Replies to suggestions.

Adding replies to suggestions would make it easier to point out the flaws of the suggestion and would help others to negotiate and agree on

suggestions. That would also help staff members to accept or reject the suggestions based on what the community thinks of the suggestion.

#11143 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endqavourings for Website


Add a feature to ''suggestions'' page

So as of right now, players can make a suggestion.
but some suggestions are eitherway to simple to avoid if you change something and some could be talked about by other players.

Make a reaction tab or something, so players can react to others peoples suggestions,

#11140 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by stealself for Website



Stop spamming suggestions or I'll report u

#11070 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by YourArmpitSmells for Website


I disagree with suggestion #10725

I disagree with it because how is cancerinthebutt supposed to dupe spawners for me then? i think it's a bad suggestion. please immediately close suggestion #10725, Thanks!

#10727 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by Endqavourings for Website


About staff system

Hello, todays I have a suggastion for your server
After a player submitted their staff application and if staff managers accepted it, they first should go to extremecraft.net/StaffCandidate so people can vote for the staff, if they have a plus karma and if people have a positive experience of the player, they upvote the Candidated staff and after a week if they got enough upvote they can become.. See more

#10703 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by NerdSpottedd for Website



Allow us to see other players name history when we search about them you can add it in the information part

#10603 - Status: rejected - See reply

7 months ago by YourArmpitSmells for Website


disable bot bans from showing on recent offenders

it is very annoying when i check and all i see is a thousand bot bans, its so common it shouldnt be displayed anymore

#10364 - Status: rejected - See reply

10 months ago by CherryBlo77om for Website



Allow us to edit in the on the things we have sent since no one responded it

#10039 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by YourArmpitSmells for Website


Suggestions Votes

Let us see the important people that vote for our suggestions

#10025 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by YourArmpitSmells for Website



Please ban alters they downvoted my suggestion and others

#9939 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by DeathWish17_ for Website


Hello!!! Im 15 year old now Its My Birthday Today

Hello!!! Im 15 year old now Its My Birthday Today

#9872 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Clinkz0 for Website


Private Vaults

I'd like to see Private Vaults (+) back in Buycraft again, It's a really really good item to purchase and quite the helpful.. Please consider adding it back to Buycraft *pls Dieu (or whoever can)*


#9787 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by yohazz for Website



you should/ban scammers, bcs they're not human

#9763 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by ChristinaPerri_ for Website


New category for /report

I think you should add a category to Reporting list called "Ban Evader Reports" or "Alt Reports"
because everyday there are lot of ban evaders joining the server on alt and they start ruining gamemodes and calling anyone they hate alter or hacker
and the amount of alters reports are really much so we have to report them on "Others" category
so it would be nice if you add that category it'.. See more

#9466 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Omega_Mi for Website


DiscordBan Offence

Can you just add DiscordBan offence to Player's website profile offences list?
Because sometimes people really need to know why that (X) player got banned from Ec's discord
And this is kind of major offences group so it should be in profile offences list

#9388 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Omega_Mi for Website



add in /store extra party members

#9202 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Mbapppe for Website



I GOT BAN SINCE TOO LONG AND APPEALED SINCE 1MONTH AND HYPER (THE GAY) DON'T WANT TO UNBAN ME EVEN THAT HE BANNED ME FOR 100% NOTHING (he screenshared me just to ask me if i have 2 alts and i told him that my bro made them out of my permission -what makes me no longer in need to SS since i admitted that they are on PC- and he BANNED ME FOR REFUSING TO SCREENSHARE AND NEVER READ MY APPEAL YET.. See more

#9129 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by YOYO96GAMER for Website


Bug test please delete once you read and fix it

Ig I can dupe suggestions with smith but I'll report it if worked don't worry

#8738 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by YOYO96GAMER for Website


The unneeded voting on suggestions.

Voting on suggestions is pointless. theres a suggest that i wont name that got 160 likes and was denied for no reason. it had proper points and everything. there has been a suggestion that got mass disliked and accepted. i mean whats the point in being able to vote on suggestions if it doesn't impact the chance of it being accepted or not. and if its there for ur own personal use then that m.. See more

#8520 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Website


Karma leaderboards

I suggest that you should add leaderboards for karma so people that have good behavior (ie. Not having offenses, voting, being respectful to people in the community.) would be rewarded for it.

#8497 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by SithV1 for Website


Beginner's Guide

Under the section More Info, servers, for each server/minigame create a beginner's guide that will help new comers understand the concept of each server and minigame.

#8481 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by NotableOne05 for Website



add Plugin Suggestions
in website add a special Suggestions for plugin maybe players has some good idea
like lobby Musics can be listenable in surv/prison/more.....

#8477 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by ImD4rkness for Website


new feature?

i think it would be good if you added a way so that players could reply to the suggestions given by other players in website. idk if its possible or not added because it will be too much to read or just forgot about it. some times people put like many things like 1. i want this 2. don`t want that... etc inside 1 suggestion. if u add replies people can say point 8 is good 2 is bad etc

#8454 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by bowXfire for Website


Your Website

Hello my suggestion is to fix your website becouse its really slow (atleast the leaderboards) the rest is fine tho ;)

Thank you!


#8204 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by _Kapslock_ for Website


Change the "Accepted" color

You should Change the Accepted color from yellow to lime orange, since it is a little easier then to find accepted suggestions from the "Your Suggestions" page
- https://prnt.sc/13355nq

#8191 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by DefinedK for Website