Ideas to Improve your server

Hi everyone
I am Dymic and after a long time I came back to EC and realized that apart from the many changes that have been made on the server, it has been noticed that corruption is more prevalent in the server than ever, which I will soon explain in 4 parts.

1: The prevalence of cheaters and scammers within the community, exploiting pay-to-win (P2W) dynamics, has created a toxic environment. It's disheartening that staff members turn a blind eye to these issues, allowing cheating to run rampant. Players resort to using cheats like x-ray to gain an unfair advantage, even engaging in illegal activities like selling in-game items for real money, violating Mojang's terms of service. Addressing these violations is crucial to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all.

2: Hiring developers to expedite server updates is essential. The current delays in implementing updates may stem from the owner's limited programming knowledge, evident in announcements crafted using ChatGPT due to language barriers. Bringing in skilled developers can ensure timely updates and improvements, keeping the server fresh and engaging for players.

3) Implementing a rotational policy for head admins, changing them annually, can prevent power abuse and promote fairness within the staff system. This rotation can prevent any single admin from accumulating unchecked power and mistreating players. Regular changes in leadership can also lead to the selection of more competent staff members, fostering a positive gaming environment.

4: Combatting corruption within the server is crucial. Implement strict measures to deter cheating, scamming, and any form of misconduct. Enforce clear rules, impose appropriate consequences, and promote a culture of integrity to uphold the server's reputation and ensure a level playing field for all users.

By addressing these issues and implementing this suggestion, the old ExtremeCraft can rebirth again and gain it's reputation back.
I hope you consider this, Dieu.

#10659 - Status: closed

1 month ago by Dymic for Improvements