DTP is broken

You can just run around and break ice and tnt instantly spawns in almost every chunk.
i suggest you fix the new dtp by having a smaller chance of getting it when you mine, or have it to randomly spawn like before
but you are the only person who can see it/destroy it.
the points from just tnt wouldn't be enough to be in top 3 for a bigger reward if you
reduce the spawn chances, making dtp more skill based then luck/exploit based.
Also to remove x-rayers it should only be able to spawn on surfaces that are already exposed and
not hidden by other blocks

#8273 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by filip_zd for Improvements

Answer: Accepted

Thanks for your feedback! We improved further the TNT spawning and it will now be restricted to underground only, there will be also a limit in place so that only a certain amount of TNTs will spawn per DTP

2 years ago by NxDs