/ai top

This suggestion is for all island-based servers, including Skyblock, OpSkyblock and Acidisland.

When you do /ai top, you can see the top islands and their island team. It shows a list of the members in a specific island. My suggestion is to highlight the names of ONLINE players in /is or /ai top so that ONLINE players have a different colour in /ai top than offline ones. Maybe make it so tha.. See more

#5012 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 years ago by CandyDce for Towny


Leader Ship

To transfer leader of island we have to kick all the players on the team to transfer the leader so i would like to suggest to make transfering leadership work without we have to kick other player on the team

#5705 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 years ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Towny