Disabling /tpa [name] in pvpmine

People nowadays are complaining about tp kill in pvpmine. Which make us don't trust people who wants people to teleport to them.

#7724 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by GiridaGaming for Prison


New command

Pls add a command where we can do our auction,it will count the highest bid for us,so u wont forgot who, and heres for example:
/auction create,place your items in command's "chest"
/auction start,to start the bidding ofc
/auction min (amount),set minimum bid
/auction (option),blind auction or normal option
/auction list,to see currently running auctions
/auction bid (auction number/n.. See more

#7708 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Xeithas for Global


Add clans in bedwars!

Idk just like parties clans are a group but bigger and has perks
the higher the level of the clan = more bedshards and point multiplier

#7674 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by nullscoped for Global


Plot flags

It would be good to have /p f set deny-teleport, /p f set greeting, /p f set farewell


#7670 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by xRekteD for Creative


Add [item] in /msg or /pm

You can show to other what u got in /msg.

#7659 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Creeeper31200 for Global



When the player u want to look for with /seen is banned it would show that + the reason of the ban and if its tempban or permenant

#7658 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by aujwdbiuaw for Global



Allow you to see if the player your friends with is afk or not.very simple.

#7641 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by HavaNiece for Global


Tnt Fill Command + Bank

The /f buyfillnearbytnt command is nice but there could be major improvements to ensure proper filling of a cannon. My suggestion is that the command should cap dispensers around it to the amount specified. For example: /f buyfillnearbytnt 64 32 will fill 32 tnt in a range of 64 blocks but for those dispensers already filled with tnt, it will fill the difference between them to cap it at 32. The.. See more

#7635 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by BlazedbyBlazer for Factions



Hi, Please Add Sit Feature. That's All Thanks

#7613 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Catwhiskerrss for Survival


/chunk Improvement

Please consider counting the stacked spawners too in op servers with /chunk

#7600 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Shiroe_ for Global


/fly for lobby

We should be allowed to fly in lobby as exploring the whole map on foot with no speed, Takes time ! Please reply & Upvote, Thnx :)

#7587 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by x0x_Devil_x0x for Global



/find <player> find any player in different gamemodes

#7576 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by iChooseMJ for Global


/withdraw max

This feature will withdraw all your balance for convenience pls upvote ty 💛

#7570 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by funkie360 for Survival


/f se timeframe

given that the spawn rate is not very high for /f se and you're paying a premium price for nexus, i, having seen messages from other players as well, would like to suggest that the cooldown between /f se for players is cut by half OR that the spawn rate is higher than it currently is. If not this then potentially a cut down between each server spawned envoy to 40 mins rather than an hour. It.. See more

#7569 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by sacadre for Factions


/dropparty (/dp)

Make /dropparty to show date or amount of time until next dropparty whether it be seconds minutes hours days and weeks wit love

#7565 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by zgch for Global


Useful Command Improvement

/chunk is a command that is not used often, mostly people would just use F3 + G. What a good way to improve this would be to add useful information such as shows the number of spawners in the chunk shown as: Spawners: (x)/120 Spawners available. Similar would be to add number of entities present in the chunk like (x)/10, this would help in preventing mobs to despawn. Another one would be to show.. See more

#7553 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by _Lyn for Global



We can add /fly which basically allows u to fly in anywhere anytime...

Players can either obtain it by opening Boss keys or CTA keys or we will have to buy it for 10$ or 5$ IDK...

#7542 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by 50Ex for Global



We can create /lb or /LeaderBoard To see Player's STATS in-game in /PVP...


#7541 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by 50Ex for Global


Addition of the "/builder" command, similar to "/staff".

Basically, we all know that the /staff command shows a list that includes the names of the available and online staff members with their respective staff ranks so that players find it easier to contact them. The approach is similar, with /builder command, the only difference is it would show a list of the available and online builders with their respective ranks. This would also give them more r.. See more

#7518 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by ZeskyWheat for Global


/is settings

Island Settings should be Allowed To be changed by island owners even if they don't have a rank because It's their island and It would be nice to toggle use of lever/button and other stuff as people can come to your island and use your farms/ personal areas .

Thank You

#7474 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by x0x_Devil_x0x for Skyblock


Buyable Commands

If possible adding a option to buy a few commands using in game money for the season. Maybe something simple like /top for 5 million to use it for this season and when the season is over they have to buy it for the new season.

#7452 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by pizzchan for Global


/me in each chat (removed)

Relatively recently, within the last couple of season or so, the /me feature was moved to being available from only the public chat to being available in faction chat and ally chat etc. many people on the server find it more tedious rather than helpful due to the fact that when people use /me, it is usually to announce something toward the whole server rather than just to the faction chat or all.. See more

#7430 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by sacadre for Factions



You need to add /cape set ~~~

If yu add this your server called unique because any server not have cape set option quickly add this!

#7366 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by DareDev1L__ for Global


/pwarp ban

There should be a way to ban someone from your pwarp. By that I mean make it so they cant do /pwarp v (username) and go there. This could be a way to prevent people you dont like/griefed something/is messing with people there EG: dropping random items into hoppers and breaking things.

#7335 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by leumas050206 for Global


Daily mine stats command

To view your blocks mined within that day or last 24 hours, could make it so that it shows only total or even throughout all mines. If the latter, perhaps add lucky blocks mined today also.

#7325 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Julitocrafter for Prison