Hackers in DTP (Dig the pit)

Hackers in dtp..
They use xray mods cheats ect.
Easy way to fix - Remove TnT If you can't do that or you just don't want to do it.
Then players who have a registration date of less than 24 hours (1 Day) should not be allowed to enter the warp Dtp (Dig the pit)
The registration date must be above 24 hours for them to join and participate in a Dtp (Dig the pit) event.

#9725 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by 50Ex for Prison


Account age / play time requirement to join DigThePit events

A feature that prevents new accounts or those with low play time from joining DTP events.

This can effectively deal with a rather common problem: Alt accounts with hacked clients that cheat their way up the DTP leaderboard.

#9679 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by tionull for Prison


Resetting prison

Prison hasn't resetted since I had even started playing Extremecraft which is a reasonably long time. Please reset the server because it is extremely boring since everyone has op stuff.

#9561 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by Carinos for Prison


Reset prison

Prison hasn't been reset in a long time it would be nice if it was reset for the first time in over 2 years
The player base is very low and OPSurvival is the only alive server so if prison was reset people would actually have a reason to actually play

#9384 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by Soviet_Melon for Prison


DigThePit Event

If you want improve it just remove the tnts / diamond core and make it on tryhard
or fix (improve) your dumbo anticheat

#9378 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by MIBDILBUODNLPOOU for Prison


Prison DTP

So, i think i found an alternative to counter the xrayers in DTP. Instead of tnts, can you make it so that the tool we get in DTP comes with the normal prison "explosion" enchantment, but make it so that its abit rare like tnts, maybe like only 20% chance to explode or something similar to that Instead of regular tnt blocks the explosion enchant does the same work, it blows up after certain time.. See more

#9377 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by ishwor for Prison



pls reset prison its been so long since prison got reset pls reset

#9271 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by jakerya for Prison


no reset

reseting a server causes lack of interest in players....
because of reseting tons of players leave extreme craft so at least dont reset prison

-thank you

#9035 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by xX_Dragon_M_Xx for Prison


DTP is bad now (my opinion)

I think you should remove tnts :D. I mean... i dont know why are allways like 2 people that at the start of the game find like 4 or 5 tnts and the other players 0. Im expecting x-ray cause i dont know what else it could be considering that me and the most players dont find any tnts the whole time(tnts are pretty rare now so it makes no sense for those 2 players to find so many tnts like burst. S.. See more

#8423 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by Marto_BG_ for Prison


DTP is dead now :(

few time ago you accepted "filip_zd" 's suggestion [ #8273 ]
but i think it would be better to make DTP as it was before that suggestion , I mean, that players cant give TNT for others, and TNT mustn't be underground cuz every time I mine TNT some players starts annoying and tagging as hacker/xray-er and that is just because they are mining at top layer of DTP arena . SO, i suggest to r.. See more

#8401 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by YOYO96GAMER for Prison


Dig The Pit event

In dig the pit (dtp) event tnts should be removed or at least be rarer than it usually is because sometimes players just get 5 per minute and most players don't which makes it unfair for other participants and makes the event unbalanced at all.

#6545 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by FedeNerazzurra87 for Prison


How to prevent hackers in DTP

Add a rank requirement to /warp dtp, so new hackers, that joined EC 2 min before DTP cannot join it and abuse it. This way the people, that actually play legit can win DTP with skill, instead of aiming for #2 or #3, when there are hackers around.

Perhaps set the required rank to H/I/J, or some rank near that. If you are below the rank, you cannot use /warp DTP.

#6468 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by DGFallz for Prison


DTP bots

Its no secret that bots commonly join DTP, use cheat software to automine and sell the keys for profit. A possible solution is to limit DTP to accounts that have at least 6 hours of time in the server. The bot could possibly just mine but 6 hours would make it easier for a staff member to notice them. It could mimic the system in place for Quests where a new player has to wait to start a quest... See more

#6359 - Status: closed - See reply

3 years ago by Ares5933 for Prison


Double-click to sort Ender Chests

The "double-click to sort chests" feature only works on regular chests, but not on the Ender Chests. It would be good to include Ender Chests to the sorting feature. Thank you!

#5378 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by rekordea_246 for Prison


FAQ book for starters.

Prison gets new players everyday. Some of them already know what prison is about, and know prison is quite different from Survival and other gamemodes that share most gameplay aspects. Others use the signs and instructions that the server offers to know what to do. However, the vast majority of new players don't notice these signs around spawn (like the one that tells you to do /mine to get .. See more

#5265 - Status: closed - See reply

4 years ago by AscalonStrike for Prison


Xp Booster

Could you guys make the Xp booster from voting be in some sort of book or make a way so we can use a certain time of it when we want without having to use all of it at once? I would like to be able to mine for 20mins with my booster than leave for, lets say 2 hours, and come back and still have the rest of my booster. This would be amazing

#2828 - Status: closed - See reply

5 years ago by BlackThunder99 for Prison


/trustlist in Prison

/trustlist should be added to Prison, because people can't remember all of the players that he/she had trusted

#2361 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by minhperry02 for Prison


[prison] CTA- things to do

Thank you for seeing this and thank you for having such a nice server.

I have a little problem with prison:
It is impossible to start a CTA because of the low number of players.
I know it was just reset but i think we/you can make it better.
The main reason why there are not that many players is the fact that there are not a lot of things to do, and most players hate mining (not me, i like.. See more

#1712 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by boemstijn for Prison


balance the server

if youguys can balance the mines in Prisons it would be nice an make the game more fairin the lengendary crates if you could add effi 7 pic axe in miner create key

#1467 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by IamRaeish for Prison


Miner Crates


Today Im Suggesting A New Thing To The Miner Crates Its Diamond Axes Like It Will Be In Eff 2 . Eff 3
Eff 4 . Eff5 And Eff 6 Its Like The Picks But Axe It Will be Like LuckyAxe And SilkerAxe

Have A Nice Day ^_^

#1456 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by iH4x0rBunnie for Prison


Give Prison more options to spend money on

Some of my two suggestions are
-Selling enchanted armor/ tools in shop
- Allow us to spend money to rank up ( too much grinding to rank up). This is the main reason why prison lost half of the player base)
Also, remove all the holes in some mines, most of the time I get stuck when I run over it.

#1426 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by girldm for Prison


Mine's in Cells and more

We should we able to get "Mines" in our cellblock. By mines I mean blocks that can be earned to get XP in our cell's. The level of the ore that spawns is changed by your Mining rank(A,B,C,etc.).You should be able to get these blocks out of crates or as rewards like miner keys. We should be able to "raid" each others cellblock to take their "Mines" to protect against this we should be able to.. See more

#1412 - Status: closed - See reply

6 years ago by Capping_ for Prison