

the collector

#11034 - Status: open

1 week ago by iLosfer for Titles


New title

add new title

#11012 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Kennsaur for Titles


Title: "Sandwich", "Sammich" and/or "Baguette"

Hi, would it be possible to have these folowwing titles in the store :
- Sandwich
- Sammich
- Baguette

I'm from france and would be cool to have some references to our culture :D

#11008 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by B4nanaJuice for Titles


Title:Hungary, Hungarian

Could you add the title Hungary or Hungarian, i would like to buy it.

#11007 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by nagyazsak for Titles



I would like to have the following title:

- 'Alcoholic'

#10996 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 weeks ago by Ainoue for Titles



I would love to have this title added:

- 'Drunk'

#10995 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 weeks ago by Ainoue for Titles



[bruh] tilte i think all will buy [bruh] tnx u

#10982 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by da21a for Titles


Title "Uganda"

Please add the title "Uganda" since i want my country here.

#10980 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Belarus"

Please add the title "Belarus" since i want my country here.

#10979 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Turkmenistan"

Please add the title "Turkmenistan" since i want my country here.

#10978 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Bhutan"

Please add the title "Bhutan" since i want my country here.

#10977 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Kazakhstan"

Please add the title "Kazakhstan" since i want my country here.

#10976 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Nigeria"

Please add the title "Nigeria" since i want my country here.

#10975 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Title "Niger"

Please add the title "Niger" since i want my country here.

#10974 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Endeavourings for Titles


Crusader title

PLEASE ADD "Crusader" title ITS SO COOL!!!!

#10973 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by SuddenImpact_ for Titles


a memory for one of the biggest projects on EC

title : ''Mall'' colours? since we want to make more and more malls in the future with our community of 160 people we currently have in our Dc! i would love to see the colours &6Ma&ell , since dubaimall wouldn't get accepted. as reminder we got the dubai mall colours,

This title deserves a spot in EC after recently hitting the 100 total members in the mall itself and over.. See more

#10968 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by stealself for Titles


A title for the top skill players

Custom title for free to the top players in every skill mining woodcutting ex

Some ideas:
Miner: mole person
Swords: golden knight
Excavation: John Deere excavator
Agility: Simone biles
Woodcutting: wood pecker

#10962 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by fishing_scout for Titles


New title: Mighty

I think "Mighty" as a title is pretty fire and I would def purchase one as it is part of my name :)

#10961 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by MIGHTYHAZE for Titles



a person who knows a lot about many different subjects
Links for meanings:

#10948 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by LuciferPolymath for Titles


CarrotKing/CarrotQueen titles <3

May we please add CarrotQueen and CarrotKing with title colors &6Carrot&2King/&6Carrot&2Queen to /store. Carrots/potatoes/berries are meta right now in Skyblock.

#10937 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by Mitsurii_ for Titles


Rain title

Cus why not, its summer so its really hot and I love it when it rains.
Might buy if this get accepted.

#10925 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by PlotChat for Titles


New title

Ye please the title UltraInstinct

#10919 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by RedIsProud for Titles


I would like to suggest title kamikaze

I would like to buy title kamikaze but it does not exist

#10913 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by MrHev for Titles


LiteE4 Title

Hi, I would love to see LiteE4 title added.
Title color code "&fL&eite&dE&c4"

#10895 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 month ago by Litneyy for Titles


New 'Tempest' Title

Hey Extremecraft,
I would like to suggest a new title 'Tempest'.

Like, Tempest, would be a cool title that represents violent storms.
But most of all, this is related to Veldora Tempest and Rimuru Tempest.

#10894 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by ChadskoSon for Titles