bring back memes!!!

i was in the extremecraft's discord server like years ago and the community was so fun that time because there were memes channel where people used to upload their memes and it was so funny but i realized it has been removed now and the community has became toxic alot, honestly in each channel you go, you only see dramas that people are barking to each other, so im pretty sure if you g.. See more

#11036 - Status: open

1 week ago by NOT_MR for Discord


Finish the song

Big brother gives the start to a song and we have to finish the song

#10944 - Status: open

1 month ago by fishing_scout for Discord


The DC server would be popping more then it is rn,

last night i was doing a challange, and i wanted to stream it but bcs it was 3am there was no point streaming on twitch, so i wanted to hop in a call on EC server, and call with people who were willing to watch the process of opening 2300+ votekeys for a video, me, discocreeeper, and visualsFTW were sitting in the EC dc call but found out we can't actually screenshare on jump on our cameras,.. See more

#10637 - Status: shortlisted

4 months ago by stealself for Discord


Reinstate the #memes channel

In the past, the #memes channel on the ec's discord server was a hub for sharing and appreciating humor through memes. people could upload their memes, and the top 5 best memers would receive vouchers as a reward.
It was also a way to promote the server and increase its reputation
However, staff members deleted the channel due to concerns that the voting system could be rigged by alters, l.. See more

#10522 - Status: open

6 months ago by Omega_Mi for Discord


return of #memes channel

can we return #memes channel at discord? it used to be fun and cool and now since server is coming back i dont see why not

#10487 - Status: rejected - See reply

7 months ago by NoLegacy_ for Discord


Discord Super Reactions/Reactions.

I'm wondering if it's possible for players to be able to super react or react in every discord channel so that some important messages don't go unnoticed. It happens alot players asking the same questions over and over again because they don't go to updates or don't follow instagram, if they do see a message with alot of reactions, maybe will caught their attention. Not only .. See more

#10284 - Status: closed - See reply

8 months ago by x69_ for Discord



I have seen suggestion-updates channel already in discord but what about adding new one for suggestions itself and make the cooldown same here

#9997 - Status: rejected - See reply

11 months ago by _SevenPro_ for Discord


Bring back memes channel in Ec's discord server

It would be really nice if you bring back the memes channel on ecds and let people to upload their memes like the old times.
The discord channel is now dead because of removing #memes
Also, another logical reason why the in-game server is dead is because those memes people make for ec can advertise the server for free with their meme content.
And without them It lowers the server's reputa.. See more

#9908 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Omega_Mi for Discord



You guys should start the memes event agian , it was fun and the alter must have left untill now , every month top 3 members get vouchers

#9808 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by JogiOP2k for Discord


Bring back #memes

Bring back the #memes in the ec discord server, the memes can advertise server and it is a necessary object for the server
Also you should bring back vouchers for the meme contest winners so people have reason to make memes not for free
I don't see anything wrong with it, if you add it back, it's beneficial for the server literally beneficial for all

#9704 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by Omega_Mi for Discord



Make a channel named #takennames and inside of it, it shows a list of the already taken names from the server so people dont’t change their name to a name that someone used before but they got banned.

#9407 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by PsiDev for Discord


Enable Curse words


#9326 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by kubye for Discord


Meme submission

Sometimes you submit a meme and after some hours your meme gets rejected without any reason.
for example I made like 4 memes and sent it for bigbro then they all got rejected for no reason
and I can't find out what's the problem of those memes
So it would be nice if you add a new feature that when someone's meme gets rejected BigBro Sends the reason of the meme problem.
Example: .. See more

#9290 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Omega_Mi for Discord


⛔about discord bans

one time i got banned for DM advertising and simply i found my self out of EC discord without anything to make me know the reason; 💡SO : I think that you have to make BigBrother DM the members if they got banned/muted/warned (that will save your time because players won't ask staff to know what happened so they got a ban 😉

#8816 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by YOYO96GAMER for Discord



add a /translate, /t or /trans on big brother

so staff knows what nasty players doing and players knows what other players talking about and can understand better

like (/t en:ph hello) and it will trabs late it to tagalig language
and if (/t ph:en mabuhay)it will translate it to english

#8666 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by Emico_ for Discord



#8655 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Gemontie for Discord



Add /karma to discord commands <3


#8505 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Jooooohn for Discord


a command that shows how many people are online on the minecraft server

/online shows how many people are currently online on the mc server sometimes you struggle between launching 1.7 or 1.8 you love ec but it might be dead so you don't want to launch minecraft then relaunch another version idk i may be just lazy but who cares just add please!!

#8494 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by kubye for Discord


Polls for players ! ( new command )

Read Full to get a better understanding and sorry if you think it's too long/boring !

Well, I was think of adding a new command in the discord server. The command would be like : /poll OR /startpoll etc.

Usage: The command would allow the user to create a poll in the specific channel where the command is issued.

Why ? : I think the command would be useful for players to decide on .. See more

#8485 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by x0x_Devil_x0x for Discord


Server Upgrades

Server is Big Enough so why not Apply for Discord Partner Program? The only problem could be Inactivity of the server which could be fixed by making server a bit more public, also it will be really epic to have a few Stickers on the server, Specifically a few Belle stickers <3

#8451 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Jooooohn for Discord


Adding a channel

I suggest adding a channel named : Staff-Feedback
This will give the members a chance to leave a feedback on a staff member after helping em out or anything like that.

For Example:

Staff Name: Dieu
Rank: Owner
Feedback: Was very helpful , Good staff member , Suggesting to promote +rep

#8388 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by xStop_Scam for Discord


new channel

a channel where people can post/report scammers and stuff for gamemodes. It should have a set layout for reports like:

(username) is a (e.g scammer)
Gamemode: e.g OPFactions
Proof: screenshot or video link
More info: e.g They look for good swords!

#8266 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Msmi for Discord


Closed/accepted Suggestions

Make a separate discord server channel for closed/accepted suggestions' live updates.

#8263 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Beaamy for Discord


new rp commands

pls add there new rp commands

/ban (name)
* (player) has banned (player), REKT
/drop (name)
* (player) has dropped (player) to death
/burn (name)
* (player) has burned (player) using their inner rage
/techno (name)
* (player) has killed (player) with Technoblade's help
/sus (player)
* (player) has kicked (player) out of the ship
/rickroll (player)
* (player) has rickrolled (pla.. See more

#8089 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Xeithas for Discord