Title- &6 Gentleman

I'm kind of surprised it isn't on the store already.

Gentleman, the paragon of high society, in gold to resemble the golden standard of chivalry and dapper fashion.

If it can be done, it can be done like a true Gentleman.

&6 Gentleman


&6 Gentlewoman

#5077 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by MindTrekker201 for Titles

Make punishments for tp scammers on select servers more in-line with the rules laid out on the website.

Far to often on non anarchy/factions servers are people tp scammed, especially opsurvival, where there is no counter to the flying scammers dropping unsuspecting people to their doom. Currently, however, "tp killing is allowed," despite often breaking many existing rules.

I propose that by these rules laid out by ExtremeCraft themselves that action be taken upon tp abuse.

Mechanics exploit.. See more

#5071 - Status: closed

4 years ago by MindTrekker201 for Global