Creative Money

Money in creative is pretty useless so i was thinking of a way to make it useful.A shop can be made in creative which can be accessed by doing /shop where you can buy heads and world edit and maybe banners as well.It would also benefit the server since players would vote more often to get money and buy things at the shop.

#4412 - Status: answered - See reply

4 years ago by wesley128 for Creative


More gadgets ?

There could be minecart cars that every rank can use,and more rp plugins to make it as fun as old days and some rp pregenerate plots.

#7628 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by xRekteD for Creative


Portal Trap

Ban the use of the Nether portal somehow or prevent portal trapping.

#4376 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by SuperCharas for Creative


Highlighting trusted players which are currently online and on the plot.

In the scoreboard, the list where trusted players names are given, it should be a thing that if a trusted player is present on the plot the player's name in the scoreboard should turn green or something which will indicate that that player is present on the plot.

#5229 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Bruhhhh_h for Creative


Barrier blocks at creative

We should be allowed to place barrier blocks in our plots, they would be useful for making pvp maps, scavenger hunts, etc.

You could set a command to give you the specific item, similarly to how /skull works.

#6787 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by SeannnG for Creative


Creative plot Whitelist

this is something that i think some may agree with u see plots from what i was informed dont have a whitelist option and i think it would be cool since someone may want to build something without letting others see it etc.

#7371 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by ItzZacKlocky for Creative


The parkour at creative

The parkour at creative is amazing and really fun to do but the after doing some jumps your hunger runs out, you can ofcourse take food with you but the time keeps on going so I thought it'd be a cool feature to add saturation in the parkour region, Thanks -Titan.

#8232 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by Tita_n for Creative


Block glitch in parkour

people can still use blocks to block glitch in parkour....please let their items disappear when they start parkour

#8286 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by NightOmega_ for Creative



Currently, the currency is useless in creative and the only reason to vote is w/e, how about currency become useful (e.g: $1 = I new head, all bought heads remain free)

#5046 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Player_X_YT for Creative


Money is useless in creative!

Hello. So as u all know, money in creative is useless. if u typed /shop, u can buy SPAWNER only. So, my suggestion is, make more ways to apend money with. For example, add akmw stuff like heads ans banners to the /shop, and some more stuff so at least money wont be useless.

u may ask me, how will people make money? Simply, u can add a way to sell skulls and heads in /shop, or add something t.. See more

#5919 - Status: shortlisted

3 years ago by MrLebanon for Creative


Add a new plugin

I have always thought it would be cool if you guys added voxel sniper as a plugin. That way some of us builders can build custom mountains, trees, landscaping, etc. In stead of placing all blocks by hand.

#5624 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by CameronBuildsYT for Creative



I suggest that maybe you update the creative server to the newest version, I'm pretty sure this will bring more players to the server because of course they'd love to use the newest blocks to build in their plots.

#8796 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by NightSoulPT for Creative


Plot Suggestion (Liking/Disliking)

I recommend to add a command for checking who liked/disliked to you for example "/plot Whodisliked" Or /plot Wholiked",
It's a really small detail but useful, I'm coming up with a really good suggestion soon.

#8466 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by flmey for Creative


Tp trapping, possible fix

So, tp trapping is becoming really a pain in the ass, and there's too many ways of doing it, example "Endportal" "Pistons", so for pistons, maybe you could make this, Testfor player standing on specific coordinatesfrequently/mutliple times, do something like, if your not tp trapped, type "h" in chat or something,
And for the coordinates it would be that, if you example, stand on x1 y0 z0 an.. See more

#3120 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by zi_u for Creative



Guns for creative,it would be fun tho dont make them usable in /pvp it would make a lot of ppl upset

#8078 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by xRekteD for Creative


Creative Reset

Hello. I have no idea if this is in the right category or not, but I wanted to send this anyways:

I have a suggestion for the upcoming creative reset. I have a huge head shop with over 500 heads, and when the reset comes, I will have to start collecting all over again. I'm sure many other people will have this issue as well.

I think that before the reset, you should build little storag.. See more

#1921 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by panethiel for Creative


BasketBall In Creative

basically SOME basketball head or something else just in a player's hand, where you can like Q or RightClick to just pass it or Throw it in the basket, and also a way for when someone touches the basketball (not the body just the basketball) it CAN be taken or something, this might just be rejected and I said this in a lot of my recent suggestions but I think its really cool.

#8714 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by flmey for Creative


Creative suggestions

Creative suggestions:

- /p member (shows you all the plots you are added/trusted in)
- /p shareownership (ability to add a co plot owner to the plot you are owning - pretty usefull for shops owners , rp owners etc
- /p ban and /p unban (/p deny being very annoying since you have to add and remove the denied person to undeny him) ; this would be more simple and efficient
- when a plot's.. See more

#1236 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by DynamoFTW for Creative


NPCs on creative?

Is it possible to add NPCs that normal players can place, to decorate their plots

#2217 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 years ago by Thuklan20025 for Creative


Plot Merge

Instead of having only letting us only have 4 plots merged u should let us merge more. Like possible up to 6 or 5 please. It will make the server better because me and my friends all want to merge but we can’t because the max is 4.

#2570 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by Phytik for Creative


Adding BuildBattles

if you add build battles and you build, the person will vote good or bad the top few winners or winner will get something special

#3327 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by EldenLimYT for Creative


Nether Portal Escape

Hello. The improvement I'm asking for is a save from the nether portal traps in creative. I have recently experienced a nether portal trap, without being able to evade it. I was lucky you have such a great and always-available staff team, one of them helping me get out of the portal.
Other from my weird actions, I'd suggest, when in a nether portal, to teleport back to the spawn. I am a.. See more

#2496 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by TitanTrux for Creative


Private chest grief fix.

Like my last suggestion, about creative, this one won't be much different than that. But, with another team. Leaving apart the boring stuff, let's get straight to the subject : Private chest grief fix. You may be wondering what does that mean. Well, your "really nice" players have discovered a neat trick to destroy someone's plot. The ranked ones. No, not by erasing all the plot with.. See more

#2505 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by TitanTrux for Creative


The permission of building fix.

Hey! I've got another idea of improvement. First of all, creative is a place full of things that need to be fixed, and I'm here to help you find the mistakes that shall be corrected. Second of all, there is a really Really REALLY big error in the coding of creative. I mean the adding process.
As we all know, on our plots we are able to add or trust people. The problem here is that the a.. See more

#2507 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by TitanTrux for Creative



You should make it so you can buy more plots in the store like 1 plot = 1$ or 2$

#2738 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 years ago by Malvrius for Creative