Bug Report- /name Command

When naming items for some reason it doesn't work, and many times the character limit is limited to one letter or only a few. let me explain
For example just the day before: /name &f&kW&9&l&n&oL&f&l&noo&9&l&n&optic&c&l&m&oYT&f&kW That command work find Printing the Word LoopticYT with other special features added onto it, however now when performing that command it doesn't even take i.. See more

#8165 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by Looptic74 for Global

Starter Kit- Remove Wood and Iron Tools rather than Diamond Tools.

Earlier there was a suggestion on the topic of removing the starter kit as a whole, if that is too much to do I believe that changes to the kit can at least be made. To start off with I'd like to say the removal of wood, wood is an essential block in Minecraft for many reason. However, I think it would make more sense if this block was more scarce allowing for new players to go out and searc.. See more

#7455 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Looptic74 for Lobby

Just wanted to reply to a previous suggestion made by bossface

Adding items such as tnt and obsidian would be nonsensical, the game is easy enough as it is. You'd be taking away the fun of being a person who is able to manually acquire such items through such work. Do not add more items to /shop, the server is anarchy. Imagine if u visit a base, u got some flint and steel on you and oh maw god you have money! With that money you silently by tnt and blow.. See more

#7124 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Looptic74 for Lobby