Nxds Dms

make nxds enable his dms so we can actually ask him stuff

#5960 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by zi_u for Discord


Discord Points

Playing wordsgame on Discord is fun and irritating. I'm just wondering what's the points used for? That's why I came up with an idea that will make the server Discord more active.

How about giving store voucher for the people who got the most points on it, like the Top 5 players with the most points will receive a voucher after a particular reset. This will make the server discord.. See more

#5127 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by NixDis for Discord


ecd already have level 2, almost level 3 boosted

why not making animated server icon? Its beautiful

#8077 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Xeithas for Discord


Add an advertising channel to discord

A lot of people, including me, want to trade with people for real money, it would be a lot easier if there was a channel to advertise that, and would make it more organized, since some people don't like seeing trading messages in random channels...

I'd say give it a general format, like for example:
Server: RPG
Giving: 300 million money
For: Squid pet

You get the general idea :)

#5309 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by H2Oryxio for Discord


auto send player's total offenses after getting punished

make it so bigbrother auto send player's total offences (in dms) after gettings punished

#7434 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by deviil for Discord


⛔about discord bans

one time i got banned for DM advertising and simply i found my self out of EC discord without anything to make me know the reason; 💡SO : I think that you have to make BigBrother DM the members if they got banned/muted/warned (that will save your time because players won't ask staff to know what happened so they got a ban 😉

#8816 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by YOYO96GAMER for Discord


Bring back #memes

Bring back the #memes in the ec discord server, the memes can advertise server and it is a necessary object for the server
Also you should bring back vouchers for the meme contest winners so people have reason to make memes not for free
I don't see anything wrong with it, if you add it back, it's beneficial for the server literally beneficial for all

#9704 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Omega_Mi for Discord


Delete guess my number event

Delete that guess my number thingy cuz it's broken and dead

#7005 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Stockman4 for Discord


a command that shows how many people are online on the minecraft server

/online shows how many people are currently online on the mc server sometimes you struggle between launching 1.7 or 1.8 you love ec but it might be dead so you don't want to launch minecraft then relaunch another version idk i may be just lazy but who cares just add please!!

#8494 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by kubye for Discord



Add some music bots to the discord to allow people to listen to music in voice calls

#6432 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by icuk33 for Discord


color role

create a role or title like belle delphine that would change the color of your role on discord depending on the one you purchase for example make a title called “black” and if the player purchases that then you get the title on discord with the color

#6909 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by GamerGirlTessa for Discord


Press F to pay respects

Same as ingame form but messages get deleted after some minutes like the old /ship

#7420 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Jooooohn for Discord


Discord bannns

Can a mod hold someone accountable for what they said in a discord that isn’t extremecraft related and still be banned for it on Minecraft ? Even when if the Evidence is Taken out of Context? I’ve checked the rules and anything outside of their network they shouldn’t be able to hold you accountable right??

#5965 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by 6AgentHawk for Discord


Server Upgrades

Server is Big Enough so why not Apply for Discord Partner Program? The only problem could be Inactivity of the server which could be fixed by making server a bit more public, also it will be really epic to have a few Stickers on the server, Specifically a few Belle stickers <3

#8451 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Jooooohn for Discord


Bring back memes channel in Ec's discord server

It would be really nice if you bring back the memes channel on ecds and let people to upload their memes like the old times.
The discord channel is now dead because of removing #memes
Also, another logical reason why the in-game server is dead is because those memes people make for ec can advertise the server for free with their meme content.
And without them It lowers the server's reputa.. See more

#9908 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Omega_Mi for Discord


Discord Managers

Now, This is a bit controversial. Staff are very helpful on discord and ingame. (usually). I think we should have a team called "Discord Managers" these people should be -active on discord -know all discord punishments -be able to answer questions within discord -etc. These people will not have any perms in game but on discord they will be able to mute kick and warn. (Higher roles maybe ban?) St.. See more

#4811 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by CherryBlo77om for Discord


Shop chat in discord


It would be good to have a chat in discord for prison shops. Where everyone can put their price and warps there. It would be good for price check for all players, and also good or competitive playes to set up higher prices, so the low rank can chose the best price to sell their things or buy in that matter :)

Hope you guys think about it, sounds reasonable atleast from my point of v.. See more

#6304 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by trikkey for Discord


New event

New event: Karaoke night Winners: 3 We will make voice channel named ‘Karaoke’ and then all will be muted. For enter you need to write bigbrother /enter karaoke then bigbrother will send her/him a random music you added to list and then they will start singing that event night and try t.. See more

#7354 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by medieval for Discord



Add minigames in the extremecraft discord, like a bot that does games or the bigbrother itself, so we can play games whenever we're bored or on phone.

#7828 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by GallowPeacer for Discord


Adding a channel

I suggest adding a channel named : Staff-Feedback
This will give the members a chance to leave a feedback on a staff member after helping em out or anything like that.

For Example:

Staff Name: Dieu
Rank: Owner
Feedback: Was very helpful , Good staff member , Suggesting to promote +rep

#8388 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by xStop_Scam for Discord


Meme submission

Sometimes you submit a meme and after some hours your meme gets rejected without any reason.
for example I made like 4 memes and sent it for bigbro then they all got rejected for no reason
and I can't find out what's the problem of those memes
So it would be nice if you add a new feature that when someone's meme gets rejected BigBro Sends the reason of the meme problem.
Example: .. See more

#9290 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Omega_Mi for Discord


Rank colours

Each rank should have a different colour, it would make the server seem neater.

#3907 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by Notrushing for Discord


New commands on Discord

I would like if some useful commands would be added on discord for example ,
1. /namehistory should be available atleast for Elite+/Nitro players to see their namehistories they had ingame
2. /offenses should be for everyone because we need to know their offenses they did on discord so that we know their behaviours
its available on the website and i would also request if we could /offenses (p.. See more

#4462 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by TheCapedKnight for Discord


Fix BigBrother

so whenever i say yuri i get muted for swearing
is that intentional?


#5335 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by BlueberryDaFloor for Discord


#suggestions channel on ecds


#6291 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by tionull for Discord