Wither Skeleton Skull to Chesthoppers

Please add the wither skeleton skull to the chesthopper, it is a mob drop like any other. It's one of the most valuable mob drops and cant be picked up by a chesthopper. It just makes mob farms annoyingly complicated since we need separate collecting systems to collect them.

#10669 - Status: open

4 months ago by Vrext for Global


Take way /money [player name] and /token [player name]

I have SO MANY people messaging me asking me to buy things via PayPal daily and asking me to buy things with my tokens. I don't want to be rude and ignore it and I'm new here. I shouldn't be bombarded just because other players see I clearly have no life and spend my money on video games xD or give players an option to turn it off so others can't see. Would greatly appreciate any.. See more

#10668 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by ItsTinaaaa for Survival


2k Title

Hello there! I am a member of the 2K Gang, and we are on this server. We are always active on this server. I am here to suggest a new title "2k" As time goes on, the 2k members are still increasing, and many of the 2k members are interested in buying the title I suggest. I hope you give us a chance to accept our suggestion about a new title. Thanks <3

#10667 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by Iz1ne for Titles


Rank Tokens

I know the biggest reason You Lose Player ! Its Pay 2 Win Because It gives everything To The Players And They Get Bored But What If You Hold Tournaments like Build Battles , Speedrun , get the most diamonds etc and give them "Rank Tokens" In Return And They Would Be Able to Buy Ranks From It Because You Do Not Offer many Currencies And Your Ranks Cost Crazy In Some Other Currencies When converte.. See more

#10666 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 months ago by DeadShot146 for Global



Why not make it so when someone suggests a title and it gets accepted they get it for free.
it may or may not be because i want a title but that is not the point.

#10665 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by Choccat_ for Titles


About /ignore command

i think /ignore command is very necessary to be existed, But I suggest you put a limitation on it because it's really annoying when some sensetive people /ignore you for literally nothing all because they dont like you or other reasons that doesnt make any sense and when you chat in server, you simply get ghosted because of /ignore command
we would be happy so if you put some limita.. See more

#10664 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by nutties_nuts for Global


better monthly quest

can you replace the monthly quest (Win an event 40 time ) with some thing better like kill 1000 mobs or something else ? lets be honest nobody is able to finish that even quest

#10663 - Status: open

4 months ago by Frosby2 for Global



As karma leads to a meaning of ''points'' in how you behave on the server, it should be easier to GAIN karma points to, in my opinion for example :

a good helpop = +50 karma | Where as a fake helpop. helpop for just some random stuff, = -100 karma
reporting a player with good evidence, = +100 karma | reporting a player with no evidence -50karma

Maybe even reward a player w.. See more

#10660 - Status: open

4 months ago by stealself for Global


Ideas to Improve your server

Hi everyone
I am Dymic and after a long time I came back to EC and realized that apart from the many changes that have been made on the server, it has been noticed that corruption is more prevalent in the server than ever, which I will soon explain in 4 parts.

1: The prevalence of cheaters and scammers within the community, exploiting pay-to-win (P2W) dynamics, has created a toxic environmen.. See more

#10659 - Status: closed - See reply

4 months ago by Dymic for Global



You already have the "Omnipotent" and "Omnipresent" titles
So why not "Omniscient".

#10657 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 months ago by Choccat_ for Titles


Survival CE

Why is Survival merged with OPSurvival if there is NO custom enchats?

Old OPSurvival had a lot more features and didn't get bland as quick.

#10656 - Status: open

4 months ago by RPGMuffin for Survival


Adding a title

I would love it if you add chunkripper title

#10655 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 months ago by PinkBearBoi for Titles


Removing tax from coinflip

I'd love to see tax getting removed from coinflip, It's just a useless mechanic in the game, And it's just a waste of money to coinflip with tax on.

#10654 - Status: open

4 months ago by Endeavourings for Global


[Nigga] Title

Add [Nigga] title for all black people like me

#10653 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by HoMixidaL_aLieN for Titles


Head Limit Slimefun

Please Increase The Head Limit In Slimefun Please It Is So Annoying To Make Big Compact Machines/Contraptions/Projects.
Thanks For Reading

#10652 - Status: open

4 months ago by DeadShot146 for Global



I'm Requesting You to Please add Jetpacks In Slimefun as they were before the last reset because elytras are so easy to get and its just too easy and make the jetpacks recipe tuff to make like u need more than 1 amount of item like u need 32steel ingots in all crafting slots that way so that it is challenging to get a thing so use full and remove elytras.

#10651 - Status: open

4 months ago by DeadShot146 for Global


claim blocks

can you add a feature where you can increase the amount of blocks you can claim before the daily claim fees are applied like pay 1000 tokens for 30000 + claims blocks

#10650 - Status: open

4 months ago by Frosby2 for Global



Hello dear EC staff community, its been many times and people are starting to get pissed off of it... i hope i don't get problems saying it here? as there is no /tcf in the suggestion, i just wanna make a suggestion that to removed or make the censor evasion ALOT less stricted... rn saying the nigga is fine, saying the full nword? is ban/mute/jail/what ever... so to be fair? it should be inc.. See more

#10649 - Status: closed - See reply

4 months ago by stealself for Global


New titles

Can you put as a title KeyboardSmasher, CantBuild, and Sethsuna title because now everyone is sethsuna like sethsuna daddy sethsuna slave etc

#10648 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by _ItzNotExp_ for Titles


token shop

1 : most of the kits are useless in /tokenshop and the only decent ones are spawnegg kits just because of 2 or 3 eggs inside of them so a good solution to that would be to get rid of spawn egg kits and be able to buy every individual egg for a diffrent price depending on the price of item drops on /shop ! hell it could be even dynamic pricing !like sg 300 tokens ig 100 strider 50.
2 : spawn egg.. See more

#10647 - Status: open

4 months ago by DICT4T0R for Global


server reset

why extream craft lost players over the years ?
for many reasons !
one of the big ones is :
there is no schedule for server reset !
we need server reset every 9 mounth !
why do we need it ?
minecraft could be a limited game for so many people and it gets boring after you got all you wanted so what do u do ? you ether stop playing minecraft or you go join an other server that you can .. See more

#10646 - Status: closed - See reply

4 months ago by DICT4T0R for Global


vote keys

i remember when extreme craft was top 1 on every minecraft server site but now not even top 10 !!
the solution is simple :
there are many things we can do about vote keys
1 : remove items ( lapiz - cooper - bucket of ... - dimond tools - trident - shield - all the useless eggs exept chicken cow and ig )
2 : add items ( spawner - useful eggs like villager zombie villager strider slime zombie .. See more

#10645 - Status: open

4 months ago by DICT4T0R for Global



Hey, I think it would be cool to add leaderboards for stuff like blocks placed, blocks mined, kills, mob kills etc, not necessarily with vouchers but just so players would have more stuff to compete in.

#10644 - Status: open

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Global



Hey Extremecraft, thanks for reading this, I hope everyone is doing good. I love this server, I've been playing since I was a little kid, now I can see that big changes had happened.

I would like to suggest that votekeys, have some bad things to achieve, I mean, before you had the chance of gettings spawners and some expensive stuff, and that was the thing that made us addicted to them, .. See more

#10643 - Status: open

4 months ago by Orioloo for Global


add Phantoms in the spawnxtractor

add Phantoms in the spawnextractor

#10642 - Status: open

4 months ago by Frosby2 for Survival