
what do u do if u forgot ur password
i have a premeuim acc but i still cant login on the server i need a [password which i forgot

#3954 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by Spiies for Website


Anarchy Forum

Why there isn't any Anarchy forum? I'd like to see the forum and discuss some topics with other players, FAQs and stuff related.

#3855 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by xxTertux for Website


Add Offender Finder

Add like a search bar in Recent Offenders "https://www.extremecraft.net/offenders.php" so we can easily find if the Player/Person is banned or not. It is a good tool for Players who are asking if someone got banned :)

#3791 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by ItsMystic01 for Website



Today I joined a discord group call with my good friend Mysticator. Along with him was MasterXII and a few others. When we all joined Mysticator informed us that he was talking to Sandpit in game. We all became instantly confused because as MANY STAFF KNOW, he's been banned. We logged on to him and sandpit exchanging words. Mysticator then told us that Sandpit was sending him his own IP addr.. See more

#3633 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by egirlLuvrr for Website


SkyBlock Reset

I would just like to know when the skyblock reset is due, if anyone knows please reply or mail me on minecraft

#3595 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by zigzag72 for Website


Top Sponsor of the month

Can u add on the forums who's the top senator of the month? (coupon doesn't count) And maybe they can get a price

#3515 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by Nateblade for Website


for everyones own good

Hi,In the past few days many people got banned for "Using hacked client" some of them were innocent and some of them were guilty well my point here is id suggest that if a mod+ sees someone and suspects him/her for hacking/cheating id recommend they screen share them first before doing the judge on them/Banning them instantly because some people got banned unfairly/for no reason because they got.. See more

#3481 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by WeedKush_ for Website


Make an easier way to report

Pls add this cause sometimes i am confuse how to report someone make it more easier

#3426 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by iPogTroll_ for Website



Hey Nx o/
Website looks great and all, but the animations in the header can be hard on the cpu for lesser computers. Perhaps have a loop or just a static.

Also, having a fixed ( header { position: fixed; } ) header that shrinks on scroll might look nice.
For example:

<div id="header">
<a href="https://www.extremecraft.net/" <img border="0" src="extremecraftLogo.png"

.. See more

#3351 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by mandown3120O for Website


Extremecraft buy

Put allje spawners and, eggs on forum to we can buy, if isi ig nownow 3,5€ put thendo random spawners 1€ andk eggs 0,5€ maybe, that willis be, cool

#3314 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by SimpleXtreme for Website



Recently after the big server update the server has been constantly kicking me for "spam" even though i talk in short sentences, and if i chat more than 1 in about 2 seconds it kicks me and its getting irritating and i dont think it happens to anybody else but if it does then the better to fix it, i dont have any screen shots because it kicks me instantly but you can sheck my recent kicks on my .. See more

#3219 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by Phytik for Website


Suggestion <3

I've been reporting an alt just right now but gotten into the other reports so most respectfully i would like you and your team to add a ALT Reports as well SO peoples dont have to go to the other reports <3
Thank you

#3188 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by DoccSaab for Website


Leaderboard (Prison)

Add a Prison section for the leaderboard.

For example, ranking accoding to Total Balance, Blocks Mined, XP, Rank


#3163 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by Cosmaan for Website


ban appeals

it would be nice if you could check ban appeals actively now that you are a big server thank you

#3122 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by NakkiV for Website



Except Shortlisted and closed, add more statuses for applications,suggestions,appeals. Some like accepted,rejected so its easier to check those for a specific player.

#3034 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 years ago by DynamoFTW for Website



This should be an application ExteremeMinecrafter cause after 3 months you will be loyal to ExtremeCraft (like i was with SametBarut) yep that was my old username. BUT WHEN I ADDED MY E-MAIL IT SAID (Wrong password)

#2946 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by Theodore_Jenkins for Website


How about...

Administrators/The team, how about trying to close all the last post within the range of page 30 to 100, to prevent necroposting, #problemsolved.

#2923 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by kuukiiii for Website


I have a solution for the Forums being dead

Well as you have seen about a year ago when the staff apps and reports were in public the forums weren't dead at all I suggest you to add back the public reports
I think it will work.

#2639 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by Doilt for Website


vote broken

so i voted 3 diffent and i dont revive my stuff in eggwars i lost totle 3000 coins i only revived on lobby but i dont have 3000 coins in eggwars if u are rading this can u plz give me 300 coins?
thank u so much

#2632 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 years ago by SpookyVuxh for Website


Rank Raffle

Heyooo, so I randomly came up the idea that a "rank raffle" once or twice a year would be pretty cool?? It could get kinda costly tho depending how high of ranks you'd give out. Idk specifically how it would work out, maybe people can comment their names and then a staff member can put all the IGN's into a randomizer and pick it that way. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ just an idea lol

#2622 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by d4rn for Website


i want changer name

Hello. how to changer name? pss

#2604 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by LazarL for Website


Dark theme for the forum.

Hello, Trux here, once again. This time, I'm here to do a pretty important suggestion. The forum of EC should have a dark theme option, as many other websites have.
This light theme really hurts my eyes and I have to wear special eyeglasses every time I browse EC forums, and this really sucks. So this is where the dark theme option kicks in action.
I'm sure that I'm not the only on.. See more

#2519 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by TitanTrux for Website



Why My Account Is Still Locked
Send Staff Of Skyblocks

#2516 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 years ago by RaioneSu for Website


ExtremeCraft Logo Change

Hello! I'm Trux and I'm here to give you a suggestion. This was self-explanatory anyways. Good. I suggest to change the EC logo on the forums. In my opinion, and most probably for other players, the curves at the R, C and A look really sharp. Maybe your idea was to resemble the Minecraft theme with the sharp curves, but it looks really sharp to the eye. (I know I'm using the word sha.. See more

#2504 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by TitanTrux for Website


Total reports counter

Basically, as the title states, add a counter for the total reports in the report section!

#2497 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by Phriel for Website