Reset survival

My opinion is that it is time for a reset. Survival has not been updated for almost three years now. Thanks to the new money generators, the server has now become an afk place, the economy is basically dead because of them, and no one plays the game any longer, they simply afk. To restore life to the server, you must reset it or add something new to it. In general, the server is dying, so it is .. See more

#9864 - Status: closed

1 year ago by Yonaal for Survival

More colours

I think we need more colours for /afk /me etc, maybe add orange, pink, gold and more colours of your choice.

#9796 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by Yonaal for Global


Replace pvp2 or make a pvp3 map, i'd love to see a map made like a stadium where people can watch sitting on the stairs people who jumps can pvp, maybe add little doors/spaces in the walls so teams have a little stand off or something, basically like an old colosseum.

#9795 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by Yonaal for Survival

Opsurvival tital.

I noticed there are titles for survival and rpg teams such as ecf kaizen and vendetta so i'd like a title for the opsurvival team "Armada" many people would use it and that team is what's keeping opsurvival alive.

#9769 - Status: accepted

1 year ago by Yonaal for Titles

Remove/adjust mcmmo

I suggest making mcmmo less over powered, the fact that you can basically punch 3-5 times and kill a person in full netherite is insane, and what's more insane is getting killed by some no lifer that's invis with 1k mcmmo, by hand. It isn't fair for the new players either, they have to grind a lot to at least have a chance at fighting, And the crossbows, there are so many people with.. See more

#9668 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by Yonaal for Survival

Improve the server

The server is dying, and if that isn't t obvious idk what is.
I suggest to reset every server at the same time so people have equal start.
Also a UnBanAll which would really boost the player base. also make the server not Pay to win because mojang might shut down the server which will be devastating to the community, also please do not make the server 1.17 make like 1 or 2 servers 1.17 lik.. See more

#8403 - Status: closed

2 years ago by Yonaal for Global

New title

i suggest adding a title called "Unbanned" :D

#8291 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by Yonaal for Titles

read or gay

i suggest NxDs ( head admin ) to reset survivalplus all of the survivalplus players know that they are dupers duping stuff and just ruining other players fun
its like gapple 1v1 but in netherite cuz of this duped god apples
I HIGLY suggest resetting it.

#8043 - Status: closed

3 years ago by Yonaal for Global

Creative mode for nexus

I suggest adding /gmc
Like if u can /heal and feed
Why no gmc for nexus
This is kinda pay2win ngl

#7964 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Yonaal for Global