More easter eggs with prizes

Hi, the suggestion I wanna give is to add some more easter eggs that are so hard to reach them hidden in lobby, that have prizes based on how hard is it to reach them and how long it took for the first one to get it, and it'll have prizes like vouchers,pets,rank upgrades and..
And they will get destroyed once someone found them so people can't tell others how to reach that easter egg an.. See more

#6950 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by _IIFacTorII_ for Lobby

BitCoin support

As you should know, there are some countrys that your server payment methods dont support them at all, but bitcoin is something that support many of them. I just wanted to ask you to please add bitcoin payment method too. I would like to but higher ranks but i cant because none of your payment methods support my country. But if there was a bitcoin payment then i would be nexus now instead o.. See more

#6730 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by _IIFacTorII_ for Website

Boom way up

Its a enchant for boots.
Use: it will has the chance to explode you and shoot you up for 6 blocks if you health is lower than 3 hearts so you can escape enemys easier.

#5263 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by _IIFacTorII_ for Global


This enchant is used to put it on chestplates.
Use:i if someone hit you when your health is lower that 4 hearts, it has the chance to spawn some (upgrade able) wither skeletons to protect you and attack the enemy.

#5261 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by _IIFacTorII_ for Global

Lucky_block IsLaNd

I think its better to add a lucky_block island gamemode that its like skywars but there are lucky blocks instead of chests just like the lucky_block island in cube craft server . I think 90% of cube craft player are because of the lucky_block island. If y make it the players count will be too much more and cubecraft players will play here if y make a rlly good map and better plugin and reso.. See more

#4914 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by _IIFacTorII_ for Global