Add title "Disco" and "LandLord"

Really Appreciated.

#10640 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 months ago by FlickstrX for Titles


Bring back Collectibles to the Lobby

To anyone who doesn't know/remember those, the old Lobby had 50 Heads across the entire map which could be collected.

So with that out of the way, if possible, could you guys please add those back? not only would it make the [LobbyExplorer] title obtainable again, but also make the Lobby more interesting

(I know the lobby is a lot smaller now but if that's a problem, then add less.. See more

#10639 - Status: shortlisted

4 months ago by KingNite for Lobby



My suggestion is to add a skin crate filled with skins for pickaxes, swords, axes, shovels and armor. Make it seasonal, or don't. Make keys available for purchase on /store.

#10638 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by Mitsurii_ for Global


The DC server would be popping more then it is rn,

last night i was doing a challange, and i wanted to stream it but bcs it was 3am there was no point streaming on twitch, so i wanted to hop in a call on EC server, and call with people who were willing to watch the process of opening 2300+ votekeys for a video, me, discocreeeper, and visualsFTW were sitting in the EC dc call but found out we can't actually screenshare on jump on our cameras,.. See more

#10637 - Status: shortlisted

4 months ago by stealself for Discord


Features to Auction House

Hello there,
Can you work on the feature of checking someone's list on auction house?
Like If I wanted to check what a specific player is listing on /ah I do the command
/ah list <player>
and then Auction house GUI pop up and shows only the things that the player I chose is selling.

Also, another feature I saw somewhere if you did in chat [ah] it shows a pressable button for pla.. See more

#10636 - Status: open

4 months ago by Lucif1er for Global


a new feature that could be very handy!!!

its very simple.... add names of sellers to the /ah ( auction house ) history page, so u can see who sold a specific item maybe also add so u can see who BOUGHT the item,

#10635 - Status: shortlisted

4 months ago by stealself for Global


Fix Knockback


The knockback of the pvp in the server is so glitched . we can see people fly with feather falling and teleporting when they got hitted and this is really annoying and unplayable

My suggestion is to fix this glitch and to make the knockback same as the old one.

#10634 - Status: closed - See reply

5 months ago by Cazzv for Global


i almost lost everything i had....

as me, a person that is decently supplied have a lot of bullcrap in my chests, i was clearing everything and type /dis then TAB in order to get to /disposal. it came up with /disclaim.... i wanted to make this suggestion as everything was unclaimed, and had people in my base, pls either way JUST make it /abandonclaim and remove /disclaim, its really misleading... or if /disclaim keeps then make .. See more

#10633 - Status: open

5 months ago by stealself for Global


/Spawnmob Command

As many people may know, this command was purposely brought to summon villagers or valuable creeps to use, In case we couldn't find or needed certain resources. Over a long period of time this command was lacking all the newer mobs and fewer old mobs (such as Blaze) for needing a particular items from them to either craft or progress In our gamemode. Long story short, if possible would you p.. See more

#10632 - Status: shortlisted

5 months ago by JohnSeed26 for Global


Persona Title

I am a huge fan of the Persona games. I would be very pleased to have a &8Persona Title in the near future.

#10631 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by EarlKaiden for Titles


Villagers "2%"

First of all I generally don't understand your guys's approach to villagers, as if they're a problem to the economy or something (they are literally only useful for pvp, they have no other use). But putting that aside, you lot stated that the villagers are nerfed, having a 5% chance of losing their profession per replenish, but also a " " " 2% " " " chance of dying, which is simply f.. See more

#10630 - Status: open

5 months ago by Sethsuna for Global


Day 2 of asking 2k title

Please DDOOOO addd 2k title... It was inspired to a CS:GO Major winner player Stewie2k..

#10629 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by KROONNN for Titles



They should add /nick to allow cooler nicknames with cool color effects such as fading names :D

#10628 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by SpongeBoobxD for Global


“/claimfly trust (player/all)”

This command would be useful for shop owners and community owners that would like to be able to give players the ability to fly around for easier access to areas of their builds or shops… preferably with the ability to give all players or a single player access to flying on a certain claim without the need to fully give them trust access; a similar command to “container trust”. Possible usage ex.. See more

#10627 - Status: open

5 months ago by OhCrackers for Survival



Please do add "2K" title and we'll def buy it ;3. as we're invested to our name 2k family. ;-;

#10626 - Status: closed - See reply

5 months ago by KROONNN for Titles


Addition of wheat, bread and haybales at /shop

I know it's quite unnecessary but why aren't bread, haybales and wheat on the market? As a major source of food and a common farming item, not having any of these on the market sounds kind of weird, and I suggest for it to be sold along with other commodities at /shop.

#10624 - Status: open

5 months ago by HoneyDce for Survival


tp killers deserve a punishment....

i notice more and more tp killers in minecraft, unfortunetly i encountered one today, and went to the cords to attack him... i hit him and combat tagged him, but he /claim kicked me.... please fix that u can only do /claim kick when u are not in combat... it is kinda sad how tpkillers can get away with it this easily.

#10622 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by stealself for Global


cactus price

make the cactus price fixed in towny <3

#10621 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Kennsaur for Towny


/go pvp

Bring Back /go pvp
for 1.20
And for 1.8.9

#10620 - Status: closed - See reply

5 months ago by 6td_ for Global


stock market

add a stock market

#10619 - Status: open

5 months ago by opitems9 for Survival


We need a co-mayor rank

There are many times I need some help with my town, but the town assistants do not have enough perms to help with everything I need. We need the Co-Mayor rank enabled in towny so that a couple close assistants can help me manage the town bank, funds, and some other town settings when needed. Thank you

#10618 - Status: open

5 months ago by NetheriteGolem for Towny


Curse of Vanishing ruining pvp

pvp is legitematly plagued with Curse of Vanishing, making it just not rewarding, especially with heavy pvp based gamemodes coming (focus on factions), it just feels less rewarding to pvp, when most people generally put curse of vanishing on everythign they have, making it just feel ultimately worse to pvp when you gain nothing from it.
Im simply saying it, I have no idea if it's even possi.. See more

#10617 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by Sethsuna for Global


new title


#10616 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Frosby2 for Titles



add /anvil to nexus or extreme

#10615 - Status: open

5 months ago by 6td_ for Global


Add ender chest in pvp

Add ender chest in pvp

#10613 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Frosby2 for Global