Skyblock soul bags

Hello i so that at other servers are added soul bags at crates can you also add at Skyblock we alredy have hardest time getting spawners than others servers it would help allot Thank You.

#10833 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by Tighugis for Global



Why would we need a free Xray for everyone. Please remove /freecam this command should not exist in factions. Thanks in advance.

#10831 - Status: open

2 months ago by EarlKaiden for Factions


Bring back Prison as it was.

We all know why. I don't care if it's the same as before it just needs to be brought back!
I know you plan on doing it in some form, but it should be done this year at the least.

#10830 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by FVerzide for Prison


Add leadeaboards for everything

Hey, add none-payout leaderboard for:
blocks placed
blocks mined
mob kills
online time
distance traveled
message sent
Just so players can see who has the most for fun! :)

#10829 - Status: open

2 months ago by Skiuba_ for Global


Add Eff 5 and shears on vote crate

Add Eff 5 and shears on vote crate

#10828 - Status: open

2 months ago by Frosby2 for Global


Current and past versions

Im talking for a lot of people when i say 1.20 pvp is not good and its killing the server. So i would like to suggest to make ONLY Factions a 1.8 gamemode which will bring back again a lot of people as the opening of the gamemode already did. The new pvp is no good, and there is no point on this new pvp when you cant epearl in ct or use elytra while ct, also people is unhappy with the use of tri.. See more

#10827 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by OGD3lta for Factions


Spawner afk range

I propose increasing the activation radius of spawners. Currently, a player in the center of a 3x3 chunk grid can't activate spawners in the corner chunks, limiting money generating of others type spawners. Expanding the activation range would enhance strategic options and improve the overall gaming experience.

#10826 - Status: open

2 months ago by ByCoffy for Global


Towny Eco

Hey, I believe the current towny eco of /t values should be changed, Iron blocks should not be worth 4 points as its to much for iron, and redstone blocks should be added to /t values with 3-4 points.

#10824 - Status: open

2 months ago by Skiuba_ for Global


Rank titles for Player list *Tab*

It'd be helpful to have these to identify someone's rank, or a staff, mentor.

#10823 - Status: open

2 months ago by LuciferPolymath for Global



Bring back to vote keys the ig egg if you dont do so price of them will go sky rocket and it will be pointless having igs since they dont make that much money each

#10822 - Status: open

2 months ago by ByCoffy for Factions


Please work on slime fun

There is no big event or any special thinks coming on server and where as 100+ glitches and they are also not solve pls solve them

#10821 - Status: open

2 months ago by T_Tgursahil57 for Global


Make vote crate more similar to factions.

Factions now has a vote crate, of which includes spawners, an event jump starter, legendary key loot, and much more. Take out the crap in vote crates, like the copper and bucket of tadpoles, and add stuff similar to factions. maybe people would actually use their vote keys instead of giving stacks and stacks of them to new players.

#10820 - Status: open

2 months ago by greatestnoah for Skygrid


Add souls and shards currency

Add souls and shards currency where the money is located it can get annoying using the cmds

#10819 - Status: open

2 months ago by Frosby2 for Global


Better use of shield

I think shield is pretty useless in this server and need a change. You see everyone uses axes that can hit really fast so there is no point of having shield. My suggestion is that you make the character that uses shield gets 0.5 or 1 secound (you choose since shield have 5 sec cd after getting hit by axe) invincible after the shielder use it and get hit by axe because be honest, shield is quite .. See more

#10818 - Status: open

2 months ago by Wedalfanboy for Global


Souls and Shards balance


Part 1: Since we already have a menu on the side that displays balance/blocks/kills etc, souls and shards balance should be also added. Rn it's annoying having to constantly spam the /souls command to see how many you have when you're grinding. This is just a no brainer quality of life improvement.

Part 2: Also making the side menu customisable is also a good idea becau.. See more

#10815 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by Vrext for Global


Towny/Factions Top Update

I would suggest changing Towny and Factions /t halloffame or /f halloffame GUI to the same one as on Skyblock, it shows a nice leaderboard for just the top 10 players, I don't see a reason to show all towns/facs on the server it doesn't look good. Another thing I would change is the permission to look at what blocks/spawners another town/faction has placed, showing it all removed all mys.. See more

#10814 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by Skiuba_ for Global


New Title

I have a new title idea, You know how there is a title called (HUNTER) well i feel like it would be cool if you would add a title called (ANGLER).

#10813 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by Ryderlb09 for Titles


Bring back /go pvp

Bring back pvp gamemode

#10812 - Status: closed - See reply

2 months ago by yhRizzy for Global


Co-Mayor Role

YES! Please add the co-mayor role, it is very hard to manage all the town settings solo. Please allow all permissions of the co-mayor role, including being able to withdraw from the town bank.

This is a very important town rank, and since HOF is no longer based on bank balance, there is less risk anyway.

#10811 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by NetheriteGolem for Towny


New Title

I would like to add a title named ERROR or ERROR404 it would be cool

#10810 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by Mezo_OG for Titles


Titles suggastion

Plz add [Baka] [xD] [MC] and [PC] titles they dont have much meaning but famous words that deserve to be title

#10809 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by BakaxDUwU_MCPC for Titles


Fix /containertrust

Make it so with /containertrust players can kill villagers aswell ( right now they can only trade villagers but not KILL villagers, eventho its a quest at /quests mob kills

Thank for reading,

#10808 - Status: open

2 months ago by stealself for Global


Trinom Title

I would like to suggest adding a "Trinom" title with red as a default color.

#10807 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by EarlEfe_ for Titles



Allow for combining of legendary items to get higher enchantment levels. for example, say you have a sharpness 6 sword and another sharpness 6 sword. allow for them to be combined in an anvil to make a sharpness 7. for a max level of +3 per enchant, (sharpness 8, fortune 6, unbreaking 6, etc.) the same way you could do it normally with lower enchantments. it would allow for people to get more ou.. See more

#10806 - Status: open

2 months ago by greatestnoah for Global


Tokens can be seen in factions? Towny? But not survival?

Simply gonna keep it short...
Factions and towny have on the tab on the righ side of the screen a section with [ tokens 300 ] showing how many tokens you have, please add this to survival too :> ty

#10805 - Status: open

2 months ago by stealself for Global