
Hi, today i wanted to make a suggestion about the thing we asked for a thousand times, trinom is a title that around 20 people would buy right after it gets added. Trinom means victory in german and it doesnt have a bad meaning or not to flex, just like guardians, who have a guardian title which was perviously added before people make a suggestion for it, And ecsfinest, yeah its too old but we.. See more

#8019 - Status: open

3 years ago by Nightmqrish for Titles


Trinom Title

I would like to suggest adding a "Trinom" title with red as a default color.

#10807 - Status: open

1 day ago by EarlEfe_ for Titles


Titles suggastion

Plz add [Baka] [xD] [MC] and [PC] titles they dont have much meaning but famous words that deserve to be title

#10809 - Status: open

13 hours ago by BakaxDUwU_MCPC for Titles


New Title

I would like to add a title named ERROR or ERROR404 it would be cool

#10810 - Status: open

13 hours ago by XSuck for Titles