Case sensitive commands

Hello Dieu, Previously, commands were not case sensitive, but now they are, which is kind of unpleasant. For example: /Help, /hElp or /help with a space at the end ("/help ") doesn't work, only /help (all lower case) works. I just want these fixed because it's presumably the case with the majority of the server commands, that's all. Thank you! 😅

#10296 - Status: answered - See reply

10 months ago by Ishwor for Global


Add Command: Town Chat

Please enable the Town Chat Option. This Option comes with the Towny Plugin so implementing this change would not be difficult. Thank you!

#10751 - Status: answered - See reply

5 months ago by Agent_87 for Global


Something that shows u where people are in ur plot


#8116 - Status: answered - See reply

3 years ago by xRekteD for Creative