
BitCoin support

As you should know, there are some countrys that your server payment methods dont support them at all, but bitcoin is something that support many of them. I just wanted to ask you to please add bitcoin payment method too. I would like to but higher ranks but i cant because none of your payment methods support my country. But if there was a bitcoin payment then i would be nexus now instead of donor... so please just add it.


#6730 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by _IIFacTorII_ for Website

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for your feedback! As appealing as that may sound it's not quite as good in reality, cryptocurrencies work differently than regular currencies and each transaction requires a "transaction fee" for the miners, this fee for bitcoin at this point in time has an average of 7-8$ which would be summed to the final price of the items you buy, this fee is variable and unpredictable, at some point it almost reached an average of 60$ which for a single transaction for a title worth 5€ doesn't make much sense..

2 years ago by NxDs