new /quest

we sure have some traveling quests but we dont have elytra one so add the
glide with elytra quest in traveling side of /quests

#10933 - Status: open

6 days ago by Retired_D4rkness for Skygrid


Mob Drops

Please fix creepers dropping TNT in skygrid. there is no reason for them to do so, and it makes it exponentially more difficult to get gunpowder, which is needed to make fireworks to explore the grid.

#10914 - Status: open

1 week ago by greatestnoah for Skygrid


Make vote crate more similar to factions.

Factions now has a vote crate, of which includes spawners, an event jump starter, legendary key loot, and much more. Take out the crap in vote crates, like the copper and bucket of tadpoles, and add stuff similar to factions. maybe people would actually use their vote keys instead of giving stacks and stacks of them to new players.

#10820 - Status: open

1 month ago by greatestnoah for Skygrid


Claims in other dimensions

At least in skygrid i feel like people can't even go to the nether because of huge claims. So we need a incentive to not have the claims or have them smaller. Maybe some sort of tax on it or something to need to do for it. At least the possabilities for people to make nether portals in other people their claims.
With this maybe make claiming in the end also a possability?

#10612 - Status: open

4 months ago by SoClose_ToToast for Skygrid



Vote Parties never happen in SkyGrid. This is because when the server restarts, it resets the amount of votes needed to start a vote party back up to 150. If the amount of votes needed to start a vote party was decreased to say 60, then a vote party would actually be possible. Another solution would be to keep the amount of votes needed through restarts.

#10587 - Status: open

4 months ago by greatestnoah for Skygrid


Vote Keys

There are an influx of vote keys being sold all over skygrid, because they are essentially useless. If the possibility of better keys was added to the vote keys with a low percentage, maybe people would actually use them. Players get to a point where vote keys are completely useless to them because it doesn't give anything they don't already have, but if crate keys to better crates were .. See more

#10580 - Status: open

4 months ago by greatestnoah for Skygrid


Claim land in the end

Hey we are able to claim land in the nethe but not in the end, why not be able to claim in the end too?

#10525 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by SoClose_ToToast for Skygrid


Ideas to inprove the game play

Cactus price 1$ fixed instead of dynamic

Remove the ores of vote crate nobody can use them instead add legendary keys and gold digger engineer and the other pets

also add the beowulf and achilles armor + the weapons

#10461 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Stijn002 for Skygrid



Cactus price is 0,28 per cactus if you want to sell, everything got more expensive in /shop and all the items we were selling went down in sell price

Can we bring back cactus selling price at 1 dollar ?

#10460 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Hetisikmaar for Skygrid


Skygrid vote keys

Add more money drops to regular vote keys, this way members can get money faster since everything is already way harder for members
This could help keep up player count

#10447 - Status: open

6 months ago by Hetisikmaar for Skygrid


Reset OR Remove Donor Claims

Skygrid donors having the perk of not having their claims removed is making the game mode become obselete and unplayable for new and current players. So there's only two ways forward; either the server gets reset and the grid can start over giving everyone a fresh start; OR, make it so donor claims get deactivated so the grid is always moving forward and players have a chance to keep playing.. See more

#9865 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by Obskewer_ for Skygrid


Chesthoppers: Adding Red and Brown Mushrooms in the Item Configuration

Subject title is self-explanatory.
In an attempt to make a mushroom-cow grinder, the chest hoppers serve no additional assistance to auto-sell loot gained by mushroom cows. This is a suggestion in which would enable users and players to use the mushroom-cow spawners that they have obtained from the grid.

If any disadvantages arise from the addition of mushrooms in the Item Configuration menu.. See more

#9535 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by HqppyFeet for Skygrid


Quest Master

There should be a quest master and quest crate on skygrid as there are on other gamemodes.

#9372 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by RPGMuffin for Skygrid


Extra /pv in the store

I was thinking it'd be cool if you could buy extra private vaults in the store.

#9358 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by RPGMuffin for Skygrid


Void Auctions / It's Mechanism

Hello , Personally I feel like the void auctions would be more interesting if, the void auction included ANYTHING that fell into the void.

Since returning to ExtremeCraft I have noticed that no one partakes in void auction bidding, as most of the time all you get is a starter kit from someone new falling.

My Interest : For void auctions to include anything that falls into the void whether .. See more

#9331 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by RPGMuffin for Skygrid


Bring back Craftable Notch Apples

I resently started playing on skygrid again, and i see now that you cant craft Notch apples anymore. Pleas bring them back.
and maybe we will get some action in the pvp arena. for like it is now its Basicly noone in the pvp arena.
Miss the fun PvP aspect of the skygrid experience. i know you can buy em with tokens but takes forever to get enough for only for 1 desent fight.

#9220 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by 54321null for Skygrid


ChesHopper Golden Nuggets

ChestHoppers with AutoSell Upgrade are not capable to autosell Golden Nuggets, because they are not sellable in the /shop. It is "possible" to sell them via the Condense Upgrade, but this season it costs 10000000... Which is x100 as expensive as it was in last season.
Please do make Golden Nuggets sellable, or lower the price for the Condense Upgrade (10 mil is absurd).


#9216 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by gigioiop for Skygrid


Stackable mobs

Make mobs stackable again. The lag has increased enourmously with non stackable mob's grinders

#9207 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by gigioiop for Skygrid


Error in vkeys rewards

I think that there is an error in the rewards of vote keys in Skygrid. As rewards there are Nexus Helmet, Nexus Chestplate, Nexus Boots and Legendary Leggings. I do think that Legendary Leggings are an error and creators did want to insert Nexus Leggings.

#9206 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by gigioiop for Skygrid


Void Auction timer

I was playing around on Skygrid when a void auction popped up, I bid abt 20k and was winning up until the very last second when someone waited and outbid me. I had no time to react or bid higher which screwed me out of some pretty good stuff. So the people in chat and I came up with a solution. There should be a timer after each bid that increases the limit by 5seconds or something around there... See more

#9192 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Sixstringmiles for Skygrid


Stackable spawners.

Why can’t we have the ability to stack spawners onto each other, so if you shift right click the same spawner onto the already placed one it will just double x2 x3 x4 and u can place as many as you want.The mobs will just spawn faster and at bigger rate.Just make a 6x6 spawner area so people can’t rly abuse it.

#9183 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by GoogleMeetings for Skygrid


Sweet berry

Can Sweet Berries be added to the Chesthoppers

#9171 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by ExcitedSquab for Skygrid



Reset Skygrid Because No One Playing There Right Now, And Lots Of Players Quitting From Extremecraft Because All Servers Are Already Dead, If You Guys Reset Skygrid, Your Server Can Have More Active Members then now! :)

#8371 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by Lion_Blood for Skygrid


Spawn griefing

So today SkyGrid spawn was griefed with lava casting, so i reported it and it got fixed but i found a way to stop lava cast griefing. And it goes like this, lava/water can flow into spawn protection so you can make lavacast from wild all the way to spawn, but water/lava cant flow into claims so if helper or the owner would claim the whole spawn protection are no lava casts could be made in that .. See more

#8110 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Stanicko for Skygrid


Creeper Head

In Skygrid it is quite impossible to obtain a Creeper Head. In 12 months I didn't get any!
Therefore it is even impossible to create any of the banners that require a Creeper Head to be crafted.
Please add it in the /shop or add something that can turn a Creeper into a Charged Creeper, like a Lighting Sword!


#7950 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by gigioiop for Skygrid