Multiple owners per claim

It would be a nice feature for people partnering up to have the same permissions that the official owners have. Their name could also be displayed in the claim owner section so that people could easily see the owner(s) of the plot of land that they are on. (The square of information on the right of the screen). Possible command for this could be: /ownertrust(player) /coop(player)

#11056 - Status: open

2 days ago by OhCrackers for Survival


Bring back sur+ ?

i love how surplus works and i miss it

#11054 - Status: open

2 days ago by Drake for Global



I Joined This Server For PVP Only.

#11051 - Status: closed - See reply

3 days ago by DeadShot146 for Global



Bring back skywars wane maps please

#11046 - Status: open

4 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global


New rule about tp-killing

Alright so yeah it's good that the tp-killer gets punished for tp-killing, but I'm a little confused that the first time they do it... they get.... jailed? That's too low, make it like a temp ban for 3 days, and also, if the victim had a vid of their inv and what they had and what enchants were on their stuff, I think they should returned or atleast get a refund of 10mil to 15mil. Al.. See more

#11022 - Status: closed - See reply

1 week ago by Emad89 for Survival


hello what is chunk buffer in map 3 ?

Base Claim Size: 8x8
Buffer Size: 15 Chunks
Base Claims: 1
ALL TYPES OF 45's (Regens/Walls) are not allowed
Wilderness defending / Block placing is completely prohibited. Any blocks/walls/defensives outside of your claims will result in a strike & value taken. You are not allowed to place or break blocks as a form of defensive OUTSIDE of your claims.

this my base rules if you agree .. See more

#11018 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by iLosfer for Factions


The new rules

Claim Limits: The previous claim limits have been removed.
Cannoning/Factions Updates: Adjustments have been made to the cannoning and factions systems to ensure rules are practical and enforceable. The changes aim to provide a more balanced and manageable environment. The rationale is that while old rules were well-intentioned, they were frequently violated without consequence due to enforceme.. See more

#11017 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by GEEERG for Factions


Please balance the prices....

D-dear staff members, please just .... balance the price of stuff in /shop.... I mean just look at it... why should a cobbled deepslate cost 8k???(I need it to build my base and it littery ruined my plan) it used to be cheaper!


#11016 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Emad89 for Survival


Event gamemode

I would like to suggest a gamemode, where there would only be events. Such as: Kill withers/enderdragons with a given set, Find chests with blindness effect, so that only the block under the player would be visible, boat races on ice etc...
It would boost server popularity, people fromm all gamemodes could connect with each other.
Rewards could be vouchers or ig money for gamemodes.
I.. See more

#11014 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by nagyazsak for Global


Clay tool

Please add the clay tool from creative to other gamemodes it will be fun please :D

#11011 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Emad89 for Global



Please Add Oneblock Game - Mode As I Really Like It, Make Sure You All Vote! ;)

#11010 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Nxmpi_ for Global


For Competitive Gamemodes

if u planning on nerfing something again
doing it right now is best time since hof is over just now or maybe if possible follow my suggestion below
nerfing at last day of hof is not really a good idea
it completely messing up all the grinding done and time spent on something
it would be best if u could add a discord channel like
In #sk.. See more

#11009 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by Ha_Rsh for Global


Remove or make it Illegal Invisibility potions

Alright so basically in pvp, when you are invisible you're name tag will be hidden. Some staff might say :"so what will happen if they are invisible? Does it even helps them break rules?" Well, unfortunately, yes, it can, when the player is invisible and the name tag is hidden, we can't see who pushed us off into pvp, and let other people kill us before we teleport back, also, this is ki.. See more

#11005 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by Emad89 for Survival



Alright so back in the day, dropparty used to be WAY too op and actually worthed it, but now it is extremely nerfed, for example, it was kinda a common thing to get a CTA armor( it was one of the op armors for those who didn't know), but now I rarely saw some people only get some spanwers, so please if it is possible make dropparty op again we need op again so much so we don't waste lots.. See more

#11003 - Status: closed - See reply

3 weeks ago by Emad89 for Survival


Please Make f4 Hoe In Legendry Crates Or Vote Crates...

Please Make It And Please Vote For Me :D

#11001 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 weeks ago by Nxmpi_ for Skyblock


Fortune 4 Hoe

Hello, since restart, this new season is based mostly on carrots, potatoes and berries. So maybe you can consider adding Fortune 4 Hoe in legendary crates. It will make it more fun to buy legendary keys, and harvest crops for more points.

Thanks. 😀

#10999 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 weeks ago by BabyCatMjauu for Skyblock



Alright so, there are some new things added to the server such as souls and shards, well i was wondering, sine now zombie villager spawn egg is removed from /shop, it means the player has to be lucky enough to find a village or be super lucky to get a zombie villager spawn egg or villager spawn egg from spawn egg crate, i suggest for shardshop, all types of enchantments gets added to it, also if.. See more

#10993 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by Emad89 for Survival


Bring back PvP :(

Basically the title.

#10992 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by pipermain for Global


Fix the Current Glitched Situation

Hey, first of all fix the bug with the squid pet. I would only recommend a tempban for those who abused the glitch but that´s only my opinion.
Rollback the Server to the point where the glitches did not happen yet, since it´s too much work to refund every player that was affected by this.

-Thanks in advance

#10965 - Status: open

1 month ago by EarlKaiden for Factions


Town Vault

Would nice if you could somehow incorporate a /t (/town) vault command that town members or higher ranks can use to store things in, this could be useful for people to store valuables that could be shared within the town. If not everyone in the town having the command maybe having somewhat of a "vault trust system"

#10953 - Status: open

1 month ago by iitsAlexii for Towny


new /quest

we sure have some traveling quests but we dont have elytra one so add the
glide with elytra quest in traveling side of /quests

#10933 - Status: open

1 month ago by Retired_D4rkness for Skygrid


More shards usage for co-owner / members

Let Co-owners/ members in a team to use their shards to /is upgrade the island.

Shards are very under rated currency in skyblock. Please, add decoration blocks or items in shards shop. like glowstone, sea lantern, item frames, leaves, glass etc

#10921 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by JazzyViper for Skyblock


Item Economy at /warp crates

Rare Items should have more value and some items should not exist, don´t get me wrong the new crates are very enoyable but at the same time you see many items way to often now and that should not be the case.

Vote Crate - Chesthopper/SpawnerExtractor 0,55% -> 0,15% ; The Orc-Bane 0,27% -> 0,05%. OreCollector = removed ; Photon Shovel = removed ; Shield = removed ; Brrrrrrrr = removed ; .. See more

#10906 - Status: open

1 month ago by EarlKaiden for Factions


15x15 chunk and "beta" mode

Hi, my name is Scy i just finished building a massive 12x12 chunk base. I was about to claim my buffer and suddenly someone implemented this 15x15 chunk rule and ruined the experience for me. Since that is basically cheating and because no one wants to play on a "op factions" style server with a tiny claim size im not going to be coming back anymore neither will any of my friends. I was intially.. See more

#10905 - Status: open

1 month ago by ScYx17 for Factions


Add Lifesteal?

Hello, there are many servers with the most common game mode known as 'Lifesteal'. Soo many people like this game mode and many popular servers also have it. so, I just wanted to say that it would be very nice if it gets added into the server and I would really like it.

#10903 - Status: open

1 month ago by LOLPLAYZ099 for Global