Make Chunkrippers more affordable

I know that Chunkrippers are easily to get. After 1-2 month of faction season start but in the very beginning of season it's so hard to get money and even we have to spend 300k only on 1 chunk ripper my suggestion is that we should make Chunkrippers more comman in vote crates

#11058 - Status: open

1 day ago by Senpaispider_1 for Factions


F4 Hoe In Vote Crates

Please Vote For Me To Get F4 Hoe In Vote Crates! :D
Thanks For The Votes... I Appreciate It!

#11057 - Status: open

1 day ago by Nxmpi_ for Skyblock


New Skyblock season

This season... went really wrong with a lot of stuff getting removed/points changes and even a lot of lag. For example Blast furnaces glowberries/normal berries. nerfing the amount of mobs/minecart limits... Let's forget about this. and be focused on the next season. new economy incoming and more!

I hope this season can be something new and stable, because I think everyone is already don.. See more

#11053 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 days ago by Mitsuha05 for Global


Bring back pvp server

bro shut up you pojav player tfym joined for pvp only

#11052 - Status: closed - See reply

3 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global



Hello guys I wanted to celebrate with yall since its my sixth year on that server 🥳🥰

#11044 - Status: closed - See reply

5 days ago by _SevenPro_ for Global


Bring back old map for a limited time.

After discussing with numerous veteran players on the server, it became clear that many of them hold the Qartz survival PvP map in high regard, considering it one of the best maps ever created. Given this strong sentiment, I believe it would be a fantastic idea to reintroduce the old PvP map as a limited-time event. A one-week duration could provide both older players a chance to revisit their f.. See more

#11043 - Status: open

5 days ago by X5Z8 for Survival



If prison is gonna be a while before it's reset, or even if it's not gonna be a while, can we please add Plot-Mines in creative with some sort of mine reset command.

#11040 - Status: open

6 days ago by Mitsurii_ for Creative


U mine

hello a lot were complaining about how u mine resetting and they get stuck so If they lagged while being stuck they might die and lose their items sadly I suggest to put free space do when it resets we hide at it avoiding the stuck glitch

#11021 - Status: open

1 week ago by _SevenPro_ for Prison


Leaderboard for Mining

Harvesting crops right now is the best thing to get points in skyblock. And it will make it more fun if we got a leaderboard of like Mining or especially crops.

Right now you cant really show what you have done if you in a island you can only show that you are in a top island and cant show that you are the best grinder of the island it will make it more competitive against players aswell. Li.. See more

#11015 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Mitsuha05 for Skyblock


Remove p2w limits for spawners

I understand that this is a p2w server and owners should get paid from players buying ranks but forcing users that they should have VIP rank to be able to break spawners using silk touch is really stupid, i think all members should be allowed to mine spawners using silk touch and remove the p2w ability cuz its really annoying and stupid, i hope u guys care about this cuz many members confirm wit.. See more

#11004 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by sn5k for Global


000 to k

Make it so when doing /ah sell you can put k or 000 for the price to make it so you can do 100k instead of 100000

#10998 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by fishing_scout for Global


Make it so you can buy gunpowder in /shop


#10994 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by atuxd for Towny



What if a team member suddenly enabled party friendlyfire and is trying to kill you ? You cant enable party friendlyfire yourself because he is already fighting you ( ct ) ... and you cant defend yourself since you cant hit him so you end up losing your valuables.
A great solution would be to be able to turn party friendlyfire whenever we want to prevent those situations even if we are on ct.

#10990 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 weeks ago by _SilentHill for Survival


Buying Old Saves

I think that after each reset, there should be an option to buy the old-world map from the website store, like if survival resets someone can buy the old-world map for 10$ or something, a lot of us would like to keep our old builds if that's possible!

#10985 - Status: open

1 month ago by SteamPunkPrince for Global


skygrid's golden nuggets

the shop should buy and sell golden nuggets for the betterment of skygrid. thank you so much and have a wonderful day

#10984 - Status: open

1 month ago by starchaser for Global


Factions Need to fix again

Should we make sand drop when hitting non-solid blocks
Yes dont make ec have glitch [ its so ez to destroy any solid blocks ]

SandBot need to fix

Fireball dont need to dmg any durability blocks

make tnt fixed 50$ or 100$

this my Feedback at factions rn

#10960 - Status: open

1 month ago by iLosfer for Factions


Fix discord link

Y'all's discord link is broken plz fix lmao

#10954 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by TheObscureBread for Global


Add event jump starter to skyblock

Skyblock votekeys are not very useful
The valuable things in the crate are spawners chesthoppers and spawnextractors which have a 1/5000 of dropping
Also events happen very rarely in skyblock
The event jump starter would be a great addition, maybe with a 0.2% chance of dropping so it's not way too common

#10952 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Mfss for Skyblock


/t online

It just shows you who’s online just like in town, but it could be used for everything like sky block factions that stuff

#10951 - Status: open

1 month ago by fishing_scout for Global


Farming /quests

I know there's till/bonemeal achievements but maybe add or replace those with Farming achievements.

Farm x amount of berries/potatoes/carrots/wheat/nether wart/pumpkins/melons/etc for tokens/BP XP.

#10938 - Status: open

1 month ago by Mitsurii_ for Global


Crops Farmed for Hoe's

So there's mobs killed and blocks mined for /weaponkills on sword, axe and pickaxes. Can we please add Crops Farmed on hoe's? I think a lot of people would enjoy this feature :3

#10936 - Status: open

1 month ago by Mitsurii_ for Global


Rate for staff ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I think this should be an option for every player to rate for staffs and also add a comment after rating and make it necassery (to avoid false ratings), if they were good boys the can promote and if they got average ratings they stay on same level and if it was negative rating then they should be demoted as fast as possible, and the ratings reset every 1 month.
btw I don't see a good idea t.. See more

#10935 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Oo_Scavenger_oO for Global


Making scams in /ah punishable Or..

We need to take a step forward.. And think about all the new players joining the server everyday. Imagine grinding money for 4-5 hrs straight.. And getting scammed at last. We have been noticing alot of /ah scams especially Chesthoppers or Extractor. This has lead to many scams.. especially to the new players.. As they don't know about the "lore" thing. But keep in mind.. y'all have ano.. See more

#10932 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by FlickstrX for Global


Punish /ah title scamming

In the last 24 hours there have been 19 fake chesthopper scams in skyblock. Start punishing this especially since it affects mostly new players (so EC won't be getting any new community as it seems). For the love of god, start caring about your server. (The suggestion isn't only about skyblock but to be applied in all servers)

#10931 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by StefXVI for Skyblock


Making 1.8 servers

May I speak on behalf of everyone who has played 1.8 on this server? 1.20 pvp is garbage. 
Like many other suggestions, it has been proven that 1.20 pvp takes no skill; the person or party with the better gear or more players wins.
I'd suggest we combine Extremecraft back to an 1.20 and 1.8 server (like OPsurvival was a 1.20 in a 1.8 server). 
I'm sure this is possible and makes Extre.. See more

#10929 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by maarniks for Global