Make punishments for tp scammers on select servers more in-line with the rules laid out on the website.

Far to often on non anarchy/factions servers are people tp scammed, especially opsurvival, where there is no counter to the flying scammers dropping unsuspecting people to their doom. Currently, however, "tp killing is allowed," despite often breaking many existing rules.

I propose that by these rules laid out by ExtremeCraft themselves that action be taken upon tp abuse.

Mechanics exploitation:
"Exploiting game mechanics is the act of gaining unfair advantages through the abuse of commands or anything in a way that is not the one intended"

Offensive Behaviors:

"Warp-killing" Who is to say that a tp is not a warp. Pwarps get invincibility seconds, but tp's have none.

"Scamming is allowed on anarchy and factions-based servers." Not on op survival or any other server.

Chat Behaviors

"Spamming" TP scammers will typically spam teleport requests

Make this happen, because scammers do it because they can get away with it, and it makes each server that much worse to be in. No one likes a scammer of any kind, and anybody who plays on a server where rules are enforced would also like them gone.

ExtremeCraft Staff and/or owner: Stop being hypocritical, either enforce your own rules or change them to fit your own view of fun and fair for everyone.

#5071 - Status: closed

4 years ago by MindTrekker201 for General

Answer: Closed

Rejected. TP Killing is allowed because the player holds responsibility for who they teleport to, unlike playerwarps/islandwarps which are advertised places that the player is supposed to trust, there are also lots of ways to avoid getting TP Killed; including doing all trades at /spawn or avoiding teleporting to untrusted players with valuables

3 years ago by dmcplayer