remove grass from pvp arena

pls bro u do not know the struggle of trying to hit ur enemy and instead trying to break unbreakable grass, its not as bad because its cut in half but i guarantee in big fights it will get in the way when trying to hit someone being a block down or just aiming at their legs unintentionally or something

#11084 - Status: accepted

5 months ago by CherryBlo77om for Survival

mob hunt in a seperate arena

we've been tryna start a cta in surv for like 45 mins to pvp and we keep getting mob hunt where pvp is disabled, the idea of a mob hunt is good but it being in the main pvp arena and disabling pvp itself is quite annoying when trying to start literally any other event, make it have its own seperate arena so people can go to that if they want but so we can also pvp without having to wait 15 m.. See more

#10488 - Status: closed

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

Increase armor stand limit/chunk

armor stand limit per chunk is very small and causing our holograms to stop working even after a very little amount is placed,

obviously its good to have a limit so nobody crashes the server with armor stands but it should at least be increased a little so we can have more than 10 barrel holograms per chunk

#10479 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

spawnerextractor should have a chance to be obtained from vote crates, bp crates

chesthoppers are so why not spawnerextractors

#10465 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

make multitool be able to work on fluffy barrels in this suggestion by my son jukela, they meant the slimefun custom barrels so we can sell like hundereds of thousands of items at a time instead of filtering to a chest and spam left click for days on end

maybe on other barrels too (network barrels? infinity barrels?)

#10464 - Status: open

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

make /trash open the disposal menu


#10454 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

continued useless eco on slimefun

still cant do anything with economy, /shop only gives stuff like blocks and farmable stuff, im not sure what to add but something half-useful should be added so the economy isnt completely 100% player-based (only use of money is stuff on /ah or chestshops etc)

Maybe even slimefun items in /shop idk might progress too fast but it'd be something to buy, we're already at a level of enoug.. See more

#10430 - Status: shortlisted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

disable bot bans from showing on recent offenders

it is very annoying when i check and all i see is a thousand bot bans, its so common it shouldnt be displayed anymore

#10364 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Website

buff cactus price to counteract the nerf (if it was done for lag)

increase the cactus sell price by whatever the decrease was for the spawn rates (If spawn rates were half, double the cactus price in shop)
Only do this if cactus rates were reduced to prevent lag (which it seems to be doing) if it wasn't done to prevent lag, then idk rip cactus

#10356 - Status: closed

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Survival

coinflip improvements

/cf stats /coinflip stats
total amount gambled + profit/loss + win/lose ratio

0% tax for nexus ranks that create the cf

increase limit from 10mil to 50mil

#10338 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

/tokenpay /tokenpaytoggle

pls allow us to send tokens to other players 2 economies would go crazy

( potentially /tokentop ?? )

#10330 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

Selling stuff for tokens

Ability to sell stuff (im thinking keys, vote, event, legendary, spawner, spawnegg) for tokens, 1/2 the buy price (buy legendary for 500 sell for 250) Maybe even making them dynamic !?

#10328 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Survival

better rewards for higher placing on mobhunt

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place all get 1 event key in mob hunt, make better prizes for 1st and 2nd so u have a reason to compete other than just getting like 200 mobs then leaving bcs youll get the prize regardless (what most people do)
either more keys per position, multiple different types of keys (1st gets event and legendary, 2nd gets event and 16 vote keys, 3rd gets 1 event)
or something else, idk

#10320 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Survival

dynamic with egaps

nobody is ever going to sell enchanted golden apples to the shop but a looot of people are gonna buy them, and because egap shop is dynamic the price is just going to constantly increase and there is no way to drop it because they are like 1 in a million of a natural spawn, very unfortunate make it fixed owo

#10312 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Survival

RPG Improvements (updated, old is outdated)

