BasketBall In Creative

basically SOME basketball head or something else just in a player's hand, where you can like Q or RightClick to just pass it or Throw it in the basket, and also a way for when someone touches the basketball (not the body just the basketball) it CAN be taken or something, this might just be rejected and I said this in a lot of my recent suggestions but I think its really cool.

#8714 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by flmey for Creative


leaderboard for creative

make a leaderboard of how many people won build battle the most

#8735 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by selenegomez for Creative



I suggest that maybe you update the creative server to the newest version, I'm pretty sure this will bring more players to the server because of course they'd love to use the newest blocks to build in their plots.

#8796 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 years ago by NightSoulPT for Creative


Re add spawning mobs

Spawning mobs was very nice and was a cool way to show the buildings on your plot like if you can spawn fishes/axolotls in aquariums it makes them look a little nicer so it would be nice but i know that some people would spam mobs so why don't you just make mob spamming punishable with warning/plot clear/1d ban/7d ban/14d ban/31d ban/perm ban

#8884 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by 64tps for Creative


Can't use bows/crossbows in a plot until added.

Players need to be added to use bows and crossbows in a plot. Fix this, cant pvp with friends in my plot.

#9042 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by Voyager_AG for Creative


A couple things that was taken away after update...

1. Bring back the ability to teleport to houses with aliases. There were so many plots I only know the alias to and all I had to do is /p h (Alias). Now it only works on your own plots! For example, my plot is /p h freeshop. After the update, nobody can find my plot.
2. Bring back /plot flag set use. This was something that was only recently added several months ago. It worked great, everyone .. See more

#9045 - Status: closed - See reply

2 years ago by filefolder3 for Creative


Allow players to set use, especially to air (everything can be interacted with)

I could not set use to my plot (about 117 likes) for roleplay with MULTIPLE players to roleplay, but they could not interact with anything, I don't want to add/trust anyone else all my progress is in risk of getting griefed, I can't let this happen so please I need people to interact in other plots, I've had this experience in other plots as well where people can't add use.

#9287 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 years ago by flmey for Creative


Some 1.19 Features And "Illegal Content Filtered From This Book"

I was wondering if creative could get updated with some 1.19 features like frogs, frog lights, skulk sensor, skulk shriekers etc. also I think it would cause less frustration to people by removing "Illegal Content Filtered From This Book" in creative because some people hate it when they write a big book like a guide for new players but once signed they cant open it because of "Illegal Content .. See more

#9401 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by PsiDev for Creative



please bring back /pvp or pvp arena warp,i liked it there

#9547 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by AlexBularca for Creative


make creative 1.19

make creative 1.19 cuz 1.18 isnt enough

#9549 - Status: closed - See reply

1 year ago by AlexBularca for Creative


rocket flying in plot roads

currently players cannot use rockets to fly with elytra outside of their plot, could you guys make it so that they can at least fly with rockets on plot edge roads?

#9579 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by C0lim0n for Creative


Rotate Armor Stands in Y axis

i once wanted to make a swimming armor stand but it turned out broken and i had to break it, Dieu, please add this feature

#9644 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 year ago by AlexBularca for Creative


Barrier blocks

I don't know if it's just me but barriers aren't obtainable through /sblocks or Middle Click anymore, if it's a bug, please fix it.

#10424 - Status: shortlisted

4 months ago by KingNite for Creative