Meme submission

Sometimes you submit a meme and after some hours your meme gets rejected without any reason.
for example I made like 4 memes and sent it for bigbro then they all got rejected for no reason
and I can't find out what's the problem of those memes
So it would be nice if you add a new feature that when someone's meme gets rejected BigBro Sends the reason of the meme problem.
Example: someone submits a bad meme
Bigbrother message:
"Your meme has been rejected.
Reason: The grammar of meme sentences is incorrect."

#9290 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by Omega_Mi for Discord

Answer: Rejected

Rejected, you are free to ask Community Managers (who process the memes) why they did not meet standards.

2 years ago by MathNerd272