skygrid's golden nuggets

the shop should buy and sell golden nuggets for the betterment of skygrid. thank you so much and have a wonderful day

#10984 - Status: open

1 month ago by starchaser for Global



Currently shards are useless in Gamemode "Survival". I'll like to see /shardshop in survival. Just like other gamemodes.

Just a small suggestion :)

#10983 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by FlickstrX for Survival



[bruh] tilte i think all will buy [bruh] tnx u

#10982 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by da21a for Titles


mc bedrock to connect into java server

i want to play this server on my android phone

#10981 - Status: open

1 month ago by diamond431850 for Global


Title "Uganda"

Please add the title "Uganda" since i want my country here.

#10980 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Belarus"

Please add the title "Belarus" since i want my country here.

#10979 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Turkmenistan"

Please add the title "Turkmenistan" since i want my country here.

#10978 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Bhutan"

Please add the title "Bhutan" since i want my country here.

#10977 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Kazakhstan"

Please add the title "Kazakhstan" since i want my country here.

#10976 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Nigeria"

Please add the title "Nigeria" since i want my country here.

#10975 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Niger"

Please add the title "Niger" since i want my country here.

#10974 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Crusader title

PLEASE ADD "Crusader" title ITS SO COOL!!!!

#10973 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by SuddenImpact_ for Titles



Please add holograms of rules briefly so that new players would know about it
From what I have seen new players don't usually check the website
And up until now i have seen many new players getting banned for alting just because they didn't knew and I can guess some of them didn't rejoin again because that's was their first impression about the server
Along with holograms of.. See more

#10972 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Ha_Rsh for Lobby


add bounty commands

i see over 130 players lets make some fun to them

add /bounty [Name player] [amount] [time]


#10969 - Status: open

1 month ago by iLosfer for Survival


a memory for one of the biggest projects on EC

title : ''Mall'' colours? since we want to make more and more malls in the future with our community of 160 people we currently have in our Dc! i would love to see the colours &6Ma&ell , since dubaimall wouldn't get accepted. as reminder we got the dubai mall colours,

This title deserves a spot in EC after recently hitting the 100 total members in the mall itself and over.. See more

#10968 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by stealself for Titles


/is addpoints

Converting balance to island points is the most painful thing in the universe. Please make a command like /is addpoints 100000 where it takes the respective balance (200000) and converts it to island points. Buying and selling glowberries just DOESN'T WORK for large amount of bals. Please consider asap as it is one of the most major problems of the servers imo.

#10966 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by StefXVI for Skyblock


Fix the Current Glitched Situation

Hey, first of all fix the bug with the squid pet. I would only recommend a tempban for those who abused the glitch but that´s only my opinion.
Rollback the Server to the point where the glitches did not happen yet, since it´s too much work to refund every player that was affected by this.

-Thanks in advance

#10965 - Status: open

1 month ago by EarlKaiden for Factions


Brake boats

Make it so you are able to break your own boat when u've ended up in someone's warp.

#10964 - Status: open

1 month ago by _Profile_ for Survival


Claiming Lands

My request and suggestion is being able to make claims not only in squares and rectangles, but also in different shapes. What I mean by this, is that you could shape your own claim, so for example if you have a big build around something like small islands around your main island, you could put the small islands in 1 big claim and the center would be the main claim with the build. Or if not this.. See more

#10963 - Status: open

1 month ago by MrkvaMajkl for Global


A title for the top skill players

Custom title for free to the top players in every skill mining woodcutting ex

Some ideas:
Miner: mole person
Swords: golden knight
Excavation: John Deere excavator
Agility: Simone biles
Woodcutting: wood pecker

#10962 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by fishing_scout for Titles


New title: Mighty

I think "Mighty" as a title is pretty fire and I would def purchase one as it is part of my name :)

#10961 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by MIGHTYHAZE for Titles


Factions Need to fix again

Should we make sand drop when hitting non-solid blocks
Yes dont make ec have glitch [ its so ez to destroy any solid blocks ]

SandBot need to fix

Fireball dont need to dmg any durability blocks

make tnt fixed 50$ or 100$

this my Feedback at factions rn

#10960 - Status: open

1 month ago by iLosfer for Factions



When a raid start (pillagers one) if you have vindicators spawners the raid never ends you have to mine the spawners, kill all the vindicators end the raid and after you will be able to trade with villagers while ride is up villagers dont reset their trades and if you max trade an item you wont be able to trade again and if youre in a raid youre in trouble since you have to mine the spawners loo.. See more

#10959 - Status: open

1 month ago by ByCoffy for Global


Bring back Costum Enchants

Hello i would like to suggest to bring back old or add some new Costum enchants on factions. Make use of exp since noone is using it and like everyone is using kits to pvp and noone is enchanting stuff.

#10957 - Status: open

1 month ago by AnteCRO for Global


Fix discord link

Y'all's discord link is broken plz fix lmao

#10954 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by TheObscureBread for Global