Add memes channel

add memes channel to ec discord where ppl post their memes

#11158 - Status: closed - See reply

3 weeks ago by hydriel for Discord


bring back memes!!!

i was in the extremecraft's discord server like years ago and the community was so fun that time because there were memes channel where people used to upload their memes and it was so funny but i realized it has been removed now and the community has became toxic alot, honestly in each channel you go, you only see dramas that people are barking to each other, so im pretty sure if you g.. See more

#11036 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by NOT_MR for Discord


Reinstate the #memes channel

In the past, the #memes channel on the ec's discord server was a hub for sharing and appreciating humor through memes. people could upload their memes, and the top 5 best memers would receive vouchers as a reward.
It was also a way to promote the server and increase its reputation
However, staff members deleted the channel due to concerns that the voting system could be rigged by alters, l.. See more

#10522 - Status: closed - See reply

8 months ago by Omega_Mi for Discord


Discord Super Reactions/Reactions.

I'm wondering if it's possible for players to be able to super react or react in every discord channel so that some important messages don't go unnoticed. It happens alot players asking the same questions over and over again because they don't go to updates or don't follow instagram, if they do see a message with alot of reactions, maybe will caught their attention. Not only .. See more

#10284 - Status: closed - See reply

10 months ago by x69_ for Discord



add a /translate, /t or /trans on big brother

so staff knows what nasty players doing and players knows what other players talking about and can understand better

like (/t en:ph hello) and it will trabs late it to tagalig language
and if (/t ph:en mabuhay)it will translate it to english

#8666 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by Emico_ for Discord


Polls for players ! ( new command )

Read Full to get a better understanding and sorry if you think it's too long/boring !

Well, I was think of adding a new command in the discord server. The command would be like : /poll OR /startpoll etc.

Usage: The command would allow the user to create a poll in the specific channel where the command is issued.

Why ? : I think the command would be useful for players to decide on .. See more

#8485 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by x0x_Devil_x0x for Discord


Mass ping solution

Hi, as you all know by now there is somebody that is using a bot to tag everyone on the discord. This is of course very annoying to a lot of us so i have come up with an solution. The main bot "BigBrother" should have an implementation where if you tag x people in a message, you get muted for y amount of time. The x and the y will be decided by you guys, but i think it should be something like i.. See more

#8040 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by boemstijn for Discord



Did the top voters get vouchers in the end of the month or no?

#7938 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by BaselOmadYTX for Discord


No more than three tags and only staff can do @everyone

Make it where no one can tag more than three people and only staff can tag @everyone.

You also make it where each rank can tag more people if the first is too unpopular and where Nexus rank can tag @everyone

This will keep people from making new accounts and tagging everyone in discord at once and easier to ban them before they finish tagging everyone.

#7794 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by AtypicalMist for Discord


new command owowowowo

/customstatus (user), this will show the player's custom status obviously owo

#6713 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by 583Kadaii for Discord


New memes channel

Add a new channel called #memes-unrelated, as the channel name suggests, this meme channel is for memes that are unrelated to ec, when a player sends a meme to the bot, they will be asked whether its related or unrelated (you basically say what kind of meme it is).

also make BigBrother more friendly dang it

#6214 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by 583Kadaii for Discord


BigBrother New Feature.

Hey There! I thought of sharing a new feature to our friendly BigBrother 😉.

So , When players /afk in-game it shows [AFK] in /list in-game. So I would suggest to add that to Discord also , If the Player is afk on discord then to Show [AFK] in the players username.

I don't think this will be tough for a BigBrain like NxDs. Would be nice if it's added.

Thanks 😊

#6057 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by yohazz for Discord


Top meme channel

It would be a channel, where the most upvoted meme of the week gets mentioned.

#5659 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by DefinedK for Discord


Discord improvment

I think u should add annoucment when dropparties will be so people know when should they come online so dropparties have more people involving..

#4126 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by G1bby_ for Discord



I should like you should improve BigBrother's iq, and what's the best kind of way other than adding a define command ! using this following syntax: /define (word) ; it will make BigBrother give you the definition of that word, there are many dictionaries to use but some give profanity/NSFW-related results, so you should just use a simple word definition module, i'm pretty sure Java h.. See more

#3655 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by SundaeMondae for Discord


"Censor evasion"

I got muted for 6 hours for saying the word (I think) "shit". Now tell me, how the hell is that reasonable? Plus, censor "evasion"? What the heck?

#3529 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by BatMandor for Discord


Tag toggling? Tbh idk what to name this.

A command that prevents non-staff commands from tagging you. For those who get annoyed by useless tags. Non-staff commands as in RPs, and /gives. Maybe make it person specific.
This would also prevent the bypass of blocks using BigBro.
Yw, Hyper.

#3492 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Qawhoo for Discord



Bigbro sends a list for name history in pms.

#3424 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Qawhoo for Discord


Bring Back The Word Game

As you could see from the subject, we miss the old word game where people keep typing letters in a chain, then bigbro suggests another letter, then you'll have to think of a proper word that can be said in the end, if you guess it you get word points, you remember that entertaining game, but NxDs removed it regarding some spam issues, but i believe if you add a word_game channel, then it.. See more

#3301 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by SundaeMondae for Discord


Global Chat on Discord

I suggest that to add a Global Chat on discord where everyone can chat just for fun! also a help chat
where players will ask for help when there is a staff on or a player than can help him/her. I hope you consider this! Thank you!

#3229 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Roboth for Discord



Can you please make /spank an rp command in the discord server ? It would really satisfy so many people, because it's useful to spank people when they get too annoying.

#3135 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by SundaeMondae for Discord



/spank pls add
Useful command

#3117 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Doilt for Discord




tho i am not sure how to fix the problem that people are gonna scream out loud, maybe we do like turns, and we have a discord staff that holds it
and then the discord staff can unmute the people that are gonna sing, possibly?

#3102 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by zi_u for Discord


New Channel

A channel wherein only the player himself can see the chat. its mostly for doing commands so other players wont be tagged when the command requires their name.

#3044 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Shiroe_ for Discord