RPG Has been a nice gamemode, but its suggestions have been neglected, the only two public suggestions that got accepted from rpg the entirety of last season were from me, one was at the very start of its reset, and the other was halfway through when its playercount had already died, i've been on rpg for a couple years, i have varied in almost every public slimefun server, i have been baltop.. See more

#10287 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

add infinityexpansion

we ran out of things to do in rpg add it add it now it will give us months of playtime

#9894 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

allow renaming slimefun weapons

not allowing items to be renamed to slimefun items is good but let us rename slimefun weapons pwetty pwease we cant dupe i swear we just wanna look colo

#9720 - Status: closed

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

Slimefun Improvements ( big one )

rpg is kinda cool rn but theres alot of stuff that can fix it and since im assuming dieu is back which means we're able to modify server files, it would be a good idea to implement some things we've been asking for since reset

- Blade of vampire - this sword needs a nerf, considering rpg is filled with prot 10 and regen 4, its pretty hard to take damage in the first place. And being a.. See more

#9696 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

RPG /shop improvement

RPG economy is pretty lame rn, if you're extremely rich and have hundreds of millions then the shop is no use to you at all. I suggest adding a variety of more spawn eggs, obviously at an expensive price. These spawn eggs can include stuff like skeleton, blaze, enderman, anything thats used in farms that people cant obtain very easily. This will not only limit these spawners to spawner keys .. See more

#9688 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

Attempt to focus on adding shortlisted suggestions

There are a huge bunch of shortlisted suggestions that go as far back as 3 years, if developers could focus on adding more of the shortlisted suggestions that would be nice, majority of those suggestions are really good and would probably be very beneficial to players

#9503 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

Use old gear for crates ( achilles prot11+ )

because of slimefun lucky blocks, it takes a total of 5 minutes to get protection 10 gear on rpg, and another hour to get a full set, soulbounded so you dont lose it when you die. this defeats the purpose of pvp as a whole considering there is literally nothing you can pvp for except cta. i suggest you increase the vote crate and legendary gear back to prot 11, 12, 13, etc etc and make it not ab.. See more

#9453 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

Subcategory for offences

Subcategory to show mutes, warns, jails, ipbans, and all the other stuff apart from bans and tempbans

#9399 - Status: closed

2 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Website

wiping spawned in mcmmo

reset HyperDce and l4borg mcmmo because their mcmmo was spawned in for testing, hogs spot for mctop axes

#9398 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

Disable backpacks in combat tag

in rpg pvp you have backpacks, you can store stuff in backpacks and carry them around wherever, by disable backpacks in combattag you cant just start storing all your stuff and log out when you lose a fight, so actual stuff is at a risk

#9376 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

Set an enchant limit on soulbound armor

PvP is pretty much useless on rpg because of the fact that soulbound can go up to prot 10 unb 10 no thorns. because of soulbound being able to be the best type of armor in the game, there is no point of actual pvp because there is no loot to obtain. if you kill almost anyone in rpg /pvp its almost guaranteed they wont drop anything bcs all their god gear is soulbound. by adding an enchant limit .. See more

#9357 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

RPG Pvp map

RPG PvP map is unfortunately very bad this season, i like how it matches the theme but there are a few problems with it. ( Specifically it being too big ).

#1 Its massive, because wind staffs are enabled, its super easy to fly away and run from pvp, basically defeating the purpose, you dont even need special tools to run because of how big it is.

#2 Lag spikes, when you pvp someone in the .. See more

#9116 - Status: closed

3 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

Wind staffs in ct

The wind staff is a tool that launches you in the air at the cost of a hunger bar, 2 seasons ago this was the main tool of running, everyone would run with these if they wanted to. last season, you guys fixed this and made it so they dont work in combat tag. It was so much better, you couldn't run.

but now for some reason, the pvp map is as big as its ever been, and they are enabled in ct.. See more

#9114 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun

The unneeded voting on suggestions.

