Forum moderators

Before I start I understand you have a lot on your hands with staff at the moment but this is just unreal. So basically the ingame staff amount is ok-ish but the forum staff isn't too ok. There are 0 Forum moderators. All I'm suggesting is there should be a trustworthy person(s) that should be able to handle reports Applications Ideas etc etc. I think they could help a lot as they can report the idea they think are good to a higher ranked staff(suggestions). They can send proper reports to moderators+ for them to help.(Reports) They can also help with purchase issues if they're legit. (Support) And can send applications they think are good, using the format, doing everything right, detail, etc. And they can send it to a higher roled staff for them to agree/disagree with. I think this would be very helpful for the community and the forums and once again I hope you take my idea into consideration.

#4063 - Status: closed

4 years ago by 4cherry for Website

Answer: Closed

We removed forums

4 years ago by NxDs