PVP Arenas

Since it has come under notice that many players don't like the pvp arena maps that have been created and used in servers for the past few months, I would like to suggest that you announce a build battle for PVP Arenas which can later be used in servers like survival and factions. The current arena in survival has already faced criticism and the Arenas in opsky and opsurvival have gotten very old now. A build battle for these pvp arenas would help bring out the talent of potential builders and also make the Developer bond with the community stronger as the map made by the players would be used after a server reset or just to replace current ones.

A few key points while selecting the arena would be to not only judge it for how it looks but how interactable it is and if it is suitable for PVP as many current maps have the issue of being too big or lacking flat terrain to fight on.

#8190 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by SerialKisser for Improvements

Answer: Accepted

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! We're happy to inform you that your submission has been accepted and is now part of our server

2 years ago by NxDs