Voting on suggestions is pointless. theres a suggest that i wont name that got 160 likes and was denied for no reason. it had proper points and everything. there has been a suggestion that got mass disliked and accepted. i mean whats the point in being able to vote on suggestions if it doesn't impact the chance of it being accepted or not. and if its there for ur own personal use then that m.. See more

#8520 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Website

/shop chicken

it sells food from every animal except chicken. it has mutton Porkchop and steak but not chicken. maybe it would be a good idea to add chicken?

#7624 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Slimefun


this command will allow the user who types it to see a brief time of when the game mode they typed it in is expected to be released. (for example if they typed it in creative it would say: "This gamemode does not reset" or if it was in another server then "This gamemode will reset in <?> Months. Or something along the lines of this. on the server I play on I get asked so much when it will .. See more

#7227 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

A better way for low-ranked players to fix their gear.

If you're ranked under extreme it's pretty difficult to fix all. You have to get an extreme/nexus to do it for you, you have to hope they''ll respond, hope they'll actually do it, and hope they'll not scam you. I think there should be an NPC near the spawn which you can pay a fee to fix a certain item. in the server I play on (RPG) if you want to fix your item there's.. See more

#7218 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

Suggestion Moderators

ik im banned but you see. I think there should be a "suggestion moderator" These people could focus mainly on the suggestion and not have any in-game perms. I've had some good suggestions "in my opinion" be unresponded for 10 months and most of them are ignored. So I think it would be a good idea for a handful of people to focus mainly on this so more suggestions could be answered faster. ty

#6234 - Status: closed

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Website

kits and chestshops

if you right-click on a sign with a kit book would be a good idea if it doesn't activate the book. i dont know how to add a kitspawneggs chestshop in my playerwarp without using the book lol.

#5103 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Global


say i have an enchanted golden apple. i rename it to /name &4a if i try to rename it to /name &dGolden Apple It wont work in chestshops. its now a completely different item. You should add /unname. It will unname the item and not add NBT tags That is a screenshot of a normal golden apple (no renames) See more

#5056 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Global


in /shop you can buy and sell 560 things at once. You should make it so we can do the same with chestshops. Thanks

#4953 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Global

Discord Managers

Now, This is a bit controversial. Staff are very helpful on discord and ingame. (usually). I think we should have a team called "Discord Managers" these people should be -active on discord -know all discord punishments -be able to answer questions within discord -etc. These people will not have any perms in game but on discord they will be able to mute kick and warn. (Higher roles maybe ban?) St.. See more

#4811 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Discord

New posting thingy

I think we could add a #art. Would work exactly the same way as memes. You can post art, dislike/like ratio, no NSFW content, sexism, racism, cussing etc, You can get a role to get pinged for art and yeah. im not gonna use the role but i think it would be cool for people to upload there art.

#4810 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Discord

Rewarding Veterans

Every player that has atleast 500+ regoster time and atleast 10days of total online time should get a title "&7Veteran"

#4561 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Titles

World border increase

Hello, the current anarchy overworld border is 100k. I feel like this isnt enough. It took me only 2 days to reach the world border when i started the project. The main reason i would like a change is that in other anarchy based servers people build above land, they build giant structures and all that and it still keeps secret. I have to completely hide my base underground with 0 signs where it .. See more

#4560 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Lobby

A title i'd buy

I would like to suggest a title "CoolBeans" "Cool" in &a (light green) and beans in &2 (green) i am suggesting this title because i have a few spare dollars lyimg around and theres nothong better to buy but a cool beans title from extremecraft. Thank you and i hope you enjoy

#4492 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Titles

Forum moderators

Before I start I understand you have a lot on your hands with staff at the moment but this is just unreal. So basically the ingame staff amount is ok-ish but the forum staff isn't too ok. There are 0 Forum moderators. All I'm suggesting is there should be a trustworthy person(s) that should be able to handle reports Applications Ideas etc etc. I think they could help a lot as they can re.. See more

#4063 - Status: closed

5 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Website