 for a bigger reward if you
reduce the spawn chances, making dtp.. See more

#8273 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by filip_zd for Prison


Friends list update.

I have a lot of friends on my friends list. But most of them have been offline for a while and don't come on much. Some however do log on and its annoying to scroll through pages of friends hovering over each one to see if they are online. I was thinking there could be another filter added that shows you everyone online/offline. This will allow popular people and people with a big friends li.. See more

#8259 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Sixstringmiles for Global


Chatgames Improvement v2*

Sorry, seem like the last suggestion with way less detail and low evidence.

Chat games are a very great update, people enjoy it, but won't be for long.
Now some top players already know what sever gonna start chat games, they have auto chat, an auto calculator, and maybe an English world detector (whatever program can detect the word). They come to a sever that nearly startin.. See more

#8249 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Litneyy for Global


The parkour at creative

The parkour at creative is amazing and really fun to do but the after doing some jumps your hunger runs out, you can ofcourse take food with you but the time keeps on going so I thought it'd be a cool feature to add saturation in the parkour region, Thanks -Titan.

#8232 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Tita_n for Creative


pls revive server

pls revive this server, its dead, 300 players is the highest player amount today, you really need to revamp server

reset per 6 month
monthly reward
weekly top miner (prison)
monthly bedwars reset
add new things to minigames
unban all (if POSSIBLE)
start to accept improvements suggestions
more devs, you have lot of gamemodes but lack of devs, the only dev is NxDs (global) and Dieu (fact.. See more

#8220 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Xeithas for Global


ExtremeCraft KnockBack

This suggestion will address a few key problems with the ExtremeCraft KB

Firstly, the most addressed issue with the vanilla kb is that laggers have a huge advantage over people with a stable ping. The delayed hit reg does not only delay the kb you take from the lagger but also delays the kb you give to that lagger. The system should update for you just fine and should be a problem for the lag.. See more

#8206 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by SerialKisser for Global


PVP Arenas

Since it has come under notice that many players don't like the pvp arena maps that have been created and used in servers for the past few months, I would like to suggest that you announce a build battle for PVP Arenas which can later be used in servers like survival and factions. The current arena in survival has already faced criticism and the Arenas in opsky and opsurvival have gotten ver.. See more

#8190 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by SerialKisser for Global


Remove all effect when joining dtp

Its annoying to find invisible tnt stealer, invis blocker, speed pots miner, etc

So, remove effect when joining dtp, and give them back after finished

#8182 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Xeithas for Prison


Bug Report- /name Command

When naming items for some reason it doesn't work, and many times the character limit is limited to one letter or only a few. let me explain
For example just the day before: /name &f&kW&9&l&n&oL&f&l&noo&9&l&n&optic&c&l&m&oYT&f&kW That command work find Printing the Word LoopticYT with other special features added onto it, however now when performing that command it doesn't even take i.. See more

#8165 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Looptic74 for Global


MCMMO Update and Armor levels on Opsurvival/Opskyblock. PVP Arena Change

Sources: https://imgur.com/a/vaG8LuG

After playing opsurvival for 3 seasons, I have noticed that the axes mcmmo system is very broken unlike on opfactions and opskyblock. Instead of capping at 200, it caps at 2000 which is too overpowered. As seen in the screenshot, at level 570, my axe already deals 12.4 extra damage to armor. When boosted to LvL.2000, it deals 40 extra damage p.. See more

#8134 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by SerialKisser for Global


Increase Log-in Time

People who have slow PC have to wait in the loading screen a little longer as the world loads before actually gaining control on the character and be able to type the login credentials. Sometimes when the PC is running low on memory, it could take much longer and sometimes miss the log-in and get kicked for unauthorized login or get kicked for sending too many packets. It's an issue thats be.. See more

#8129 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by _Lyn for Lobby


Spawn griefing

So today SkyGrid spawn was griefed with lava casting, so i reported it and it got fixed but i found a way to stop lava cast griefing. And it goes like this, lava/water can flow into spawn protection so you can make lavacast from wild all the way to spawn, but water/lava cant flow into claims so if helper or the owner would claim the whole spawn protection are no lava casts could be made in that .. See more

#8110 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Stanicko for Skygrid


Increase active player count: Discourage tp-killing in survival and survivalplus

I would like to propose that mods consider discouraging tp-killing in survival and survivalplus. Either make it punishable or make recently tp'd players invulnerable. Reasons are as follows:

1. Primary victims of tp-killing are new players - new to the server or new to Minecraft in general. Being tp-killed is one of the worst things that could happen as it ruins the player experience for .. See more

#7999 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Kirschoff for Survival


Faction Permissions

Per chunk permissions need removed automatically when the player leaves/ is kicked from a faction.

#7922 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by MasterShade for Factions


Advanced Faction Permissions

If the server is not in a position to handle insiding reports.
The faction leaders need to be able set more advanced permissions in an attempt to protect their factions.
For example not allowing a certain rank of the faction to accept teleport requests while in a chunk with that permission denied.
Example of a chunk permission "/f perm set nonftp recruit no"
/f perm set Non Faction Telepor.. See more

#7921 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by MasterShade for Factions


No Blocks For Points

This is not something anyone in the faction community wants.
The main attraction to factions as a game mode is the raiding aspect, with the current jar we can't even raid blocks.
We're not here to play Acid Island, Skyblock, Ect.

#7914 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by MasterShade for Factions