Disallow elytra glitching

please make a punishment for those people who use elytra and spam their space button while CT'ed to avoid falling from a high place/void to escape death and sometimes they even use it as anti kb for better reach please make a hard punishment for them because it's really annoying

#10774 - Status: open

2 months ago by riggive0408 for Global


Faction start be boring

i was try to make the server playable you need more work at players want not the server want rules made by players cannon pvp and raids and bases limit all of this rules made by players actually you need more work be for the server start boring and unplayable this will be last Improvements you will work on it if you done it server is back if you dont do it i will think about play or dont same l.. See more

#10772 - Status: open

2 months ago by iLosfer for Factions



remove HOF from towny and factions to make the server more free2play friendly.

#10770 - Status: open

2 months ago by Thepvpguyy for Global


Remove HOF (weekly vouchers reward) from factions

the reward system is a joke while the server barely passes 40 players
People can simply nolife the game and keep winning vouchers as much as they are online since there's not much players to fight against and take them down so they keep stay on the leaderboard forever and keep winning free vouchers and this literally hurts the economy system of server.
Pay2Win players win more and free2pla.. See more

#10769 - Status: open

2 months ago by MegaMagikarp for Factions


Faction improvement

1:Add redstone tools in /shop the things we need are dispensers,observers,redstone dust,repeators,comparators,pistons,sticky pistons,ladders,scaffolds.
2:Solution for as you call it ''unraidable bases'' eaither reduce the allowed buffer from 20c to 12c or keep it 20c buffer and increase the power per player since with this power a faction can not even claim a 20c buffer,.. See more

#10767 - Status: open

2 months ago by NikoV for Factions


Factions will fallen if you not fix this

Factions will fallen if you not fix this there 6 missing on faction

for 1.20 its new at players but faction uncompleted we waiting for 5 months to get faction uncompleted at all but for name of the players

we need to fix and add on this list

1: add shop for sell spawner and buy with good price
2: add redstone shop for cannon
3: fix the shop and make iron golem the only money make.. See more

#10766 - Status: open

2 months ago by iLosfer for Factions


(Rem) and (Ram)

Because there is a Rezero title can there also be a Rem and Ram title? 2 different title they are really popular characters in the anime rezero
If you can make Rem blue and Ram pink that would be best.

xxxMitsuha05 <3

#10765 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 months ago by Mitsuha05 for Titles


cactus price

change cactus from dynamic pricing to fixed pricing. i feel like theres no easy way for lower leveled players to make money unless they have spawners

#10764 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 months ago by ZVines77 for Skyblock



having the ability to use chesthoppers to pick up ores that were mined/blownup would be nice. on skyblock theres a bad issue with ores not dropping after being blown up.

#10763 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 months ago by ZVines77 for Global


/is add levels

it would be nice to have the /is add levels command brought back from last reset

#10762 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by ZVines77 for Skyblock



Make Chest Hopper pick up the items dropped by a dispenser or a dropper also.

#10761 - Status: open

3 months ago by DeadShot146 for Slimefun


Supreme rank

Is the supreme rank in /help > ranks a new future? I guess you forgot about it.

#10760 - Status: open

3 months ago by _SevenPro_ for Global


More Spawner limit in each chunk

Hello Dieu, It'd be so helpful if you increase spawner limit in each chunk from 200 to 300 or more
Thanks :)

#10759 - Status: open

3 months ago by suck for Global


A new Rank!

Nexus rank is out here for a few years already, and I believe most of the donators are already Nexus and they have nothing else to buy because they have many titles and pets.

I want to increase the server's income for better updates, upgrades and more servers, so I suggest a new Rank, which can include new features like:

• /Enchant - Opens an Enchantment Table.
• /Anvil - Opens an Anv.. See more

#10758 - Status: open

3 months ago by iH4x0rBunny for Global


Dubai Mall

In survival one of the most unique and most successful projects on EC, i would love to see a DubaiMall, Mall, MallOnTop title, ( i prefer DubaiMall )
i would buy it a lot, and honestly i think it deserves a little spot as title, as celebration it became a HUGE succes

#10757 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by stealself for Titles


Return of BossFights ?!

Putting boss fights in "ExtremeCraft" will give all the players the most interesting and challenging game. This allows players a big picture goal to achieve and feel proud when they won the key. During the boss fights, players can find themselves learning to cooperate and help each other out. The community of "ExtremeCraft" is requesting to Add "BossFight". Please make this happen. Ensuring that.. See more

#10755 - Status: open

3 months ago by FlickstrX for Global



I think /messages command might be a good upgrade to the servers, it will show all the messages that has been sent (possibly even with timestamps), so we could know what messages been sent to us if we were AFK or just need a quick reminder.

#10754 - Status: open

3 months ago by iH4x0rBunny for Global


Pressure Plates

Hello, Pressure Plates in Spawns and Protected areas, like in Skyblock, are spamming me when I am just traveling around the spawn, with the message "Hey! Sorry, but you can't use that here.".
This message is kind of irrelevant as we know we can't use it, and it's not like there's a redstone machine around it. We just walk on it by a mistake.
So please remove this message if pos.. See more

#10752 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 months ago by iH4x0rBunny for Global


Add Command: Town Chat

Please enable the Town Chat Option. This Option comes with the Towny Plugin so implementing this change would not be difficult. Thank you!

#10751 - Status: answered - See reply

3 months ago by Agent_87 for Global


Improve/Remove the anti cheat from the server

From my experience and what I have seen this server has one of worst anticheats i've ever seen, I recommend you to improve it or simply just remove it. It is making the gameplay hell for laggy players who are far from host location and got high ping, constantly getting teleported to back and getting kicked because you got high ping.
The current anticheat in the server is also a supplement f.. See more

#10750 - Status: closed - See reply

3 months ago by Willebus09 for Global


Return of "PVP" Gamemode.

Here is he reason why, ExtremeCraft should add a "PVP" game mode to their server because it would make the game more exciting and competitive. Players enjoy battling each other and testing their skills in combat. Adding PVP would attract more players who like this kind of gameplay. It can create a lively community where players can form teams and compete against each other. Overall, PVP would a.. See more

#10746 - Status: closed - See reply

3 months ago by FlickstrX for Global


Allow more than 1 home for free players

I understand it is just making an incentive for players to buy the rank, but already not allowing the basic players to do that much is holding the server back. (you can call me cheap all you want, I just genuinely think free players could be allowed 2 homes, and all ranks could get a +1 to the home count)

#10744 - Status: open

3 months ago by mercifulbutlost for Slimefun



Idk if this is actual doable but let's give it a try ;)

Make it that we are able to dye chests cuz that would be lovely when building things.
chests are kinda ugly and boring cuz it's always the same ofc

#10743 - Status: open

3 months ago by _Profile_ for Survival


Title Suggestion

[Pyxis] title, I want this to be added in regards to the few constellations that are very beautiful in the sky although it's just a straight line it still is a constellation born in the sky, This is very peculiar as this is not added in the title suggestion because it looks great as it is. I hope you'll accept this suggestion.

#10742 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by Pyxieo for Titles


the "Greatest" title

The "Greatest" title should be added (with the color codes &cGreatest). Members of the community, as well as future members should be able to purchase a title showing them as the greatest. it would fit in amongst the other titles similar, such as "amazing", "allstar", and "awesome" just to name a few. These are positive titles that could also promote positivity in this server.

#10741 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by greatestnoah for Titles