Fix /AH

Hi,i suggest to edit /AH prices to increase the the amount of money for selling stuff more than 100Mil.
because there is alot of stuff worth more than 100Mil, so we can't sell it in /AH because we can't sell it for the correct price.
example: if i want to sell a Drill pick for 40B i can't sell it for this price, and i need to open 24 and Promotes for it and this will be hard to sell it.
it will be easy if i sold it in /AH for the Appropriate price.

Thank you

#9983 - Status: rejected

11 months ago by SweetXGirl for Commands

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! The submission is now unnecessary as other features replaced it or because it is not relevant anymore

8 months ago by _OnePro_