Command to check mentions

A command to check your last 10 mentions in chat would be awesome to have, it would be very convenient for both normal players and staff to have a command which would display their last 10 mentions in chat. It can have many use cases for players, The few reasons I can think people would mostly be using the command for are:
- When you were AFK and want to see if anyone mentioned you
- When some.. See more

#9347 - Status: shortlisted

2 years ago by VeteranX for Global


/shop search

/shop search
You put in the name of the item you want to search for in the text bar and the item appears below

#10340 - Status: shortlisted

5 months ago by Tuberz_ for Survival


a new feature that could be very handy!!!

its very simple.... add names of sellers to the /ah ( auction house ) history page, so u can see who sold a specific item maybe also add so u can see who BOUGHT the item,

#10635 - Status: shortlisted

2 months ago by stealself for Global