Addition of the "/builder" command, similar to "/staff".

Basically, we all know that the /staff command shows a list that includes the names of the available and online staff members with their respective staff ranks so that players find it easier to contact them. The approach is similar, with /builder command, the only difference is it would show a list of the available and online builders with their respective ranks. This would also give them more recognition overall and players wouldn't have to rush to the EC website all the time to check the list of builders and would be much more convenient. Players, especially in creative, might require any sort of building help or advice from them anytime.
Even when a player gets appointed as a new JrBuilder, other players would get a chance to interact with them or just congratulate them in general.
Just an overall attempt to give the builders of this server a little more recognition. Even normal players get confused at times when they keep asking in chat whether there is any builder in-game at that moment and they get no answer, which can be avoided by the addition of this simple command to see which builder is online and in which server.

/builder : List of names of available builders with their specific rank and their respective color, from higher rank to lower rank. (Similar to /staff command).

#7518 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by ZeskyWheat for Commands

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

5 months ago by _OnePro_