More colours

I think we need more colours for /afk /me etc, maybe add orange, pink, gold and more colours of your choice.

#9796 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by Yonaal for Global


Pets customization

Well , after you buy a pet from buycraft you should be able to custom it. For example, baby or big , color if of pet , pet's hat (ex: in lobby you can set pet's hat to one of your unlocked hats or just a /skull by a command like /pet sethat) , then another funny op command that should be added : /pet setrider (player) - sends a riding invite to a player so a friend or a guy can ride yo.. See more

#1245 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by DynamoFTW for Global


More variety for uses of coins and collectibles in the lobby.

The lobby lacks flexibility of coin usage and collectibles. Coins should be used to buy projectile trails, trails and other neat stuff.
The person who collects all 50 collectibles in the lobby should attain a "Lobby Explorer" title or something to know how much time he spent in the lobby.

#2067 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by ExoField for Lobby


Leaving message for nexus ranks

You should add a new leaving message for Nexus ranks. I tough about this, when someone leaves it can say:
"[Player_Name] was Ejected"
"[Player_Name] was the Imposter"
"[Player_Name] was not the imposter"

#6709 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by CyanStriker for Global


island levels

So, we have lot of colors getting to 1mil is lvls but after that it's all green no mather how far we go :D
Maybe add aqua color 5-10 mils, blue 10-20 and black or something 20+

#2631 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by HigH_BuildeR for Skyblock


Old lobby

Add the Cosmetics and gadgets back

#10590 - Status: accepted - See reply

7 months ago by YourArmpitSmells for Lobby