Hello, todays I have a suggastion for your server
After a player submitted their staff application and if staff managers accepted it, they first should go to extremecraft.net/StaffCandidate so people can vote for the staff, if they have a plus karma and if people have a positive experience of the player, they upvote the Candidated staff and after a week if they got enough upvote they can become to a staff member, but if people have a negative experience of the user, then they downvote it and they wont be added in the staff team.
I honestly think this is the best way to prevent randoms and toxic people to get in the staff team and abuse their staff powers.
You should also disallow begging for Candidated staffs so they wont advertise themselves, well i hope you add this feature its very necessary.
#10703 - Status: rejected
9 months ago by NerdSpottedd for Website