Reconsider Local Titles.

Titles are a great part of Minecraft server's a good bit of fun and a little "flex" if you will.

The minute you introduce country names as titles and only a select few, it gives people a reason to argue and cause ridiculous drama, whilst you could equally throw every country name up as a title, it would probably be best and simple to remove the titles of country names if it isn't goi.. See more

#10699 - Status: closed

10 months ago by Obskewer_ for Titles

Reset OR Remove Donor Claims

Skygrid donors having the perk of not having their claims removed is making the game mode become obselete and unplayable for new and current players. So there's only two ways forward; either the server gets reset and the grid can start over giving everyone a fresh start; OR, make it so donor claims get deactivated so the grid is always moving forward and players have a chance to keep playing.. See more

#9865 - Status: closed

1 year ago by Obskewer_ for Skygrid